F3 Knoxville

Patient Declaration, Undivided Loyalty

THE SCENE: Muggy as all get out

F3 WELCOME & DISCLAIMER – Administered

10 x Overhead Clap IC
10 each Tie Fighters forward & backward IC
10 Forward lunges in place OYO
10 Reverse lunges OYO
10 x Tempo Squats IC
5 x Hand Release Merkins OYO
5 x Burpees
5 x Werewolves OYO

Falling Indian Run to the Cheatsheet Merkin’ parking lot.

Modified exercise: Werewolves on Route 66 in ‘Murica:

Lunge across 1 parking space.
Do 1 Werewolf
Mosey/jog/run back to the start.
Do 1 Merkin.
Lunge across 2 parking spaces.
Do 2 Werewolves.
Mosey/jog/run back to the start.
Do 1 Merkin.
Lunge across 3 parking spaces.
Do 3 Werewolves.
Mosey/jog/run back to the start.
Do 1 Merkin.
All the way to 11 parking spaces & 11 Werewolves.

Finish with a Salute to America:
10 x American Hammers
5 x Merkins
(the 6 was up or there would have been a 10 second rest before repeating)

Mosey to CMU Pile

Air CMU Runs – 10 each of the following:
Air Press
Freddie Mercury

Add a CMU
Goblet Squat
CMU Lunges
CMU Merkins (or Bench Press)
Heavy Freddies

Run all the way through the Fia parking lot (since Fia wasn’t there) and back.

The Q called an audible and we only repeated the Air part and then put the CMU’s up.

Falling Indian Run (Squats again) 2x through and then fellowship mosey back to the #shovel-flag.

Dealer’s Choice (1x through and then Betty led Flutter kicks til time was called).

5 PAX. Basically the fab five.

Today we celebrate the Declaration of Independence being signed on July 4, 1776. But today’s cultural climate is very different from what can be summed up in the following verses say:
Judges 17:6, 21:25 – In those days there was no king in Israel. Everyone did what was right in his own eyes.
I want to be a Christian – wholly, through and through. What are some terms we have that mean things aren’t
consistent. Bifurcated, hypocritical, house-divided, tension.

All of these things describe our culture. But the distinction is stark and we need to reconsider culturally where we are going and the consequences of many in society assuming what I’ve heard termed “the myth of neutrality” (meaning that politics and religion can be separated like you can split a person and say you believe one thing and do another). As John Adams said “Our Constitution was made only for a moral and religious people. It is wholly inadequate to the government of any other.”

Of course, Jesus said the same thing in Matthew 6:24“No one can serve two masters, for either he will hate the one and love the other, or he will be devoted to the one and despise the other. You cannot serve God and money.[a]

So in reflecting on today and how we are split, divided, hypocritical…

But on July 4, 1776, the following words were signed not hastily or arrogantly, but as a means of last resort to be whole:
When in the Course of human events, it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another, and to assume among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature’s God entitle them, a decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to the separation.

They didn’t separate lightly. It wasn’t done after much longsuffering (aka PATIENCE!). I challenge you to not be a split, hypocritical, divided person. Serve the Lord with gladness. Love your neighbor. Sacrifice for your children. Ask your wife to forgive you (but only if you’ve actually done something wrong).
As Jesus said in Matt 16:25 For whoever would save his life[g] will lose it, but whoever loses his life for my sake will find it.
Before the workout began Betty said (subject matter doesn’t quite matter because of how applicable it can be used in various situations going forward) “That was under the old leadership. We’re under new leadership now.” HILARIOUS and will definitely be quoted many times going forward.

Sign up to Q! July has more days than most months but that isn’t an excuse to Knox Roll (or any other kind of roll!).

200 Merkins, A Simple Workout

THE SCENE: Mid 60’s and glorious

Even though Pool Boy was in attendance, we did zero Side Straddle Hops
Tempo Merkins
Tempo Squats
Baby Arm Circles forward and backward
Moroccan Night Club
Cherry Pickers, nice and slow

Mosey to to the pull up bars.
Simple workout, just do 200 merkins, and a twist.
The twist is that you do this routine every time you stop doing merkins:
5 Pull ups
10 Big Boy Sit ups
15 Squats
resume merkins and repeat until you hit 200 merkins.

Once over half of the group reached 200, time was called and we ran to the CMU’s.
Each HIM grabbed a CMU and repeated this 3X:
25 Curls
10 Tri ext (after 200 merkins)
25 Bench Press

Mosey back to the AO for the Mary

The first exercise called was LBC’s and someone said take us to 100, so we did 50 LBC’s in cadence equaling 100.  Be careful what you ask for.  Then we did 36 flutter kicks only because I failed to stop at 35, finally we all did 10 big boys on our own, and for the last few seconds dumpster dive had us do jumping beans.

We did have one FNG, named Carter.  We named him Flintstone because he was wearing minimalist running sandals, and was practically barefoot!
I talked about my struggle to pray when times are good, and my desire to pray when times are tough.  I recently dropped my daughter off at a camp in Palo Alto CA.  She is 15, and we were both struggling at the prospect of her being on her own.  I finally left her, and I was a wreck emotionally.  I took a long walk around the Stanford Campus to clear my head and spent a lot of time in prayer.

