F3 Knoxville

A prayful world

THE SCENE: Around freezing and slippery in places
. 15 SSH, 15 Mountain climbers, 10 Abe Bogota, 10 tempo squats, 15 Moroccan night club


Mosey to the football field/track.

Perform 1st & 10:

100 yard field marked at 10 yard increments. Perform 10 Merkins, 1 Burpee (11’s) at the 10, sprint the remaining 90 yards. Recover jog back to the 20. Perform 9 Merkins, 2 Burpees, sprint the remaining 80 yards, recover jog to the 30. Repeat until all 100 yards and 11’s have been completed.

Mosey back to the parking lot around the shovel flag.

Perform 7 of Diamonds:

Performed on a large diamond (i.e. the parking lot). For the first round, do 7 reps of an exercise (burpees) at each of the 4 corners with a mosey (or sprint) in between corners. Each round, increase by 7 reps with a different exercise each round, for a total of 4 rounds. Round 2, 14 four count flutter kicks at each of the 4 corners. Round 3, 21 merkins at each of the 4 corners. Round 4, 28 squats at each of the 4 corners.

10 Freddie Mercury, 10 LBCs, 10 6 inch LBCs
6 PAX today
YHC has spoken about prayer before. Honestly, it is one of the hardest things for me to remember to do. The Bible instructs us to “Pray without ceasing.”- 1 Thess. 5:17. This is like a constant prayerful state to be in throughout your day. Always seeking wisdom from God in prayer. I feel like I recognize the power of pray, but perhaps I am not fully aware. Challenge yourself in this coming year to be more prayerful. Find a way to make it a habit, make it a consistent part of your day. Encourage those around you to do the same.
“Burpees make you better.” Quote of the day. Use it as you wish.
Continue to keep our nation and world in prayer in dealing with the pandemic. Prayers for humility and wisdom.

We Are The Body

THE SCENE: Clear, Dark, High 30s

Side Straddle Hops, Tempo Merkins, Cherry Pickers, Run a lap around the parking lot

The workout consisted of 6 stations we ran between and conducted 30 second of various exercises at each station.  Participants chose a body system (Arms, Abs, Back, and Legs) to exercise at the station and together, we worked the whole body.  Each participant got a chance to lead a station by using cards prepared by the Q, thus working the “head” of the body. After the 30 seconds of exercise, all participants would do 1 “burbie for the body” and the “head” would read a bible verse from the card to exercise the “heart.”



The theme verse today was Luke 6:45b “… for out of the overflow of the heart the mouth speaks.”  This is why we read scripture at each workout station – to fill our hearts with something good.  It is so easy to fill our hearts with crap from the world, that we need encouragement and reminders to dwell in and on the Word of God.


Priorities and Split Squats

The Scene

29 and cold (Perfect for some CMU work according to Mermaid)

F3 Welcome and Disclaimer

Fitness, Fellowship, Faith, Free, Modify, Not Professional, Own Volition, Social Distance, Phone


BAC F/B/OH (Thia Fighter Style)


Tempo Squat

Curtsey Lunges

Tennessee Rocking Chairs


Mosey to the CMU pile

Split into groups of 3

16 minutes for each group to get max rounds of the following exercises starting with 1 rep and adding a rep each cycle. (Goal is to climb as high on the ladder as you can with your group) Each group will work together and pretend to skip rope until everyone in the group has finished the reps. 

Hand Release Merkins

Split Squat Press (These got really spicy really quick)

Underhanded row

Overhand curls

BBS (Focusing on full range of motion. Hands touch ground behind the head, all the way to a toe touch at the top of the BBS)

When we get to the 16-minute mark groups will tally their total

YHC broke a CMU so we had to break form some penalty burpees

Then groups will proceed to work back down from their max rounds accomplished down the ladder all the way to 1 of each. If the group does not get back down the ladder to 1 there is a 10 burpee penalty. We took our total and subtracted 3 and went back down the ladder with a 10-minute time cap. 

Everyone finished before the 10 minutes so we did 5 burpees just because.

Mosey back to AO


Knee Tucks (2 sets of 30 seconds)


13 High Impact Men 


James 4:14 “Yet you do not know what tomorrow will bring. What is your life? For you are a mist that appears for a little time and then vanishes.”

I have been really convicted in my own life about focusing on things that are not high on the eternal priority list. I have been getting so caught up in eternally low priorities that I am letting the truly important things fall to the waste side. Take the time today and every day going forward to look at your wife in the eyes and ask her how she is doing, when your kids ask you to play with them, even if it’s for 20 minutes, DO IT. Everything else (Work, cleaning, tv, your phone) can wait, the people around you will stop trying to fight for your attention if you keep sending them down the priority list. 

