F3 Knoxville

How the Grinch Stole Juco

THE SCENE: 31 degrees and ultra-gloomy

Side-Straddle Hops; Cherry Pickers; Tempo Squats; Froyo (Frozen Yoga); Tempo Merkins

Rugby shuttle run to the CMU pile

The mission: Gather the required hash (tally) marks for each exercise group.  Most hash marks required multiple reps to count, and approved modifications to earn a tally were included.

** This time the grinch was there!  He made someone carry a ~12.5 lb weight vest for a lap around the building and hand it off the ‘fun’ to a different victim.  Stop drop and burpee for all if the vest stops moving or someone does two laps in a row!

  • Bodybuilders
    2 burpees (w/ merk) : 1 BB
    3 burpees (no merk): 3 BB
    1 hash = 5 BB, 10 with, 15 w/o
    20 hash marks required
  • Pull-ups
    10 Bent Over Rows : 1 PU
    1 hash = 5 PU, 50 BOR
    40 hash marks required
  • Running Laps
    1 hash = 1 lap
    20 hash marks required
  • Clean & Press (with CMU)
    2 squats : 1 C&P
    4 OHP : 1 C&P
    1 hash = 10 C&P, 20 squats, 40 OHP’s
    40 hash marks required
  • Heels to Heaven
    2 Big Boys : 1 H2H
    5 LBC : 1 H2H
    1 hash = 10 H2H, 20 BB, 50 LBC
    40 hash marks required
  • Spidermans
    20 merkins : 1 SM
    30 knee merkins : 1 SM
    1 hash = 1 SM, 20 m, 30 km
    40 hash marks required

** Ahh, but the Grinch’s heart grew three sizes that day.  He took the weight vest back and cut the number of required hash marks in half.  It’s a Christmas Miracle!  Thanks to the grinch’s kindness, the mission got accomplished just in time!

Victory Rugby Shuttle Run back to the flag

Did some Freddies in the middle of our shuttle run back, but arrived at the flag right at time.

Daily Bible Verse:  “Sink your roots in him and build on him.  Be strengthened by the faith that you were taught, and overflow with thanksgiving.”   Colossians 2:7 (GW)

Attitude of Gratitude (by Rick Warren).  An attitude of radical gratitude is God’s will for you because it develops your faith.

How does gratitude develop your faith? It happens when times are tough—when things don’t make sense, when you can’t figure it out, when your prayers are unanswered, when everything is going the way you didn’t want it to go. It happens when you can say in those circumstances, “God, I know you’re in control. I know you love me, and I know you can bring good out of this. I’m thankful that you’re bigger than my problem.”

Anybody can thank God for good things. But if you can thank God even in the bad times, your faith will grow stronger as your roots go deeper.

Habakkuk was going through tough times. He said, “Though the fig tree does not bud and there are no grapes on the vines, though the olive crop fails and the fields produce no food, though there are no sheep in the pen and no cattle in the stalls, yet I will rejoice in the LORD, I will be joyful in God my Savior” (Habakkuk 3:17-18 NIV).

In the midst of all the bad things that went wrong, Habakkuk rejoiced. What caused his gratitude? He decided to find joy in God: “I will be joyful in God my Savior.”

When everything else stinks in life, you can be grateful because the Lord is your Savior. He will pull you out. You are not alone. He hasn’t abandoned you. Give thanks to God!

Can you thank God when life stinks? That is the ultimate test of the depth of your faith. When you’re going through tough times, don’t look at what’s lost. Look at what’s left—and be grateful for it!

You can be thankful to God just for who he is. He has promised to see you through those tough situations, and your faith will grow even stronger because of it.

Colossians 2:7 says, “Sink your roots in him and build on him. Be strengthened by the faith that you were taught, and overflow with thanksgiving” (GW).

God’s will for you is radical gratitude—giving thanks in all things. Radical gratitude honors God, creates fellowship, and develops your faith.

Prayer:  Sovereign Lord, “though the cherry trees don’t blossom and the strawberries don’t ripen, though the apples are worm-eaten and the wheat fields stunted, through the sheep pens are sheepless and the cattle barns empty,” may I sing joyful praise to You. Because I’m counting on Your Rule to prevail, I take heart and gain strength. Amen.

Props to Wanderer for coming out while working through the ankle injury.  Prayers for those sick and injured.

