F3 Knoxville

Heroes vs. Villians 2nd try

THE SCENE: Crisp Cool Morning in the low 30s

10 Archer Squats

5 cherry pickers

5 tempo squats

5 tempo merkins

Mosey through heroes and villians loops
Fantastic Fours (1 WW2 3 Burpees, 2&2, 3&1)

Roll dice. Odds for heroes,  and evens for villians.


20 Spiderman Merkins

20 Daredevil dips

20 Hulk Squats

20 Wall Climbers


20 Joker Jacks

20 Goblin Squats

6 Sinister 6s

10 Magneto Man Makers

Re run Fantastic Fours then repeat

PAX roulette
Use the TAGS on right-side to record PAX (BE SURE TO INCLUDE YOURSELF) in attendance. Be sure to select the AO in CATEGORY above TAGS and then delete these notes!
Most of us focus on our weaknesses so we can become well rounded. The problem with well rounded is that it makes you average. We need to be aware of our weaknesses, but also focus on our strengths.

This is a strength finder assessment. I’d recommend doing the top 5. I found it to be worth it
Insert information about upcoming events, 2nd or 3rd F opportunities, and any other announcements.

That Time We Did Suicides with Dora

THE SCENE: Clear and cold enough for pants for most….but not for Butterfingers!  It was about 28 degrees.

20 Side Straddle Hops (4ct), little baby arm circles (10 4ct forward and backwards), 10 tempo squats, jogged around the park a bit
Doracides: partnered up alternated suicides on basketball court while other HIMs knocked out these exercises:

  • 100 Catalina wine mixers
  • 200 LBCs
  • 300 Squats
  • Rinse and Repeat when complete

Everyone enjoyed the cherry pickers after the suicides.  Used remaining time for free stretching.
Smuggled, Butterfingers, Scoutmaster, Weebalow
My church just started a series on marriage so I’ve been reflecting on what it takes to have a good marriage.  It starts with time.  When it comes to time and our spouse, we fall into one of three camps:

  1. You can’t get enough of your spouse: this would commonly be thought of the infatuation or dating phase but I like to believe it does not have to be limited to that.  This is where you just want to be around your spouse as much as possible because of they joy you get from them
  2. You’re not getting enough of your spouse: This would be where you fill your life up with so much stuff/activities (some that matter very much like kids and others that do not…you fill in the blank) that you don’t have time for each other and you essentially become roommates
  3. You’ve had enough of your spouse: I’m sure you can imagine what this entails and you don’t want to be here.

We need to be investing in our marriage (relationships for those not married).  We take 1+ hour a few days a week to invest in our health/fitness but what do we do on the days off?  I sleep in.  But I could get up at 5AM like I do on beat down days and read a book on marriage or do something thoughtful for my wife.  What else are we investing time in that may not be as important as our marriage?  I believe that all marriages are in one of three states/stages

  1. Thriving: knowing can go wrong, neither of you can do any wrong by the other.  This is usually experienced during dating and the few years after marriage (or until you have kids….am I right?!…)
  2. Striving: You know things aren’t the way you want them to be and your are working to make them better
  3. Surviving: This is the “let’s just get through this without divorce or killing each other” phase

Start investing in your marriages/relations ships so you can experience the joy of a thriving marriage with someone you cannot get enough of!

Insert any personal comments, notes, devotion content, etc.
Insert information about upcoming events, 2nd or 3rd F opportunities, and any other announcements.

4 Lines and Agility Roulette

THE SCENE: So cold. Like getting close to what-the-heck-are-we-doing-out-here cold. But not quite. Just like 20 or so.

20 SSH, 10 Merkins, 10 Squats
4 lines. Each has a rep count. 5, 10, 15, and 20. Work your way up each line, run to the Pull-up bars for 5 pull-ups. Work your way down each line. After completing the 3 below, only work up the lines.

  • Merkins and bear crawl
  • BBS and crab walks
  • Squats and lunges
  • Rinse and repeat for time (but only Work up to 20, not back down)

Agility roulette. Set up a bunch of Agility cones. One PAX calls out an exercise for all to do until they get back. Then the next person calls a new one while they run the cones and so on… surprisingly, no repeated movements. Well done y’all.

