F3 Knoxville

Run The Rock

THE SCENE: 70 degrees and 85% humidity


SSH x10, Guardian (in honor of our guest from Cleveland) run to the fountain carrying a 20 pound rock

The person with the rock runs counter clockwise around the loop while rest of the pax runs clockwise. Person with rock gives rest of pax an exercise as he passes them. (20 reps of all exercises) When person with rock gets back to the start he sets down the rock and joins the pax running clockwise, next man to get to the rock picks it up and goes counter clockwise.

Guardian run back to the Grinder; Boxcutters x10; LBCs for time

11 HIMs this morning including Undertaker from F3 Cleveland


“Not only that, but we rejoice in our sufferings, knowing that suffering produces endurance, and endurance produces character, and character produces hope,” Romans‬ ‭5:3-4‬

“do not be anxious about anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God. And the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.” Philippians‬ ‭4:6-7‬ ‭

When we go through difficult times in our life we can have peace and hope through Jesus. No matter what you have faced, are facing, or are going to face hold onto the promises of God.

Pray for Drifter’s wife as her leg continues to heal

Men’s breakfast at Swerve’s church on 8/14. Drifter will be the speaker. Cost is $5. Please let Swerve or Rep Sleepy know if you plan on coming.

2.0 Workout

THE SCENE: Beautiful day could not ask for better weather

Tabata warm up: 4 rounds 30 seconds on 30 seconds off.

  • Squats
  • Merkins
  • BBS
  • SSH

Thang 1:

Relay Race

Split PAX and 2.0s into even teams. Give each team an equal number of bricks. put at opposite ends of the court. Each team must do 5 reps of the following expereices befoe they run across and steal bricks. First team with each team emmeber to complete the exercices and has the most bricks wins.

  • SSH
  • Merkins
  • Gas Pumps

Thang 2

Tug of War.

We did two rounds of 2.0 v 2.0 round. Winner had 1/2 age burpees, not winners had to bearcrawl up and back for set distance. All HIM’s did the reward with their 2.0

HIM v HIM- one round. Same penalty for winner and loser but 10 burpees and bear crawl the same

Dad’s + 2.0 V Dad’s + 2.0

This was a lot of fun! The 2.0’s really enjoyed getting to compete with their dads.

Thang 3

2.0’s v Dads race- end to end of grindstone

Dads Berrine, 2.0’s run.

The 2.0’s gave the dads everything we could take and beat the dads. They had some real burners!


Espy left everyone with a great message. Life is full of challenges, even when things look scary or hard, if your not afraid of them and work hard and are dedicated you can be successful.
We look forward to the next 2.0 work out to come next month.


THE SCENE: 73 degrees F, Mostly Cloudy, Humid


SSH, Windmills, Baby arm circles

A square with 15 yard long sides was established on the grinder.  The corners were marked with the following:


  1. CMU Swings         OH Carry to Bravo 1
  2. Merkins                Lunge Bravo 2
  3. SSH (4 ct)            Inch worm to Bravo 3
  4. Release merkins    Crab crawl to Bravo 4


  1. Mtn Climbers (4 ct)     Bear Crawl to Charlie 1
  2. CMU goblet squat       OH carry to Charlie 2
  3. Dry docks                  Lunge to Charlie 3
  4. Flutter kicks (4 ct)      Inch worm to Charlie 4



  1. Plank Jacks (4 ct)         Crab Crawl to Delta 1
  2. Box Cutters                  Bear Crawl to Delta 2
  3. CMU Thrusters             OH Carry to Delta 3
  4. Squat Jumps                Lunge to Delta 4



  1. WWII Sit-ups             Inch worm to Alpha 1
  2. Shoulder taps (4 ct)    Crab Crawl to Alpha 2
  3. Dips w/CMU               Bear Crawl to Alpha 3
  4. CMU Curls                  OH Carry to Alpha 4

Run a lap to the amber street light, do 6 Burpees, return to grinder.


All completed one round plus about half way through a second one.

