F3 Knoxville

5 minutes of pain

  • THE SCENE: Cold and breezy made for supreme gloom
  • 2 laps around the grind stone with some Frankenstein and worlds greatest stretch
    Mosey to top of blind man’s hill.
    4 different pieces of equipment
  • Sandbag, CMU, Weight plate, your legs
  • each equipment is a different suit of cards
  • Hearts- sandbag, spades-CMU,Clubs- Weight Plate, Diamonds- legs
  • draw a card and complete the exercises and then complete the cardio portion of that suit
  • Hearts- Carry sandbag.2 walking lunges and one squat till first light post heading up the hill. Carry back to start and repeat.
  • Spades- 10 CMU swings 10 Curls. Bear crawl to first light post, run back to start
  • Clubs- 10 Squirrels, 10 Al Gore with a plate push press, run to stop sign up the hill.
  • Diamonds- run to very top of Mt. Wombo, 10 Iron Crosses run back to start
  • pax works for 5 min and then draws a new card. Repeat for time

My gratitude for F3 and more specifically the men of our paxs continues to become greater and grater. I recently started reading the Bible with a group that Drifter put together. I was skeptical at first and still find myself questioning things but what I have started to discover is that the pain, weakness and struggles I go through are no different than Abraham or anyone else. I’m fact it’s through those struggles that God makes us better if we are willing to listen. Without F3 i would not be strong enough to face my own personal failures and challenges like I am now. And through my devotion and bible study I’m learning to be at peace with myself.
Lunch Friday 1/28 at noon at BWW

Fat Amy visits the bombshelter

THE SCENE: Dark n 30s

Imperial walkers x10 IC, 1 burp, squats IC, 2 burp, IMP squat walkers, 3 burps, Hill billies, 4 burp, and back down……

  • Fat Amy:
    50 Squats
    – 10 Burpees
    40 BBS
    – 10 Burpees
    Lunge to cone( 60 yards) run the toll bridge, ricky bobby loop back to the pavalon
    – 10 Burpees
    20 Star Jacks
    – 10 Burpees
    Bear crawl to cone (60 yards) run the toll bridge, ricky bobby loop back to the pavalon
    – 10 Burpees
    20 Star Jacks
    – 10 Burpees
    Lunge grinder to cone (60 yards) run the toll bridge, ricky bobby loop back to the pavalon
    – 10 Burpees
    40 BBS
    – 10 Burpees
    50 Squats

LBC IC x10, Flutters IC x10, Hello dolly IC x10, LBC x10 IC
7 brothers
Darkness cannot drive out darkness, onlyy light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate, only love can do that.

-Dr Martin Luther King Jr.
I expanded on this a little in the COT but need I say more here?
After almost 4 years of Radio Shack…..he has his first Q this thursday! I am excited for him and. Its never too late!

Party goes sideways

THE SCENE: 20 degrees. Not much wind

20 SSH, 10 Merkins, 9 Boxer jax, 10 Imp Squat Walkers.
Big block beer pong

Call out an exercise for pax to do while you play beer pong. To throw, first do 3 hand release merkins. If you make it, PAX takes turns using big blocks to do exercise and reps on the bottom of the cup. If you miss, PAX keeps doing the exercise you told them while you farmer carry both big blocks to bathrooms and back.

Tennis courts shenanigans

Tried and failed on a couple tennis games. Ended up just making ESPY and scout master do a bunch of burpees. We ran a bit and did merkins and burpees.

Tennis ball Indian run

Ball starts at the front. Toss it up for guy behind to catch. Guy in back runs the ball to the front. If ball drops, all do 5 burpees

Bears and sprints. Alternate bear crawls and sprints on the Tennis courts down and back. This one worked okay.

Captain Thor up to 5, 10 BBS, 20 side crunch each side, hold 6 inch for time.
4 pax
Reflecting on the fact that though as men we are called to lead our families, women tend to lead and encourage in other important ways. For example, my wife tends to be quicker to turn to prayer on a given topic whereas I tend to try and wear myself out trying to just take on every struggle. Pay attention to the ways women in your life contribute to the well-being of your family and community. Thank them for it. Encourage them in it. And look for the unique ways you can contribute to the good of your families and community.
Breakfast at Drifter’s on the second Saturday in February.