N/A. lots of abs in the roulette.
10 PAX
Kind of a silly thing, but was listening to a workmate learn the hard lesson of not going to the dealership for tire issues and payed way more than needed for a new tire when a patch would have worked. Reminded me of the importance of learning from other people’s experiences, mistakes, and wisdom. Sometimes, it is super practical like the tire thing. But the ultimate example of this is Christ. We can trust His testimony having proved Himself via miracles and being vindicated through His resurrection which hundreds of people witnessed. If we are to learn from anyone’s experiences, it is His.
Thanks for coming to breakfast. I think Hot Squat is getting a camping trip started. Check the slack.

Broken Ladder

THE SCENE: 23 degrees and a little snow left on the ground



SSH x20; Tempo Squats x10; Cherry Pickers x5

Was going to do a ladder workout but somebody broke my ladder and spread it around the AO so we went location to location to do the work.

  • Stop 1: Grinder for Burpees x10
  • Stop 2: Troll Bridge for Imperial Squat Walkers (4-ct) x20
  • Stop 3: Pavilion for Dips x30
  • Stop 4: Tennis Courts for Bobby Hurleys x40
  • Stop 5: Centerfield of Baseball Field for WW2 Situps x50

Rinse and repeat until recover was called, everyone was somewhere in the third round

Boxcutters x20; Flutter Kicks x10; Big Boy Situps x10; LBCs for time

6 HIMs this morning

Philippians 3:13-14

“Brothers, I do not consider that I have made it my own. But one thing I do: forgetting what lies behind and straining forward to what lies ahead, I press on toward the goal for the prize of the upward call of God in Christ Jesus.”

These verses talk about how we are to grow in our faith. What are we each doing to grow? It is not enough to just grow our physical strength. We must work at being better fathers, husbands, and men as hard as we work to improve physically. We must work at our faith by reading God’s Word, praying, and spending time with fellow believers.

Insert any personal comments, notes, devotion content, etc.
Insert information about upcoming events, 2nd or 3rd F opportunities, and any other announcements.

The L and L express

  • THE SCENE: Wet ground, thick fog, no rain, 100% humidity and 55. the gloom in dec in e.tenn now.
  • 6 Cherry pickers
  • indian run to the top of ButterBilly hill, we took the back way to get to the top, Q was pleasantly surprised that the paxs was surprised to be at the top. We did some frankenstein’s and knee hugs during our run all OYO


  • Thang 1
    • Starting at top of ButterBilly, run down to bottom. at stop sign Bernie up.
    • We completed this two times.
    • The lead group held at the top after rd 2, then we went and picked up the 6 and finished their 2nd bernie with them to the top
    • Mosey back down and to the entrance to the fountain loop
    • Thang  2- L&L Express
    • 4 stops (cones) set up around the fountain loop , equally distributed.
    • Cone 1- Iron Rockets- 10 reps
    • Cone 2- Jungle boy squats- 15 reps
    • Cone 3- Imperial Squat walkers- 20 reps 1ct
    • Cone 4- Mountain climbers- 25 reps 2ct
    • Each lap starts with 5 kranken burpees. Complete burpees than run loop, loop goes behind fountain, stopping at each cone and completing exercises.
    • Continue for time.

10 BBS 10 Vups for time

Excerpt from The Collision Learner blog by Dredd:


It need only make Paul and John jealous of one another and convince Ringo that it was not his place to intercede. It need only have me raise my voice to my daughter and convince me in the morning that the crack I had caused would heal itself. And, for our nation, it need only persuade some citizens to turn away from some others merely because the color of their skin is different. And then convince the rest of us that this is a problem that will take care of itself without Leadership.

It won’t. Whether family or nation, the Force that divides wins if the fathers ignore the cracks.

Don’t listen to that voice telling you to be Ringo. That’s the Force that divides. Listen to the other voice, the one telling you that a cord of three strands is not easily broken, that a house divided against itself cannot stand.

That’s the Father’s voice. Listen that voice. And act.”

F3 is about leadership. We must acknowledge our role in helping to unite our community. As we move into 2022, its clear we can no longer sit back and expect the crack to fix itself.