Didn’t leave time for Mary.
9 HIMs
In December 2012 a long distance race was taking place in Navarra, Spain. Ivan Fernandez Anaya of Spain was competing in the event as was Abel Mutai of Kenya. Late in the race, Abel was in the lead with Ivan a distance behind him. The race was just about finished when Ivan noticed that Abel began to slow down as he neared the finish line. Since Abel did not speak Spanish, it seems he got confused by the signs and thought he had already passed the finish line. Ivan saw what was happening and could have run past his opponent to win the race.

Instead of going on to win the race, Ivan guided Abel ahead to the finish line. Ivan came in second.  In that split second, Ivan showed what a true gentleman he was. He exemplified good sportsmanship and human kindness.

When questioned after the race about why he had pointed Abel towards the finish line, Ivan said: “I didn’t let him win, he was going to win. The race was his.  I was not supposed to catch him.  He was the rightful winner. He created a gap that I couldn’t have closed if he hadn’t made a mistake. As soon as I saw he was stopping, I knew I wasn’t going to pass him.”
Ivan also said: “My dream is that one day we can have some sort of community life where we push ourselves and also others to win.”

When pressed by a journalist about why he didn’t take the win since he was seconds away from the finish line, he replied: “But what would be the merit of my victory? What would be the honor of that medal?  What would my Mom think of that?”

Values are transmitted from generation to generation. What values do we teach our children and how much do we inspire others to learn? Most of us take advantage of people’s weaknesses instead of helping to strengthen them. Everyone wants to win, but sometimes there are more important things than being the winner.

Prayers for healing of Drifter’s M with leg injury and for surgical repair of Postpone’s meniscus tear in a couple weeks.
Drifter speaking at Mt. Olive Baptist Church on August 14th and Dog Pound Unchained CSAUP on August 21st.

Inspector Gadget

THE SCENE: Mugy but what else do we expect for July in E.Tenn

Mosey loop around park to softball field
Inspector Gadget- pax starts with three burpees and then works to complete all reps. timer will go off every min, all pax will stop and do 3 burpees then pick up where they left off

  • EMOM- 3 Burpees
  • 50 Hand Release -Release Merkins
  • 100 Leg raises
  • 150- Jungle Boy Squats
  • 200 BBS
  • 250 Lunge Steps Single Count

No time

This world of ours…must avoid becoming a community of dreadful fear and hate, and be, instead, a proud confederation of mutual trust and respect” Dwight D Eisnehower

I feel like now more than any time in my life people have zero respect for other people and are so willing to be hateful for the smallest thing. I saw something the other day asking how F3 has changed you as a man. Without a doubt F3 has helped to create a deeper level of ownership for my community and wanting to help those around. I shared a story with the pax of an encounter i recently had at a fast food restaurant where a guest was yelling at employees for very minor issues. I took it upon myself once i realized he would not stop to ask the man to leave the restaurant. I could not sit by while others in my community were being treated in that manner.


The inspector gadget was part of the 2020 Iron Pax Challenge. We checked the scores and the top time was 15 min. I see no way this is humanly possible and want to see video evidence of the feat.

Not the Typical Merry Go ‘Round

THE SCENE: upper 60’s

SSH, inch worm, high kick toe touch, high knee, butt kicks, mosey around the pavilion
PAX started at the pavilion and completed 1 rep of each exercise:

  • CMU DL, CMU Clean/Jerk, CMU OH Squat (complex, all movements make 1 rep)
  • Burpee Box Jump (bench)
  • CMU Flutter kick and press
  • Body Builder
  • CMU Lunge and Twist
  • CMU Thruster
  • CMU Big Boy

Run a lap around the pavilion and increase reps by 1 each lap

Flutter kicks x10, CMU American Hammers x10, CMU Flutter kick/ press x10, LBC for time.
7 HIMs
John 15:13 “There is no greater love than to lay down one’s life for one’s friend.” We’ve all heard the verse and understand the sacrifice. It is the ultimate act of love and service for our fellow human. But Jesus calls us to love everyone, we are all brothers, friends, neighbors. I need to have that kind of love for people I don’t like or am indifferent to, the same as I have for those I love.

2.0 workout tomorrow (24 July 21) 8:30am @ Arsenal