Poles in the Cold

THE SCENE: 25 degrees and breezy.  Misting off and on.  No breeze where we did the workout so that was nice.

Side straddle hops, little baby arm circles, and then mosey across bridge behind softball field.
There are 10 light poles between the 2 bridges behind the softball fields.  We did a take on a suicide using these poles.  At each pole was an exercise the each HIM was to do to the next pole.  Once they reached the next pole they were to run back to the start are do all the exercises all over again until they got to a new pole/exercise.  Ended up modifying about half-way in to where you just ran to the new pole/exercise after going back to the start.  The exercises were (maybe in the correct order):

  1. lunges
  2. bear crawl
  3. broad jump
  4. crawl bear
  5. inch worm
  6. burpee broad jumps
  7. murder bunnies
  8. overhead carry
  9. redrum/ressurection bunnies

Had no time for Mary
We did this thanks to Smuggler!
Monday was Martin Luther King Jr. Day so I’ve been reading his letter from Birmingham jail this week.  If you’ve not read or listened to this, I highly recommend it. It obviously addresses a lot of racial injustice, which we still need to hear today because it’s still happening!  He also makes many fantastic points that are just great for life in general.  I wanted to highlight a few that stuck out to me this week from the first half of the letter.

“But more basically, I am in Birmingham because injustice is here.”

He sought out areas of injustice and went there.  Are you where injustice is?  We often don’t like getting out of our comfort zones and injustice is definitely uncomfortable, even if you are not the victim of it.  I’m challenging us to find injustice and be there!

“Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere. We are caught in an inescapable network of mutuality, tied in a single garment of destiny. Whatever affects one directly, affects all indirectly.”

If you are part of something bigger than yourself then you are indirectly affected when others withing that bigger entity are affected.  Injustice impacts us all so we should all find ways to be part of the solution.

“In any nonviolent campaign there are four basic steps: collection of the facts to determine whether injustices exist; negotiation; self purification; and direct action.”

Steps 1 and 2 are so often and so easily skipped over.  If you are going to be a conduit for positive change, none of these steps can be skipped.

“we repeatedly asked ourselves: “Are you able to accept blows without retaliating?””

We can all stand to ask ourselves this each day.  This is very applicable to any relationship but especially those we are close to like our spouse.  Retaliation, typically with words, is often our instinct. Let’s work on training that out of our systems.

Go read or listen to his letter!

Insert any personal comments, notes, devotion content, etc.
Insert information about upcoming events, 2nd or 3rd F opportunities, and any other announcements.

Beastly Kraken

THE SCENE: Somewhere in the 30s



SSH x10; mosey loop by Mt. Crumpet and do a few of each exercise for demonstration purposes

Kraken with 8 stations, do exercise at a station then run the full loop and past the exercise you did to the next one. The stations were:

  • Kraken Burpees x20
  • Gorilla Humpers (4-ct) x20
  • Donkey Merkins x20
  • Bear Crawl halfway up Mt. Crumpet, Crawl Bear back down
  • Crab Cakes (4-ct) x20
  • Seal Claps (4-ct) x20
  • Dancing Bears (4-ct) x20
  • Monkey Squats x20

PAX Roulette

9 fought the beastly kraken. Welcome back Fins!

During my small group at church last Sunday, we got into a discussion about forgiving others. Forgiving someone is more about taking the weight you are carrying off yourself than anything to do with the person you are forgiving. Forgiving someone doesn’t mean you have to become friends with them or even start to like them. Forgiving someone is not saying their actions were ok or acceptable. Forgiving someone is saying that you are turning it over to God. One particular verse that stuck with me is Genesis 50:19: “But Joseph said to them, “Do not fear, for am I in the place of God?” Joseph is speaking to his brothers after their father dies. His brothers are worried about him paying them back for selling him into slavery all those years before now that their dad is dead. Joseph had every right by human standards to hate and punish his brothers, but he instead forgives them. The challenge this morning is to ask yourself who you need to forgive and in what situation in your life do you need to remember that you are not in the place of God?

Pray for Grouch as he travels this week

Toad VQ on Tuesday!!!