F3 Knoxville

Omaha to Paris

THE SCENE: Couldn’t be a nicer morning

Lots of on-time pax this morning! Stalled with some Michael Phelps or something while we waited on the stragglers, and did burpees in honor of Swimmies’ on-time (for him) arrival. Then it was time to get going. I read an article on the op-ed page of the New York Times ( https://www.nytimes.com/2014/06/06/opinion/memories-from-normandy.html ) that got me thinking I’d like to meet the author, who lived in Sweetwater.
Down to the CMUs. 5 rounds of Keepaway, or whatever that game is called. Whiskey Tango Foxtrot in between rounds. Team 1 won, although numerous lawsuits have been filed and the outcome will be contested until the recounts are over and the results have been certified.

Clint’s mom thought she outsmarted the US Army by sending Clint to typists school to keep him out of the draft. He was sent instead to the 82nd Airborne, 512th Glider Infantry.

There was work to do at the Cloud. Stepdowns, LBCs, Box cutters.

Jack Webb showed up…easily the least welcome guest at any workout.

Clint trained in Africa and was dropped into Italy. Fought his way past Mt Vesuvius, which he sketched in his secret and illegal diary.

Moseyed to the dock, practiced some Junk Science – like 90% of us are statistically entitled to 10 more years.

Clint Riddle got into a glider again and landed somewhere near Sainte Mere Eglise, and they fought their way into France.

Operation Overlord, our tribute to those guys. Omaha (Beach) to Paris. It’s almost a half a mile, and it’s all uphill. It is not easy.

Back to back Have a Nice Days, mosey home, ATM.

Ain’t nobody got time for that


Clinton Riddle stayed a Private until the war was over and he was finally discharged. He came home to Sweetwater, married, had kids, became a bi-vocational pastor, and started talking about his experience of war in his 90s, when he was one of the few people left to talk about them. He spent 3 hours one morning with me and my sons, telling us about every part of his time in battle. Pvt Riddle died last December. He was 98 years old.
With gratitude to Clinton Riddle and everyone who serves selflessly. With gratitude to the men of F3.
I owe Jumbo breakfast – INCREDIBLE Omaha-to-Paris sprint.

Thanks a Lot!

THE SCENE: Great morning for November.  55 degrees at circle up.

Started out with 10 4ct SSH Right Leg only then switch to Left Leg only.  20 regular SSH on 4ct.  Windmills x8 , Tempo Merkin x10, 8 Cherry pickers
CMUesday so grab a CMU…Perform 10 4ct OH Press, Curls, Right Arm Mowers, Left Arm Mowers, and LBC’s with CMU overhead then…

Mosey to Little Everest, Bernie up, 5 Burpees at the top…

Mosey to Cardiac, On way down 10 decline merkins at fist light pole, first bend, second bend, and bottom light pole.  On way back up do inclines instead.  Rinse and Repeat back to CMU’s.


Back in time for a minute of Freddie Mercury’s
Psalms 69:13

Then I will praise God’s name with signing, and I will honor him with thanksgiving.


It’s easy to be negative and pass all that as going on as such.  Being positive is a mindset.  Get up every day and list 5 things you’re thankful for.

New Blocks on the… Block

THE SCENE: A fine day to be at the Asylum. Mid 60’s and fairly clear. Parking lot is starting to get messy with leaves though.

SSH x25 IC
Cherry Pickers x5 IC
Cobra Burpees x5 OYO
Tempo CDD x10 IC
Imperial Squat Walkers x15 IC
LBAC fwd x20, bwd x15 IC
Mountain Climbers x20 IC

Got some brand-spankin’-new CMUs today courtesy of Code Brown… Time to break them in a little.
Today we have a sort of reverse Dora. Partner up, one PAX does moving exercise while the other does specified reps of stationary exercise. Then switch.
After each PAX has done the exercise twice, advance to the next exercise.

10 Bus Drivers – Mosey with block
15 Blockees – Bear crawl with block
20 V-ups – Rifle Carry
25 Derkins – Weighted Duck Walk
30 Squats – Murder Bunnies
35 Curls – Twist Lunge

Just enough time for American Hammers x20 IC
6 PAX today, no FNGs
Read the lyrics to Switchfoot’s song Where I Belong. This has been resonating with me for the last couple of days…

Feeling like a refugee
Like you don’t belong to me
The colors flash across the sky

This air feels strange to me
Feeling like a tragedy
I take a deep breath and close my eyes
One last time
One last time

Storms on the wasteland
Dark clouds on the plains again
We were born into the fight

But I’m not sentimental
This skin and bones is a rental
And no one makes it out alive

Until I die I’ll sing these songs
On the shores of Babylon
Still looking for a home
In a world where I belong

Where the weak are finally strong
Where the righteous right the wrongs
Still looking for a home
In a world where I belong

Feels like we’re just waiting, waiting
While are hearts are just breaking, breaking
Feels like we’ve been fighting against the tide

I wanna see the earth start shaking
I wanna see a generation
Finally waking up inside

Until I die I’ll sing these songs
On the shores of Babylon
Still looking for a home
In a world where I belong

Where the weak are finally strong
Where the righteous right the wrongs
Still looking for a home
In a world where I belong
A world where I belong

This body’s not my home
This world is not my own
But I still can hear the sound
Of my heart beating out
So let’s go boys, play it loud

And on that final day I die
I want to hold my head up high
I want to tell you that I tried
To live it like a song

And when I reach the other side
I want to look you in the eye
And know that I’ve arrived
In a world where I belong
In a world where I belong
In a world where I belong
Where I belong
Where I belong
Where I belong

Where I belong

Nov 7: convergence and 5 year celebration!

