F3 Knoxville

Monday Madness

THE SCENE 52 and Clear

F3 Welcome and Disclaimer

Side Straddle Hop X 30
Imperial Squat Walkers x 20
Merkins X 15
Little baby arm circles Front x 10 and back x 10
Mountain Climbers x 20

Mosey to bottom Coupon pile for CMU the to the top of Cardiac Hill

Cardiac CMU Circuits
Top 20 rows then run to the bottom of Cardiac Hill.
At the bottom, begin the following circuit
Bottom- 10 Mercans
1st Corner – 10 Decline Mercans
2nd Corner –10 wide mercans
Top – 20 Rows
Run to bottom, rinse and repeat

Mosey back to SP

Burpee Dan’s
4 Burpee : 4 lunges across lot.
Down to touch the fence and back up in reverse sprint back to start
3 burpees : 4 lunges back to starting position.
Down to touch the fence and back up in reverse sprint back to start
2 burpees : 4 lunges back to starting position.
Down to touch the fence and back up in reverse sprint back to start
1 burpees : 4 lunges back to starting position.
Down to touch the fence and back up in reverse sprint back to start

Wagon wheel around the parking lot until everyone finishes, then circle up for MARY.

Flutter Kicks x 20
Hello Dolly x 35

Number off and Name O Rama

We have two ears and one mouth so we can listen twice as much as we speak.

Moleskin: Heavy mumble chatter to start off the day with several just in time arrivals to haul their CMU to the top of Cardiac Hill.  Good to see Fannie May, Doogie, and Jump around back out.  They did not miss a beat!

F3 Crossfit Games 2016

THE SCENE – 67 and Clear

F3 Welcome and Disclaimer

Michael Phelps x10
Imperial Walker x10
SSH x25

Mosey to base of hill.

Bear crawl up.
Sundials at the top until everyone gets there.
Mosey to STOP sign. (Turn Left)
Merkins x25
Sprint to speed humps.
Carolina Dry Docks until everyone gets there
Lunge x25/leg
Mosey to STOP sign
Burpee + frog hop x10
Sprint to next light pole
BBSups x30
PICK UP CMU and Mosey back to main parking lot.

Grab thy CMU. Do reps OYO for 20 seconds. During the rest, carry CMU 10 yds.
(20sec work/10sec Rest) Derkin
(20sec work/10sec Rest) lat row
(20sec work/10sec Rest) Shoulder press
(20sec work/10sec Rest) Bicep curl
(20sec work/10sec Rest) Tricep dip

Mosey back

Perform reps at each line. Sprint between lines. Mosey back. Do each round for 2 minutes.
Round 1: 10 Squats at each line
Round 2: 10 Jump squats at each line

Grab thy CMU. Do reps OYO for 20 seconds. During the rest, carry CMU 10 yds.
(20sec work/10sec Rest) Clean/Press
(20sec work/10sec Rest) Push-up
(20sec work/10sec Rest) LBSup
(20sec work/10sec Rest) Burpee

Mosey back

Lunge w/ CMU overhead length of parking lot
Hello Dollies x25

Return CMUs to pile

One final, all-out sprint to the top of the hill. Recover back down to AO and circle up.

CountORama // NameORama

1. Christian Brother’s Car Service (is that right?) is doing free oil changes for single moms this Saturday.
2. Contact G-6 if you need to hire a logistics guy. (In fact, contact G6 if you need to hire anyone. I can almost guarantee he knows someone.)

YHC didn’t have much else to share, mainly because I was trying really hard not to puke. What I did share, was something like:  It’s an honor to work so hard with this PAX. Keep giving back. We need more men to step up to Q. As we approach the one-year mark of F3 Knoxville, continue looking for new ways to share the love and connect other men to this incredible thing we’ve been given.

Everything but the Kitchen Sink!

THE SCENE 63 and bright moon shining!

F3 Welcome & Disclaimer

Disclaimer while doing SSH, not time to waste, lets work!