My daughter met some people and did great, and I hailed an UBER back to San Francisco.  I encountered the best driver I have ever had.  He had over 28,000 trips and maintained a 4.99 star rating out of 5.  Nasim was a Jordanian immigrant.  He retired from the grocery business, and drives UBER for fun.  He loves people, and was raised as a Christian in Jordan, before immigrating to the US.  We had a delightful conversation, and he was an answer to prayers, and maybe even an angel.  Nasim and I swapped numbers and he texted me the next day (Father’s Day) to see how I was doing.

We need God all of the time, not just when things are rough, the challenge this week is to remember that and spend some time in prayer.  God is real, He is there just waiting for you to have a relationship with Him.


Thank you for the beer

THE SCENE: 59 and cool

1 Burpee

5 cherry pickers

some of these some of those
mosey over to the rock and we had 5 stations and a list of 5 exercises. you start and the first station and do 1 then run up to station 2 and do two. Run back to the first station and run up to station 3, and do 3. And so on and so forth.

  • merkns
  • air taps
  • V-ups
  • BBS
  • Squats

Everyone completed we mosey to the entrance to the auditorom.

  • 5 incline monkey humpers – audible because it’s a monkey humper


1 dip and run the long way around the parking lot to the porch and 10 4x plank jacks


streching and cool down after 3 miles of running


remember the 2 greatest commandments

Jesus said unto him, Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind.

38 This is the first and great commandment.

39 And the second is like unto it, Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself.

Insert any personal comments, notes, devotion content, etc.
Convergence July 2nd Be there!

Joy of Tire Flips

THE SCENE: more hot and humid weather

10 Projectivator, 15 Mountain climbers, 10 tempo merkins, 15 Moroccan night club, 15 Imperial walkers, 10 tempo squats
Mosey to the recruitment center. Grab a CMU and circle up. As a timer for each exercise, 5 PAX, one at a time, do 3 tire flips as all others do the exercise. After a set of 15 total tire flips, switch to the next exercise in the list. The exercises are as follows:

  • Merkins
  • OHP
  • Tricep extensions
  • Curls
  • Rows
  • LBCs
  • Heavy Freddie’s
  • Goblet squats
  • Heavy Lunges
  • Burpees block jump overs

We got two full rounds in. Mosey back to the shovel flag.

No time left for Mary.
24 for a surprise celebration!
“Consider it all joy, my brethren, when you encounter various trials, knowing that the testing of your faith produces endurance. And let endurance have its perfect result, so that you may be perfect and complete, lacking in nothing.” – James 1:2‭-‬4 NASB1995

This is definitely one of my favorite passages, but it is tough. We are instructed here to consider it joyful to encounter trials. These trials have a purpose: to perfect our faith. Perfected faith results in a heavenly home when our life on earth is over. So, sometimes life is hard, but if we endure, our faith will be perfected.

So YHC noticed a few weeks ago, that I was approaching my 100th Q for F3 Knoxville. However, I had no idea that my brothers had orchestrated a celebration in my honor! What an amazing group of men that are in this brotherhood! Thank you all so much for the love and support.
Convergence at JUCO on July 2nd!

Bearing Our Burdens

THE SCENE: Warm and steamy mid-70s (great for generating sweat)

A plethora of SSHs, Merkins, Tempo Squats, Tie Fighters, and Grady Corns; A quick meander and mosey to the CMU pile and the pillars of the church


Dora-style load bearing… battle-buddies select a pillar of pain and station their CMUs for a sweet sweat sesh; HIM 1 works through reps at pillar while HIM 2 moves 1 or 2 CMUs to the center of the parking lot; After running back to swap, HIM 2 continues the reps while HIM 1 goes to gather the load and returns it to the pillar;  Rinse and repeat while moving through the exercises and reps collectively.

Exercise 1: 300 reps of Wall Sit Grady Corns

Exercise 2: 200 reps of CMU Squat Thrusters

Exercise 3: 100 reps of CMU Alternating Merkins

Exercise 4: 50 Blockees

On the way back to the CMU pile we stopped to load the dock; Each HIM moved their CMU on to the dock, jumped up on the dock, carried their CMU down the steps; Each worked in 2 reps; Waxjob inspired many to Rifle Carry Hold while waiting to load the dock.


After dropping off our CMUs and a steady mosey back to the AO; the PAX enjoyed the great tradition of burpees for broken CMUs – fortunately we only had 1 block broken – so we did 10 burpees OYO

16 HIMs walked away huffing and sweaty…. no FNGs

Galations 6:2-3 NLT… “Share each other’s burdens, and in this way obey the law of Christ.  If you think you are too important to help someone, you are only fooling yourself.  You are not that important.”

Expect the unexpected.  Life is full of challenges and burdens that sometimes we create ourselves.  The F3 PAX is here to help and will gladly help carry your burdens as men… but you have to make your need known. I love these men and would do anything to help any one of them.

Convergence coming on July 2nd.