I am thankful for all of the men of F3 around me and the man that I have become since I joined you guys in the gloom back in March, Thank you! 


Many needs presented this morning and some guys going through some tough stuff. Remember to reach out to one another and check in on each other. No man left behind, no man left the same.





Rainy Temperature Humidity Feels like Wind Speed Wind Direction
38 ℉ 833% 38 ℉ 2.8 mi/h NNE

I am not a professional.


Nose Circles 5 each direction.
25 SSHs .
5 Cherry Pickers.
20 Rockettes.

Mosey towards the CMUs.  On the way, everyone line up along curb/sidewalk at one end. Karaoke two steps onto sidewalk two feet down.  All the way down sidewalk.  Then reverse and head back.  So, both directions.

Everyone grab a CMU.  Head to the first of 12 cones.  Each cone represents is a station.  Taking cue from 12 days of Christmas, the PAX works through the cones as through the 12 days.  So, day 1 first.  Then day 2 and then back to day one.  Then day 3, then 2, then 1, and so on all the way to day 12.  The number of reps indicated by the day.  Exercises are:

1 – Blockee
2 – Man Makers (Merkin then pull block another Merkin pull
block back = 1)
3 – Overhead Press
4 – Squats
5 – Flutter Kicks Four Count
6 – Bodyweight Merkins
7 – Lion Kings (Vertical CMU squat and press like Simba)
8 – Front Hold Lunges (Both legs = 1)
9 – Big Boy Situps
10 – Curls
11 – Mountain Climbers
12 – Monkey Humpers

Then Mosey back to AO.

No time for Mary
15 Brothers.
As many of you know, my wife recently had surgery.  An elective surgery to help with a condition called Interstitial Cystitis.  This is a bladder condition that is considerably annoying but not life threatening.  So, she’s struggled for 10 or more years dealing with this.  After getting the help recently, I wondered why we waited.  Ironically, today is BARBIE AND BARNEY BACKLASH DAY.  On December 16th, Barbie and Barney Backlash Day allows parents to take a vacation from all the repetitive sing-a-longs and storytelling.  The day permits parents to turn off the annoying cartoons and songs. Parents may insist on a different book to read at bedtime. Or put away the noisy toys.  I’ve never heard of this ‘day’ but it describes a bit about what my wife did.  Basically, giving up everything in support of her family.  Mostly our kids.

And as an exercise take these 9 major categories of life and sort them in an order of importance that represents what would be the most ideal for you:  kids, spouse, work, exercise, friendships, hobbies, house-upkeep, travel and experiences, and appearance.  So, 1 through 9 most ideally. 1 being what you’d ideally like to have as the most important thing to you.  Then take the same list and look at what it is realistically.  Compare them.

So, basically an offering of advice to be careful of how you devote your time.  Obviously, we have to work and take care of things around the house.  We also love our kids and want to spend time with them.  But don’t forget about yourself.  As quoted below:  ‘When you take time for yourself, you’re being a GREAT parent: you are teaching your children to grow up and find balance between caring for others and caring for themselves!’

Some professional thoughts:

Dr. Lara Honos-Webb, PhD Psychology Specialist

Parents need their own downtime and personal lives. If you are spending all of your free time running your children to their commitments, you’re not taking good care of yourself. Your marriage needs time for you and your spouse to have adult conversation. If you are single, your romantic life needs you to have energy to spend in connecting with other people. Don’t feel guilty for taking time away from your children to focus on your love life. Parents who are happily in love will find it easier to be better parents. Taking care of children, takes an enormous amount of energy, and the energy generated by a fulfilling connection to a romantic partner can be an important resource for you as a parent. If you spend all of your time taking care of your child, you will soon find yourself depleted, and you, your child, and your partner will suffer.


Dr. Deborah R. Gilboa, MD Family Practitioner

There are three great reasons why parents need to take some time for their own interests and pleasure!

  1. Lower your stress—be a better parent!
    When adults take time for ourselves we relax. Blood pressure is lowered (unless “time for yourself” means smoking or eating a whole lot of junk food!), we smile more, sleep better and have a more positive outlook. All of these factors combine to help us be more positive in the rest of our lives – at work, at home, and with those we love.
  2. Strengthen your family.
    Many parents avoid their own hobbies or taking time for themselves because they believe that there is no time, or their family needs them too much. Help your family value you more by valuing yourself. Your children will learn to show you respect when you show yourself that same respect, by pursuing an interest, hobby or activity that brings you pleasure.
  3. Raise your kids to be adults who take care of themselves.
    Our children will repeat our patterns. So create a healthy pattern in your home, where adults value their own passions and make a little time for those interests.  Do you want your kids to grow up and value themselves and their abilities? They will learn from you, by example!

