F3 Knoxville

Fun & Games

THE SCENE: upper 60’s I think….forgot to check the weather.  Clear & muggy.



  • SSH x 20
  • High knee run to light pole & back
  • Butt kickers to light pole & back
  • Karaoke to light pole & back
  • Warm up lap around the island


  1. Mosey to soccer field
    • Wham-o lunges.  PAX take turns throwing a frisbee, sprint after it while it’s in the air, then lunge to it once it hits the ground.  We changed to bear crawls at some point instead of lunges.
  2. Mosey to the other soccer field
    • Dizzy bat spin.  Each man spins around a bat 10 times then try to hit a ball off of a tee.  Remaining PAX hold plank or Al Gore.  If the batter makes contact, all PAX sprint to the ball & do 5 merkins then return to the tee.  If they miss the ball, everyone does 5 burpees…we did a lot of burpees, and it was awesome.
  3. Mosey to mid-field
    • Sack race.  Relay race style.  Split into 2 teams & bunny hop to midfield then sprint back & tag the next man.  PAX does squats while waiting for their turn to hop.  Prize was 5 burpees for all contestants.
  4. Mosey to other end of soccer field
    • 3 legged race.  Keep same teams as before.  2 pax at a time tie their ankle together & run to midfield and back.  Remaining PAX alternates between merkins & squats while waiting.  5 burpee prize for all contestants when finished.
  5. Mosey to baseball field
    • Kickball.  Offense must do 5 burpees each time they incur an out.  Defense must do 5 burpees each time a run scores.   Stay moving between pitches…squats, jump rope, etc.


  • LBC x 20
  • Box Cutter x 20
  • ATM

Tank, La-Z-Boy, Butters, Sparky, Frosty, Cosmo, Cornhole, Driftwood, I-Beam, Gibbler, Bartman

Have some fun every once and a while.

I like to work hard, but sometimes it’s good to relax a little and have some fun.  We did that today.  There were no records set for max heart rate or calories burned or mileage.   We got in plenty of sprints and quite a few burpees…it was workout worthy, but most of all it was a good time laughing at ourselves and enjoying the F3 brotherhood.


Special recognition to Cornhole & Sparky for their dizzy bat efforts.  Cornhole pretty much did a helicopter spin when he whiffed, and Sparky missed the ball by at least 10 feet.  Well done men…well done!


Change of Plans

THE SCENE: Absolutely perfect morning. Could not ask for anything better. Except for the smell of the trash truck that came through about half way

Sshx20, merkins x20 cherry pickers/Phelps things

As Ratchet called it “Candy Land” like the board game

Mosey to the “ boat “ with CMU

At start, do 20 CMU presses, 20 CMU Tris, 20 CMU Curls

then….up baby Everest down road to intersection. At each cone do exercise and # of reps listed and work your way back to start.

exercises are: 5 burpees, 10 lunges each leg, 15 merkins, 20 squat jumps, 25 shoulder taps, 30 squats and repeat

Do an extra lap of just running about 3/4 of the way thru

Mosey back to AO

19 in attendance
Today I had a workout planned but forgot to check what Booger did on Tuesday. When I did that this morning at 5am it was pretty much the same thing I had planned. Luckily I had a couple in my bag of tricks that I could pull out. One thing I did not plan was my BOM. The lack of planning on my part is disappointing to myself as I value the BOM greatly . As I am running back to the AO with my CMU I started thinking about how we have the best of plans and they often don’t turn out the way we want them. God’s plan is always perfect and even though we don’t understand it, it is a wonderful plan for us. We need to trust God with our plans even when they don’t go the way we want them to or if we don’t even think about planning at all.
The workout today was a bit repetitive, but the mumblechatter kept it entertaining. Shout out to @Trap Door for pushing hard at the end caring that CMU to the finish line
Prayers for VBS coming soon and leadership at camp. Friends dealing with disease and cancer.

Suicide Squad (with pee rocks)

THE SCENE: Quite Nice. 60 degrees. No precipitation; ample perspiration.
F3 WELCOME & DISCLAIMER: Properly welcomed; sufficiently disclaimed. 

  • Cherry Pickers x5 IC
  • Imperial Walkers x10 IC
  • Rockettes x10 IC
  • SSH x10 IC
  • Tempo Merkins x7 IC
  • Tempo Squats x8 IC
  • Mosey around the outhouse
  • *The above numbers are approximations. I may or may not have fumbled through my cadence calls.


  • Colt 45’s (with a “medium” sized pee rock, that “we will spend some time with”)
  • Indian Run (with rock) to base of Everest
  • 4 Station Hill Climb Suicide (with rock)
    • Lunges to first cone; 20 squats; run back to start
    • Lunges to first cone; Bernie Sanders to second cone; 20 squats run back to start
    • Lunges to first cone; Bernie Sanders to second cone; karaoke’s to third cone; 20 squats; run back to start
    • Lunges to first cone; Bernie Sanders to second cone; karaoke’s to third cone; run to fourth cone; 20 squats; STOP
  • Colt 45’s (with rock) followed by Shotput Championships
    • @Frosty is the champion of “tee tiny pee stone pebble” class
    • @Lay-z-boy is the champion of the “medium man-sized rock” class
  • Pavilion
    • Pull Ups x10
    • Dips x10
    • Box Jump Burpees x10
    • Rinse and Repeat
  • Rock run back to the AO.  Nice work men; this sucked!