Back blast and use of worst metaphor in F3 History at BOM

THE SCENE: Low 50s, light rain, random dude sitting down with umbrella drinking coffee at top of AO…nice aroma every time we ran by.

I am worst than a nonprofessional , follow Covid guideline

SSH x 20, Arm Circles, Cherrypickers, Leg over leg stretch, Butterfly stretch ( Included Coach Dunn’s advice) Couple of yoga stretches

Ran to top of AO at Parks and Rec office area and did a circuit run between the end points of the Colosseum/overlook. Did a exercise at each stop point and then ran back to start point

Start point at Haslam monument

  • Squat x 20
  • Squat Jump x 20
  • Fire Hydrant x 20 ( 10 each side )

Mid-Point at center of overlook

  • Flutter Kick 4 count x 20
  • Hello Dolly 4 count x 20
  • LBS x 20

End-Point at stop sign at bottom of hill

  • Mountain Climber 4 count x 20
  • CDD x 20
  • Merkins x 20

Slow Mosey to base of Everest

2 sets of Break dance Merkins with run half way up Everest

Then…ran to Summit of Everest and then mosey to AO.


10 Burpies followed by 20 LBS

14 Pax got better today~ Pluto, Rainbow, Archie, Gibbler, Hands, Crab-legs, Code Brown, Cat Gut, Bunny, Kentucky, Fabio, Toll Bridge, Hot Tub, Matlock
Worst metaphor inF3 history…

Shared that as High Impact men we are often striving to be leaders in our families, church, work, and friend groups. You are working hard to both fit in AND to stand out. Working hard and stepping up to be a humble leader when called upon to do so… each of us is carrying a lot of strength as Hims, yet it may not be noticed as we live life as humble servants, yet when called to do so we step up and show our strength and stand out when called to do so.

Shared a story about how while driving home from our vacation yesterday my son had noticed and commented on seeing an El Camino driving in our neighborhood.

Shared that as HIMs sometimes we are like an El Camino… We may look simple, fit in, and appear to be a regular person or Sad Clown at first glance. Like looking at an El Camino from the front …Heck it looks like a car!

Yet each of us has strength and power that through our humility is not apparent at the first head on glance.  Our strength, power and influence as a HIM is seen after getting the full picture of each of us as a man. Much like an El Camino has the strength to haul almost 1,500 lbs in the back and in many models  a high performance engine making it a true muscle car! We each can look like an average man from the front, yet as we strive to be HIMS we have the extra strength in the back that you might not see at first.

So strive to be like an El Camino … humble, car like, and unassuming at first glance, yet strong, capable of carrying a heavy weight, and a high performance HIM who is a servant to others.

EDIT: Added this link after initial post of back blast – Today is the anniversary of the introduction of the El Camino… I had no idea this was the case when I planned the Q last night!


Closed with this verse from Thessalonians 5:14

” And we urge you, brothers, admonish the idle, encourage the fainthearted, help the weak, be patient with them all”
Reminded everyone of the Convergence & 3rd F at Bomb Shelter tomorrow morning

Avett Brothers

THE SCENE: Great fall morning.  50’s for temps

Start with SSH on 4ct (25), Tempo Merkins (10), Thai Fighters 4ct (10) Right and Left, Cherry Pickers (8), 2 Mosey laps around the lot then grab a CMU
Mosey to parking lot for:

25 Curls then Right arm farmer carry length of parking lot, 25 up over cmu abs, Mosey to open chapel 30 sec wall sit, Left arm farmer carry back down…Replace curls with (OH Press, then CMU Merkin, then Rocky Balboa) performing all other exercises in first circuit.  Complete 4 Rounds

Mosey to Cloud for some ab work:

25 4ct Freddy Mercury

25 4ct Hello Dolly

25 4ct LBC

25 4ct Heel touch



Return CMU’s and circle up.

Thought of the Avett Brother’s song “Head Full of Doubt” and the lyrics:

“When nothing is owed, deserved, or expected.  And your life doesn’t change with the man that’s elected.  If you’re loved by someone you’re never rejected, decide what to be and go be it.”

Remember that God is requiring us as men to be the change that is needed.  We can’t look to elections, or anything else.  God has equipped us to be leaders and we are to lead by example.  No outside factors can stop you from doing what God has put you here to do.  Go do it.