F3 Knoxville

No Pain No Gain

THE SCENE: Perfect 65 and humid

Imperial Squat Walker x 15 IC

Tempo Merkin x 20 IC

Cherry Picker x 10 IC

SSH x 30 IC

5 Burpee OYO


No Pain No Gain: Partner Up. P1 does 15 BBS with P2 holding feet in plank. Then P2 sprints to cones, completes reps, sprints back, flapjack. P1 does wide merkins until P2 returns. Complete cones in reverse order on way back to partner.

  • Cone 1: 5 Burp
  • Cone 2: 10 Burp
  • Cone 3: 15 Burp

Mosey to Commerce Street hill

Hill Pyramids: 5-10-15-20-20-15-10-5

Bottom of hill CDD

Top of Hill Lunge (single count)

Mosey back to AO

Leg Blasters: No rests between

20 Air Squat

20 In-place lunge

20 jumping lunge

10 squat jump

Flutters x 30 IC

Hello Dolly x 20 IC



I had a really good BOM but lost it because I didn’t do the BB when I got home.


Good livin at The Burbs

THE SCENE: Beautiful morning – moderate humidity



Partnered up with a battle buddy – 1 sandbag per team. Alternated sandbag carries between battle buddies until we arrived at the school. 20 Ruck Merkins, 20 Ruck Squats. From there, we made our way over to the Bearden track. On the way, Partner 1 would carry the sandbag while Partner 2 did 10 Ruck Merkins and 10 Ruck Squats. Partner 2 would then catch Partner 1, take the sandbag, and continue rucking while Partner 1 would then do the merkins and squats. Rinse, repeat until we made it to the track. At the track, we did 4 sets of the following exercises (15 reps for each). After each set, we ran a lap around the track.

  • Ruck Curls
  • Flutter Kicks (4 ct) with Ruck Overhead
  • Overhead Presses
  • Lunges or Squats (Ruck on)
  • Bent-over Sandbag Rows

Made our way back to the AO alternating sandbag carries between battle buddies. Stopped a couple times for 15 Ruck Merkins and 15 Ruck Squats. Once back to the AO, one last set of ruck curls, flutter kicks, presses, lunges, and sandbag rows. Flutter Kicks for the last 45 seconds to finish.


15 strong this morning!


I felt scattered during my BOM and didn’t put in the time that I should have last night to prepare a strong word for the PAX.

I’m constantly reminded just how thankful I am for the men that God has put in my life each morning that I get to be surrounded by F3 brothers. I would never get up at 4 am to go suffer through brutal workouts without the encouragement, support, and accountability provided by my brothers. And while the physical push is great each morning, there is a much greater impact that the men of F3 make outside the 5:30 – 6:15 am timeframe (or 4:50 am on some days). When the men of F3 Knoxville catch wind that a fellow brother is struggling with something or going through a tough season in his life, it’s incredible to witness the love and support that they provide for him. That’s what being a part of the PAX is all about.


THE SCENE: Sunny and warm with high in upper 80’s.

20 Side-Straddle hops, 10 Burpees, 10 Plank reaches (to count of four), 10 Windmills, 10 Baby to Wide Arm Circles Forward and 10 Backward.


Mosey to stop sign on northeast side of Admin Bldg.  20 American Hammers, 20 Hello Dollies.

Mosey to alley way that dead ends at north of Admin Bldg.  Stop where bricks are lined up near shade tree.  We will do Dora’s with partner running to dead end, doing 10 decline merkins there, and running back.  Meanwhile other partner is doing exercises with bricks.  Partners switch off when running partner gets back.  These are the exercises:

100 Overhead Presses, 100 Curls, 100 Rows with bricks on each side, 100 Neck Drops, 100 Squats with bricks over head, 100 Wings forward, 100 Wing drops, 100 Wing raises.

Mosey to Trail that begins by Northern Parking Lot.  We will lunge to first light, run next four, etc. until we reach road that leads out northern gate of park.

