F3 Knoxville

Fun & Games

Truck Stop

THE SCENE: upper 60’s I think….forgot to check the weather.  Clear & muggy.



  • SSH x 20
  • High knee run to light pole & back
  • Butt kickers to light pole & back
  • Karaoke to light pole & back
  • Warm up lap around the island


  1. Mosey to soccer field
    • Wham-o lunges.  PAX take turns throwing a frisbee, sprint after it while it’s in the air, then lunge to it once it hits the ground.  We changed to bear crawls at some point instead of lunges.
  2. Mosey to the other soccer field
    • Dizzy bat spin.  Each man spins around a bat 10 times then try to hit a ball off of a tee.  Remaining PAX hold plank or Al Gore.  If the batter makes contact, all PAX sprint to the ball & do 5 merkins then return to the tee.  If they miss the ball, everyone does 5 burpees…we did a lot of burpees, and it was awesome.
  3. Mosey to mid-field
    • Sack race.  Relay race style.  Split into 2 teams & bunny hop to midfield then sprint back & tag the next man.  PAX does squats while waiting for their turn to hop.  Prize was 5 burpees for all contestants.
  4. Mosey to other end of soccer field
    • 3 legged race.  Keep same teams as before.  2 pax at a time tie their ankle together & run to midfield and back.  Remaining PAX alternates between merkins & squats while waiting.  5 burpee prize for all contestants when finished.
  5. Mosey to baseball field
    • Kickball.  Offense must do 5 burpees each time they incur an out.  Defense must do 5 burpees each time a run scores.   Stay moving between pitches…squats, jump rope, etc.


  • LBC x 20
  • Box Cutter x 20
  • ATM

Tank, La-Z-Boy, Butters, Sparky, Frosty, Cosmo, Cornhole, Driftwood, I-Beam, Gibbler, Bartman

Have some fun every once and a while.

I like to work hard, but sometimes it’s good to relax a little and have some fun.  We did that today.  There were no records set for max heart rate or calories burned or mileage.   We got in plenty of sprints and quite a few burpees…it was workout worthy, but most of all it was a good time laughing at ourselves and enjoying the F3 brotherhood.


Special recognition to Cornhole & Sparky for their dizzy bat efforts.  Cornhole pretty much did a helicopter spin when he whiffed, and Sparky missed the ball by at least 10 feet.  Well done men…well done!