F3 Knoxville

Go Ahead Make Fun of Me

THE SCENE: Cold 32 and clear
F3 WELCOME & DISCLAIMER  exercises borrowed from link below
WARM-O-RAMA:  45 Minute Total Body Strength Workout without Equipment – Full Body Workout Routine for Women & Men – YouTube

Alternating cross arm w/ run in place IC, 3 Ct. Hip Hinge reach 3-way, Partial sqt with  1) butterfly stroke, 2) Morroccans, & 3) Manly Arm Rot (B) IC
Mosey to light pole

  • 1 MIN Sumo Dead lifts (bottom 1/2 only)
  • 1 MIN Bulgarian Split SQTS each side
  • 1 MIN Hip Hinge ABD rollouts
  • 3 CT Triple drop SQTS (SQT & reverse lunge each side)
  • Mosey to track area
  • SQTS with donkey kick 3 CT
  • Hip-Ups x 20 (B)
  • High Plank Row 4CT IC (alt arms)
  • Run one lap around track and finish with stairs
  • Staggered Mkn x 10 (B)
  • ISO Biceps / triceps crusher x 30s (4 reps)
  • Plaunches- hands turned bkwd plank and lean fwd / hold x 5 (HARD)
  • Tricep Pop-Ups- High plank walk hands out, down to forearms & pop up
  • Sky Diver pull ups-  3 CT IC x 10
  • Pike MKNS- in CDD position, hands face each other, x 10 (pure hell)
  • Run another lap around track
  • Mosey to AO

Pulse Absx 20, 4 CT Mtn Climbers, Seated Flutters which eventually turned into supine flutters, Jack Knifes 4CT (B) x 15, Hello Dollies x 20 IC, Gas Pumps x 20 IC, Supermans x 15 IC, Bridges x 10 IC, Tempo SQTS with a thrust (no eye contact) x 10 IC
Tuba, Fast, Simmons, Tractor, Natty
discussion on suicide, reaching out for help and noticing the signs
Prayers for Herbie & Biohazard’s lonesomeness
The Lord’s Big Day is 10 days from now!

Brickyard Year 3

THE SCENE: Partly Cloudy, 38°F, Feels like 37°F, Humidity 96%, Wind 4mph from WSW

  • LBAC x10 Each Direction IC
  • Little of This, Little of that
  • Tempo Merkins x10
  • Tempo Squat x10
  • Imperial Squat walker x15


  • Mosey to the front curb
    • Brickyard Bear Crawl (ascending bear crawl 1 to 13 merkins)
  • Mosey to back lot
  • Kraken
    • After completing an exercise at the station, full lap to next cone
    • Station 1: Squat, Jump squat, smurf jack x 15
    • Station 2: BBS, LBC, Flutter (4ct), x 15
    • Station 3: Merkin, CDD, Shoulder taps x15
    • Station 4: Mtn Climbers, Peter Parker, Hello Dolly x15 (all 4ct)
  • Ascending Lt. Dan from near cone to far cone (1 squat 2 lunges forward, 2 squats 2 lunges, etc.)
  • Mosey back to AO


  • Hurricane Hoedown:
    • Flutter kick with arms up x20 IC
    • Flutter kick incline position x20 IC
    • Flutter kick & BBS, 1 BBS to 4x 4ct Flutter, 2BBS 8x 4ct flutter to 5 BBS and 20x 4ct flutter


Three years ago Dec. 2, 2017 A-Rod took a chance to start a new AO for F3Knoxville in Powell, TN. In that COT, he stated that as men we were not designed to operate alone. We need a community and to work together. Three years later, the Brickyard AO is still here and we have come together. We have added and lost men over the years, but we are not the same as we were the first day we stepped out. Part of the ideal of F3 is Iron sharpening iron. At the Brickyard, we may not speak in the most politically correct ways but we push and help one another to be better. I know that I am a better man for coming in the gloom and being shoulder to shoulder with these PAX. A-Rod had a prior commitment today (rucking long distance with 60lbs) so he asked if I would share his words as well:

Three years ago I started this AO and knew only one FNG was going to show up. I knew other F3 men were coming from other AOs to support me, but didn’t know if there would be any turnout. I was pleasantly surprised! Not all who helped start Brickyard are still participants, but we have a very strong group that show up and that encourage each other. Thank you for making F3 Brickyard the fun and challenging AO that it has become. Thank you for supporting me and now Herbie as we lead you. Continue to make this AO great by volunteering to lead and bring others out with you.
Brickyard was made by a normal (barely athletic) guy so that other men could find friendship and better themselves physically. It has worked but only because of your involvement. I look forward to steering our way through 2021 as a group and supporting each other through the coming challenges of the year.
Thanks again for your commitment!
Strength and Honor


Jan. CSAUP at the Asylum more info to come.