Up, Down, and Around


Few clouds, 39 Degrees and dry


1. Cherry Pickers (x5), 2. BACF (x10) 3. BACB (x10), 4. SSH (x20), 5. Mountain Climbers – (40 on your own), 6. Toe Merkins (30 OYO)


Mosey to the coupon pile with 3 stops for Mary (Boxcutters, Freddie Mercury’s, Flutter kicks).

At the coupon pile, grab a CMU (for some exercises). Will start with 10 burpees and then run a lap around the Physical Plant building. Will lap after each exercise group, so after first lap you will do 20 OHP, lap, etc.

(10) Burpees

(20) OHP

(30) Curls

(40) SSH

(50) Squats

(40) second plank

(30) Tricep Press

(20) Merkins

(10) Upright Rows

Mosey back to COT with 3 stops for (Bear Crawls, Scissor kicks, Imperial Walkers)


19 HIMS including RUSH


Thankful to be back after a week + absence. I went to Nashville for a few days to visit my parents. Thought I had avoided the local school bug being gone but it turned out that I caught a case of the flu anyway. It was a very mild case but I did have fever on and off for two days. I worked from home and recovered over the weekend.

While away and as we move into a time of Thanksgiving, I thought about how fortunate I was to have a job that allowed me some flexibility while I was sick. I was thankful to have loving parents to visit, thankful for my kids, and my close friends here in Knoxville. I’m also thankful for the men continuing to lead and encourage here at F3.

1 Thessalonians 1:2-10

In 1st Thessalonians, Chapter 1, Paul is writing to the church there in Thessalonica and gives thanks to them for their work of faith, labor of love, and steadfastness of hope in times of great suffering and persecution. They became examples and encouragement for other Christians in the area and they did this with the “joy of the Holy Spirit”. Paul was thanking God for them. At the end of the chapter, Paul says “you turned to God from idols to serve the living and true God and to wait for his son from heaven, whom he raised from the dead, Jesus who delivers us from the wrath to come.”

In many ways, you guys today are encouraging others with how YOU lead and serve. And I want to thank God for each one of you. You are being an example and positive influence to me and those around you. That makes a difference and it deserves recognition. So take some time to think about that. Think about and be thankful for how God has chosen you to be his sons and how he has called you out to shine light. Remember that as sons we have already been delivered from the wrath to come. Take that reality into the upcoming holiday season. Keep your eyes on Him and you will not only be more thankful for his blessings, but you will also continue in your blessing of others.

Looking Like the World

THE SCENE: Dark, low 50s calm, quiet…perfect

Cross Jacks IC

Harry Rockets IC

Windmill IC

Arm Circles (forward only 5K!!), make them bigger half way through – IC
Partner up, broken wheel barrow in the PL, each person one way.

Mosey to the east PL.  Using the spaces (going across), we’ll do 5 burpees then run to the first line and do the workout and then increment up each time, Bernie back each time.

  • 10 Iron Mike (each side)
  • 20 Heals to Heaven
  • 30 Merkins
  • 40 Squats
  • 50 side crunch (25 each side)
  • 60 Superman style Flutter Kicks
  • 70 SSH
  • 80 Flutter Kicks

If you finish early, repeat until the six is up.

Mosey to new building, then bear crawl to concrete bench.

Dips IC (counting all together on the Q’s down) – 35

Mosey to some conveniently staged cones (~15-20).  Broad Jump at each one.

Mosey back to the flag…
Pickle pounders IC – 20

Crabby Rockets IC – 20

Scissor kicks (crossing) IC – 10

Hello Dolly IC – 10


Matthew 18:5-6 and 7-9

Jesus talks about children and how we must humble ourselves to be like children. Also he describes how if we lead a “child that believes in him” to sin then we would be better off with a large boulder tied to our waste and thrown in the ocean.

This all leads into a discussion of sin and we talked about how “looking like this world” can easily become a trap and cause many sins.

How many of us fall into this category?

You stumble from being a Christian by the way your language slips, your choice in music, your materialistic approach, your viewing of porn, fill in the blank

We often define greatness by power, wealth, sports, or other general accomplishments. But those are all short lived and focused on the things of this work.

