F3 Knoxville

Good livin at The Burbs


THE SCENE: Beautiful morning – moderate humidity



Partnered up with a battle buddy – 1 sandbag per team. Alternated sandbag carries between battle buddies until we arrived at the school. 20 Ruck Merkins, 20 Ruck Squats. From there, we made our way over to the Bearden track. On the way, Partner 1 would carry the sandbag while Partner 2 did 10 Ruck Merkins and 10 Ruck Squats. Partner 2 would then catch Partner 1, take the sandbag, and continue rucking while Partner 1 would then do the merkins and squats. Rinse, repeat until we made it to the track. At the track, we did 4 sets of the following exercises (15 reps for each). After each set, we ran a lap around the track.

  • Ruck Curls
  • Flutter Kicks (4 ct) with Ruck Overhead
  • Overhead Presses
  • Lunges or Squats (Ruck on)
  • Bent-over Sandbag Rows

Made our way back to the AO alternating sandbag carries between battle buddies. Stopped a couple times for 15 Ruck Merkins and 15 Ruck Squats. Once back to the AO, one last set of ruck curls, flutter kicks, presses, lunges, and sandbag rows. Flutter Kicks for the last 45 seconds to finish.


15 strong this morning!


I felt scattered during my BOM and didn’t put in the time that I should have last night to prepare a strong word for the PAX.

I’m constantly reminded just how thankful I am for the men that God has put in my life each morning that I get to be surrounded by F3 brothers. I would never get up at 4 am to go suffer through brutal workouts without the encouragement, support, and accountability provided by my brothers. And while the physical push is great each morning, there is a much greater impact that the men of F3 make outside the 5:30 – 6:15 am timeframe (or 4:50 am on some days). When the men of F3 Knoxville catch wind that a fellow brother is struggling with something or going through a tough season in his life, it’s incredible to witness the love and support that they provide for him. That’s what being a part of the PAX is all about.