Not so silent night

THE SCENE: Cool 30 degrees and clear

SSH x 40 IC

T-Plank Arm Circles x 10 (Each side, each direction)

Tempo Squat x 20 IC

5 Burp OYO

Four Rounds: 20 Reps each

  • 8-count Man Makers
  • Sit-ups (ruck/CMU on front)
  • Thrusters
  • 4-count flutters (ruck/CMU overhead)

Three Rounds: 20 Reps each

  • Squat (ruck/CMU overhead)
  • skull crushers
  • curls
  • 4-count mtn climbers

Duck Walk: Ruck on back and duck walk 10 yds, complete exercise, ruck on front duck walk 10 yds, complete exercise, etc.

  • 20 squats
  • 20 push-ups
  • 20 Imperial squat walker (4-count)
  • 20 Rev lunges (each leg)
  • 20 shoulder taps (2-count)



Believe the miracles that were performed by God for Jesus’ birth. Angels appearing, stars shining, and Kings fooled. The same God that sent His Son to this Earth is the same today as he was then. These are not “stories”. This is our history, our heritage, our story. Learn it, know it, repeat it.
Research project: How old was John the Baptist when Jesus was born?

Recycled & Modified

THE SCENE: Frigid cold and clear 23 degrees

SSH IC x 25, Windmills IC x 10, Cherry Pickers IC x 10, Imperial SQT Walkers IC x 10, Grady Corns ( Q struggled with this coordination) x 20 IC, T Plank Arm Circles x 10 IC (B) and both directions
Mosey to street light and Partner up.  P1 runs to rock pile to grab a coupon while P2 stays and does MKNS until P1 returns and then P2 gets coupon, P1 does MKNS

  • Mosey to Bank lot
  • w/ rock, partners face each other & perform jump ups and overs on curb, performing a SQT w/ OH Press on each side of curb x 20
  • P1 runs lap around bank with coupon OH while P2 performs SQTs with coupon out front swap & repeato x 2
  • P1 runs lap doing coupon curls while P2 does tricep raises OH with coupon, swap & repeato x 2
  • Mosey to street light, P1 returns coupon to rock pile, P2 performs burpees, swap & repeat
  • All together and perform 30 lunges followed by 5 8CT Man mankers
  • Bear crawl on frozen grass to curb and back
  • Crab walk 25 yards to AO

Box Cutters, Bruce Lees, Flutter kicks, Hello Dollies, Supermans, Ring of Fire, Circle of Trust
Use the TAGS on right-side to record PAX (BE SURE TO INCLUDE YOURSELF) in attendance. Be sure to select the AO in CATEGORY above TAGS and then delete these notes!
Work on those relationships and keep them healthy
8 HIMS handles frozen rocks which turned into frozen hands….Biohazard and Fast N Easy could not handle the cold so they will need to borrow some sweatshirts from Herbie next time.


THE SCENE: 30 degrees with snow

SSH x 50 IC

Overhead Clap x 40 IC

Imperial Squat Walker x 15 IC

Shoulder Blaster: Arms to front from hips x 30, Arms side to front (seal clap) x 30, 10 shoulder presses. All IC


4x4s: 10 reps – 4 burpees, 4 push-ups, 4 (4ct) mtn climbers = 1 rep.

Catalina Wine Mixer (10 reps): Plank, Pharaoh (left arm then right arm to elbow), up from Pharaoh in same order, push-up = 1 rep.

Burpee Broad Jump length of parking lot

Black Jack: 20 BBS then run to mid-point of parking lot and do 1 push-up. Then 19 BBS/2 push-up etc.



We are separated by the pandemic. The only means of gathering to communicate and check on each other is to be out in the dark and snow at 5am or to make the effort to communicate by social media. Use the tools we have to make contact with the people around you. We have hundreds of contacts in our phones. Call someone you haven’t seen or spoken to in a while and say hello.

F3 Brickyard 3 year anniversary is this week. Contact PAX and get them out!!