Mosey to the boat

11’s on the Run
Every other light pole, 10 BBS and 1 burpee until 1 BBS and 10 burpees

Mosey to the pavilion!

Pull ups
4 sets of pull ups 5 reps each working on form
BBS x20 between pull up sets

Mosey inside tennis court (Indian Run)

Bear’s Play Tennis?!
Bear crawl across tennis court, lunge down the sides, bear crawl back across

Mosey to the track

Mosey Lap
1 lap (1/3 of a mile) slow jog, on the hope, sprint as far as you can, cool down job to complete the lap. At the end of the lap, do 20 BBS and 20 merkins, repeating until everyone is done

Mosey back to the tennis court

Finish up with Chumbaburpees until time was up, great way to cash out!

2.6 miles, burpees, merkins, BBS, SSH, sprinting, moseys, hills, pull ups, we did it all!

Number off and Name O Rama: 21 PAX

Chase the Lion! A friends dad just passed and with death, it always make me reflect on life and how good life is and to live each day as it was your last. Loved being with my F3 brothers this morning, thank you!

The Dawg Pound 500

THE SCENE 52 degrees, partly cloudy with a light breeze.

F3 Welcome and Disclaimer

Interval SSH   x 5  IC (2 rounds)
Cherry pickers x 10 IC
Tempo squats   x 10 IC
5 burpees OYO

Break into groups of 3-4 and mosey to Bristol Motor Speedway

Dawg Pound 500
There are four cones placed around the 0.3 mile track.  At each cone, perform 25 reps of the following exercises:
– Merkins
– Squats
– Alternating Shoulder touches
– LBCs

Mosey back to AO

– Mountain Climbers x 20 IC
– Plank Jacks x 20 IC
– Hello Dolly x 25 IC

“Behavioral research shows that humans can become acclimated to almost anything if they’re exposed to it frequently…It’s why lottery winners, after the initial thrill of winning, end up about as happy as they were before. What does this mean for parents and kids? Anything we provide regularly will become the new norm, whether it’s post-game milkshakes or a certain brand of clothes. If our kids have gotten used to having their beds made or dinner table set, they’ll come to expect that, too”.

The above is an excerpt from article discussing how to raise children without creating the sense of entitlement that is so common in American youth. It’s important to remember that consistency with our actions create what we (and our loved ones) consider “normal”. This “normal” is what our kids, wives, friends, and co-workers come to expect from us. As HIMs, we need to make sure that our “normal” creates a positive and grateful environment for those around us. Everyone around us notices when we help someone, but they also notice things we DON’T do.

This PAX is incredible. I pushed hard this morning and everywhere I looked – somebody was pushing a little harder. One of our FNGs pushed so hard he almost tossed his cookies. Way to finish strong, men!

Peyton – the small package

THE SCENE 50 degrees, cool

F3 Welcome & Disclaimer

Side Saddle Hop        ICx20
Squats                        ICx15
Baby Arm Circle        ICx10
Reverse Arm Circle   ICx10
Side arm stretch
Mountain Climbers   ICx10

PAX moseyed from the tennis courts down to the rockpile with CMU’s.

99 repetitions of the following exercises:

  • Merkins
  • Squats
  • Overhead Press w/CMU
  • StarJacks
  • CMU curls
  • LBC’s
  • Flutter Kicks

In-between each set was a run from the AO to the boat dock area – returning to the AO (approx. 2 ½ miles total)

Hello Dolly                  (Sparky)

Number off and Name-O-Rama

P-nut talked about anxiety and stress.  Reflected on the need to give your cares over to God and be thankful for your life, gifts and blessings.  Philippians 4:6

P-nut then prayed us out- including a prayer request from Tank.

Lots of mumblechatter from the PAX.  Woodshack started us off with lots of wet gaseous noises during warm-ups, followed by his discovery of dog poop in the parking lot.  Junk had the line of the day when he described Peyton as a “small package.”  It went steadily downhill from there…  Great morning with the PAX!