When you take time for yourself, you’re being a GREAT parent: you are teaching your children to grow up and find balance between caring for others and caring for themselves!





Leadership – Completing Various Projects

THE SCENE: 32F. COLD but great workout weather.
F3 WELCOME & DISCLAIMER + COVID: Administered (Full F3 Disclaimer link cited)

Windmill x 7 IC
Moroccan Night Club x 10 IC
Water Wheel x 7 IC
Spider Man w/reach x 5 ea OYO
Seal Clap Squat x 7 IC
Calf raises x 10 IC
The warmup ended up a Dealer’s Choice… and an exercise happened that has never happened during a Pool Boy Q before… and probably never will happen again. If you want to know what it was, you can ask The Project AO-Q – but it shall be known to YHC as “Voldemorts” henceforth.

Mosey to Courtyard
Sets of 11’s + Hold until the 6 is up:
1. Step-ups (1 step-up = 1 rep) / Incline merkins + Hold a Pickle Pointer (Glute Bridge)
2. Squats / Dips + Alternating Side Plank Switch every 10 seconds(Slappy started with Dips – they were harder near the end for sure!)

Mosey to the CMU Pile for 7’s
1. Blockees / Heavy Freddies (Pickle Pointer Hold for the 6)
2. Thrusters / CMU LBC’s (“not an LBC” mumblechatter) (Side Plank Hold for the 6 aka YHC)

Round 3 was planned but skipped because we needed to move to the 3rd thing (not to mention the Q was gasping for air)
Started walking (not a mosey) and the Q asked for an exercise we could do while walking – Lunges to the curb + Rocky Balboa as an intermediate way to still exercise and catch our breaths

Mosey to the traffic light. Wait on light to change we did an exercise (I think squats?)

Mosey across Oak Ridge Turnpike. Press next walk arrow and we did another exercise (also dealer’s choice but YHC did not remember)

Fast mosey to ORHS Tennis courts.
Across the tennis court (aka the direction not running into the net):
Bear Crawl from to next line – 1 x Werewolf – Crawl Bear Back to first line, 1 Squat, repeat to 2nd line all the way through the 4th line. Brief rest, repeat

Suicides (using the same lines) to end the workout x 3
60 seconds rest so we can really go hard

Went about 30 seconds over on the Q but got a great burn at the end!

Negative, ghost rider.

Done – 7 PAX including 1 rucker (Kick-Flip!)

F3 is about leadership – I want to talk about some aspects of leadership this morning.
I want to introduce you to or remind you of some F3 terms about leadership that we all should be looking to put into practice (even as those who in the Church would aspire to become a pastor or deacon would fit the higher qualifications in the Word of God for those positions)
1. Leadership is about stepping up
43 feet  – Building a Leadership Road forty-three feet ahead of the people driving on it.

2. Bad leadership is better than no leadership
ClusterQ An abomination of a Q that elevates the self-confidence of all other PAX in attendance, thereby convincing PAX on the fence that they couldn’t possibly do worse than THAT guy, leading to an influx in Q signups.

3. Leading well is making it about others – some F3 terms to put together how we assemble a Q that makes it about others
Brick – A singular positive Habit that is Advantageous to the individual or others.
Bricklaying – The joining of Bricks into a Routine.
Routine – A conjunction of Bricks that forms a Guardrail.
Guardrails – Foundational precepts that protect and Incentivize Acceleration to Advantage.
F3 workouts aren’t designed to showcase the Q. They’re about the PAX. We want to challenge, encourage, and help them become HIMs not just Sad Clowns who have been EH’d or even regular “PAX”

4. Leading well is about leading by example being prepared AND being willing to and seeking to delegate responsibility.
80/1 Rule: The Q’s Delegation of every Task that a Team Member can do 80% as well as he can, except that 1% that absolutely and positively must be done by him.

I want to leave you with one (of I’m sure the many you and I both could cite) verses to inspire you to step up, lead, lead well, and lead by example:

1 Corinthians 11:1 – Be imitators of me, as I am of Christ.

Prayed for Kick-flip’s family, wife, and children as they both grieve and rejoice today, December 15th. Praise for Ribbed’s M’s surgery going well and prayer for healing and relief of pain as the recovery continues.

Lots of Q spots open at #the-project and of course other F3 Knoxville locations. Step up to lead, strive to lead well, and keep trying when you fail as you trust God to work more than all the planning in the world can do!