MARY:  Sally Bring ’em Up; Sally Bring ’em Down Merkins – 100% flame out rate, which lead to Sally Bring ’em Up; Sally Bring ’em Down Squats.

Priorities:  My 5-F’s (in order): Faith, Family, Friends (i.e. Fellowship), Fitness (e.g. exercise and nutrition), Finances (i.e. career/work).  The question is not really, “do we have priorities?;” rather the question is, “do we have our priorities in the right order?”  I am not referring here to priorities for the sake of improved time management, but for improved decision/life management, in both the hundreds of little decisions we make daily about the seemingly trivial and in the infrequent, life-altering decisions. The consequence of the order of our priorities, is that our lives, our relationships, our impact near and far, will mirror our priorities.  For me, when I look in the mirror, I want to see …. in addition to six pack abs, of course … a faith in Jesus steering my relationships with family, friends, myself, and my career, not the other way around.  What do you want to see in that mirror?  Re-order; reflect; recommit.
Insert any personal comments, notes, devotion content, etc.
Insert information about upcoming events, 2nd or 3rd F opportunities, and any other announcements.


THE SCENE: It was nice!

  • BA Cir FWD/REV IC x 6
  • Merkin IC x 10
  • Yoga Stretches – gotta get the hips loose

5 stations w/ 3 exercises & 25 reps each – 3x thru -> then move to the next

  • Station 1
    • Merkins
    • Shoulder Taps
    • Thrusters
  • Station 2
    • Squat
    • Lunge
    • Skater
  • Station 3
    • Mtn Climber – Heel Tap
    • BC Merkin
    • Plank Jack
  • Station 4
    • Am Hammer
    • Hello Dolly
    • Flutter Kick
  • Station 5
    • LBC
    • Turkish Get-Up
    • Star Jack


  • Mayberry – Floor Wipers
  • Butters – BBS
  • Respect – V-Ups (Had to cut him short!!)

24 HIM’s strong
When you are feeling angry about a work situation, you may be too close to it. Step back, check your ego, detach yourself and approach with with a different attitude.
I meant for this workout allow the cheetah’s out front. However, when the PAX gets divided into groups we instantly go into TEAM mode. All of the teams stuck together and finished the workout together. That was great to see. I think if I were to do this again, I would start everyone at the same spot and have an order to the stations that didn’t smoke the shoulders 3 straight times.
See Announcements Page

Mr. Spectacular and the Victory Lap

THE SCENE: 71 and muggy but we did not get mugged! Saw a Fox on the Ruck!

Everything based on OCHO! Team OCHO won the HHH 10 hr race so why not celebrate it with reps of 8!

SSH x 8 iC

Rockettes x8 IC in a circle with Tank calling the cadence

Squats x 8 IC

Merkins x8 IC

Shoulder taps x8 ic

Mr. Spectacular x8 OYO . Mr. Spectacular is easy if you do one, but do LOTS and LOTS of them and they suck!. Put the CMU on the ground, feet on either side of the CMU, bend over and put your hand son the ground in front of your feet, walk your hands out until you are in the push up/plank position, do a MERKIN and walk your hands back to your feet, pick up the CMU and do a thruster. repeat that about 100 times and let me know how you feel, spectacular! Not……..

  • Partner up  and make a victory lap to the Matterhorn. Partner one Farmer Scurries(run or fast walk) with 2 CMU while P2 stays behind and does 8 merkins and 8 squat jumps. Once done P2 runs to catch P1. P1 hands off CMUs to P2 and P2 takes off while P1 stays back for 8 merkins and 8 sq jumps. You get it? Do this all the way to the Base camp of Matterhorn.
  • We had 28 so we stayed with our partner. P1 ran halfway up Matter horn and does 8 Big boys(incline) while P2 stays at the bottom and does 8 Mr. spectaculars. Switch out when P1 runs back. P1 now does Mr. Spectacular and P2 runs up and does 8 big boys
  • We do this with the goal of running up the matterhorn 8 times…imagine that, 8 times!
  • Well, due to time, I think we ran up the hill 5 times. Some may have ran 6 and some may have run 4. Either way, we kept moving and NO ONE stopped! Way to work men!
  • You all are Spectacular!
  • Partner up and complete the victory lap back to the AO. Again with P1 cmu farmer scurry and P2 does exercises. then run to catch and switch up….

Just under 5 mins left for mary…

LBC x8 ic

Flutters x8 ic

Dollies x 8 IC

Proton Parkers x8 IC

Box cutters x8 IC

Plank the last 20 seconds

28 MR> SPECTACULARS where on hand for the Celebration of Team Ocho! 2 FNG, Fax and Flashback, welcome!
HIM ( High Impact man) or as Detention puts it. Humble Invest Mental. The acronym that I love and used it on TANK. he exuded ALL three this past weekend and really, the past several months, planning for the Hardship Hill event. Tank put himself last and his HUMBLE disposition was apparent(by the way, I know Tank pretty well and he is a SMARTASS too, LOL!!). He INVESTED himself for the sole purpose of raising money for OEW by dedicating a tone of time and effort into the Hardship Hill race. With the stresses of putting on such an event, he showed MENTAL toughness through out and never waivered on his attitude. Not to say deep down(like all of us) he was stressing a little, but he NEVER burdened anybody with his stresses about the event. He was always positive. Truly a HIM and I am proud to call him my F3 brotha but more importantly , my friend!
Don’t be like Tank, be your self but take the “HIM” and apply it to your everyday actions. I know I need to! Love you guys!
ANNOUNCEMENTS:Tank, when the hell is the next one!? LOL!