Mosey on perimeter trail until we are at bottom of Mt. Everest.  20 Box Cutters.   Then run to top of Mt. Everest.

Mosey to AO.


Hello Dollies.


Nine men.  No FNG’s.

The song “No Hard Feelings” by the Avett Brothers is one that we can learn from as humans who are prone to have anger toward those who have hurt us or jealousy toward those who one up us.  In the song, the authors talk about how holding on to the anger and jealousy doesn’t lead to good for anyone – rather the feelings distance us from those we have the opportunity to get to know and love.  They lead to fear and destruction.

There is a beauty and poignancy to the song as the narrator looks toward death:  “When my body won’t hold me anymore and it finally lets me free – will I be ready?”  He looks toward a time of possibility in that death, a time “when the jealousy fades away and it’s ash and dust for cash and lust – and it’s just halleluhah”  He wonders whether he “will join with the ocean blue or run into the savior true – and shake hands laughing.  And walk through the night, straight to the light, holding the love I’ve known in my life – and no hard feelings.”

The narrator glimpses at death from the standpoint of one who has cast judgement and bitterness aside:

“under the curving sky, I’m finally learning why it matters to me and you.  To say it and mean it too.  For life and its loveliness and all of its ugliness.  Good as its been to me, I have no enemies . . . I have no enemies . . . I have no enemies.”

How incredible it could be if we could really say that.  What release and joy it would bring us.  To say, when our “body’s won’t hold us anymore” that “I have no enemies.

So, to be true HIM’s, we need to get rid of our “Hard Feelings.”


Humble Pie

THE SCENE: Overcast, cooler and humid.
F3 WELCOME & DISCLAIMER – forgot this

Traditional ruck the loop with 6 60lb sandbags. Stop and do 50 squats with sandbags at bench, T, and bridge.

100m sprint with 60lb sandbags.

20 8-counts

20 Lion Kings

Bear Crawl 50m

2 PAX Grab the COW and wooden “Stretcher” and begin moving up lovers lane. The rest of the PAX carry 60lb sandbags. Loop around lovers lane back to the AO alternating carrying the COW and sandbags. Drop the COW and sandbags.

Ruck around the neighborhood loop about a 1.5 milesStop every 500m and do 50 Squats. End at the AO.

Ruck to the top of lovers lane and back to AO. Ruck back to lovers lane and do 1 exercise at the bottom ruck to the top and do 1 exercise at the top.

30 Merkins /30 Squats

30 4-count flutter kicks /30 4-count mountain climbers

30 Lunges each leg/ 30 starbursts without the ruck

30 back extensions. Ruck back to the AO

30 Hello Dollies IC

27 Burpees until time.


8 PAX. Switchgrass, Wallace, Captain Crunch, Umbro, Savanna, Woodshack, Proton, Compost.
God is showing me that I need to submit to Him. Even during the workout I had my plan of how I wanted things to go, but God had other plans. My challenge to myself is to submit to Him more.

It was Memorial Day, that is all I can say?

THE SCENE: Humid damp morning.


Butt-to-heel walk, knee-to-chest walk, side straddle hop

  • Inchworm, side crawl, bear crawl, crab walk, salamander across parking lot.  20X knee to side in plank position between crawls.
  • Rock Workout: partner up rotate rock in both directions, over and under with rock
  • 11s doing inchworm and merkins then rock overhead presses
  • Run full length of Powell High School parking lot with rocks then performing 30X: rocking lunges hold rock up high, leg raises, rock swings, and rock hammers.

In the book, We Were Soldiers Once and Young, grace was extended to the enemy NVA killed by US forces.   They too extended hope that there bones were recovered from the battlefield and taken home to an honorable burial.  Only grace can have this kind of affect on people who gunned down your brethren.

BOM endorsed by Philippians 2:3-4.

“Let nothing be done through selfish ambition or conceit, but in lowliness of mind let each other esteem others better than himself.  Let each of you look out not only for his own interests, but for the interests of others.”