Get an accountability partner, be honest with your wife. Stop trying to impress people you don’t even know or like and live for an audience of one and richen your family.
We all can think about ways in which we fall into at least one of these.  We need to be better so that can be examples to our kids, friends, colleagues, etc.
Brolympics tomorrow


Run and Gun

THE SCENE: 55 and dry

Side straddle hop in cadence 20
Reach for the Sky and touch your toes
5 burpees on your own
Cherry Pickers
10 tempo merkins
Arm rotations thumbs up in cadence
Reverse thumbs down in cadence
Tempo squats
10 Windmills in cadence
Side straddle hop in cadence 20

Mosey around the campus and stop for different core exercises(Flutter Kicks, Freddy Mercuries, Planks, etc)

  • Mosey to Tomo Poke
  • Core exercise at the bottom
  • run stairs
  • Merkins x10 (in perfect form)
  • Mosey around
  • rinse and repeat x 5
  • Mosey to JucoManjaro
  • squats x15
  • Mosey to the dead end go back for the 6
  • Mosey back to the flag

Finsihed off with some flutter kicks
Use the TAGS on right-side to record PAX (BE SURE TO INCLUDE YOURSELF) in attendance. Be sure to select the AO in CATEGORY above TAGS and then delete these notes!
The warrior ethos (AKA Jedi Training) consist of 13 pillars: commitment, honor, respect, prepared, faithful, fighter, hungry, humble, lover, teachable, firestarter, truthful, and generous.
Each one is tied to a Bible verse.

The master has failed more times than the inexperienced have ever tried. Let’s learn from our mistakes.

Honor: the 2nd pillar
The verse for this pillar is Romans 12:10

“Be devoted to one another in love. Honor one another above yourselves.”
Romans 12:10

Highest for yourself and others. We should try to out do each other in honor!

Proverbs 18:12 Humility before honor
Pride = Destruction/ Humility = Honor

There’s power in our words. Your belief in your heart creates your reality.

I am… You are what you say you are, so make sure it’s positive! I challenge you guys to try it this week. Remember God‘s on your side and don’t limit Him!
Insert any personal comments, notes, devotion content, etc.
Insert information about upcoming events, 2nd or 3rd F opportunities, and any other announcements.

The Human Heart

THE SCENE: Insert info about the weather, etc.

Reach for the Sky, Let it Hang, Arm Circles, Hip Circles, Cherry Pickers, Stretching, Tempo Merkins, Tempo Squat.
Imperial Walker to the Shopping Plaza, then use rocks for upper body.

JUCOmanjaro needed visiting and beautiful scene during the decent.

More Rocks for upper body.

Heels to heaven.

New Tattoo has the Human Heart front and center to cover scar on my chest.  Jewish culture believed Spirit, Soul, Body, Mind, Will and Emotions were centralized in the human heart.  They believed everything comes together in the heart, but today the world tells us the brain is in charge and the Jewish culture wasn’t advanced enough to know medically how it works.  I’d like to give God more credit and continually renew my sense of wonder, awe and fear of the Lorad, and I’ve been on a questioning journey for the past 5-7 years.

Science can’t keep the sinus node of the heart going forever nor create the spark that starts it.  So maybe something more is happening in the heart than what man is understands or accepts today.

Same kind of radical thinking is necessary to process Oswald Chambers, “a man who wrote profoundly and elegantly on prayer, made a radical statement when he said, “The idea of prayer is not in order to get answers from God.” Good heavens—it’s not? What then is the purpose? “Prayer is perfect and complete oneness with God.” A mighty truth is being uncovered here.

Oneness with God is the goal of our existence. It’s not merely to believe in God, although that is better than not believing in him. It is not merely to trust in God, though that is far better than simply believing in God. It is not even to worship God, which is higher still.
The destiny of the human soul is union with God. The same oneness that Jesus talked about with his Father is our destiny as well. That’s what we were made for. Prayer is one of his primary means of doing it, drawing us to himself, getting us to pour out our hearts before him so that we can receive his heart toward us.”  Moving Mountains, Eldredge

Confidence in your salvation and approaching God in prayer with a desire for oneness can lead to peace and healing and freedom from sin that most won’t experience when the practice of their faith overpowers the purpose of their faith.
Thank you for prayers for me for the last 10 months.  Today we prayed for Guardrail’s father, Stitch’s uncle’s passing, and Wanderer’s father.