F3 Knoxville

Just get to 10

THE SCENE: HOT! and humid, but that’s a given.

4 compound exercises

  • Hand release merkin, merkin, clap merkin is 1
  • Get up, squat, squat jump is 1
  • Crunch, Big boy situp, ww2 situp is 1
  • Bent row, dead lift, cmu swing is 1

Complete 1 of each then run small lap. Complete 2 of each then small lap. Complete 3 of each then small lap. And so on until you reach 10 or time runs out.

Flutter kick until time’s up
Use the TAGS on right-side to record PAX (BE SURE TO INCLUDE YOURSELF) in attendance. Be sure to select the AO in CATEGORY above TAGS and then delete these notes!
Humility to lean on others and God when we’re not strong enough.
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No Better Time for Bearicides

THE SCENE: Hot and Soggy

Tempo Merkins x 10, Tempo Squats x 10, Cherry Pickers x 10, Lunges 25 ish
Cardio: Run to the Troll Bridge from the Grinder….(X) Burpees, Run back up the Hill to the Grinder (X) Burpees (3 Rounds) (15,10,5) = X

Bearicides:  7 Markers 15ish feet apart

  • Bear Crawl to 1
  • Crawl Bear to 0
  • 5 Get Ups
  • Bear Crawl to 2
  • Crawl Bear to 0
  • 5 Get Ups
  • etc…

Box Cutters 4 Count (20), WW2 Situps (20), Peter Parkers 4 Count (5), Pickle Pounders 4 Count (20), LBC’s 1 Minute, Protractor (10,45,90,45,10)

15 HIMs…Butter Fingers, Drifter, Hammy, Gold Finger, Moses, Napster, Pinocchio, Sake, Soy Bean, Snorkel, Radio Shack, Taco, Tin-Man, Wood Shack

Look to this day!
For it is life, the very life of life.
In its brief course
Lie all the verities and realities of your existence:
  The bliss of growth
  The glory of action
  The splendor of achievement,
For yesterday is but a dream
And tomorrow is only a vision,
But today well lived makes every yesterday a dream of happiness
And tomorrow is a vision of hope.
Look well, therefore, to this day!
Such is the salutation to the dawn.



THE SCENE: Clear skies, 67 degrees F, 97% humidity

SSH, Imperial Squat Walkers, Arm Circles, Cherry Pickers

Grinder Run

Grinder Bernie

13 stations each named after an original colony.  One HIM carries a 40# sandbag and the AO shovel/flag and runs down to the road and back while the remaining PAX picks one of the 13 stations.  HIM with the flag exchanges with the one behind them in the rotation and all perform the workout in Kraken style. Happened to be the perfect number (14) so that one person was at a colony while one was running.  Each person completed the flag bearer run and each of the 13 colonies.

Delaware Dips

Pennsylvania WWII Sit Ups

New Jersey SSH

Georgia Dry Docks

Connecticut Box Jumps

Massachusetts Merkins

Maryland Bent Rows

South Carolina Squat Thrusts

North Carolina Curls

New Hampshire Triceps Extensions

Virginia Body Builders

New York Russian Swings

Rhode Island Flutter Kicks

Push Pull

Two Groups with one starting with Merkins and the other with Pull ups.

13 Merkins followed by 13 Inverted Pull ups or 7 strict Pull ups (3 Rounds)

Waxjob Hill 7’s

1 Box Cutter

Bear Crawl Up Hill

6 Dry Docks

Run Down Hill


Box Cutters, X’s and O’s, and LBCs

Total of 14 including Spook from Fredericksburg, VA
Started the morning with the Stars Spangled Banner version by Jimi Hendrix.  It was played at Woodstock almost 50 years ago on August 18, 1969.  Some believe it was and is an irreverent rendition but I always liked the fact that his guitar playing brought out the chaos that Francis Scott Key must have seen when he wrote the words “rockets red glare” and “bombs bursting in air.”

The main part of THA-THANG with the colony stations involved an AMRAP while the flag bearer was running and each HIM had the “freedom” to do as many of each exercise.  As with each F3 workout, we have the freedom to come out and to give as much or as little as we want.  Suffice to say, everyone wore it out this morning but it was an individual decision to do so.  (OK, we all have a great ability to overtly or covertly push each other.

We all should appreciate the freedom we have that was started in 1776 and resulted in 1% of the colony’s citizens giving their life to attain it.  We should also be overwhelmed with gratitude for the sacrifice of Jesus to gain eternal freedom with God the Father.  In the end of this earthly life that is what will ultimately matter.  For as 2 Corinthians 3:17 says, “Now the Lord is the Spirit, and where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is freedom.”

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Bomb Shelter

THE SCENE: Nice and cool

Cherry Pickers, Little Baby Arm Circles, SSH
CMU lunges, twistand press from half court to playground. WW2’s at one end, Merkin’s at the other.

Sudden change, Indian run with CMU to Crumpet, sprint up for 15 LBC’s, mosey down for 5 Merkins. Rinse and repeat.

Indian run back to AO for dealers choice.

Finished time with LBC’s
13 PAX enjoyed the CMU braved the day.
John 14, 15-17

Defeating negative self talk. Stop and think about the conversation running through your head on any given day. Chances are that in the span of a few seconds you can talk yourself out of any positive change you want to see in your life. Small changes like setting the alarm for F3 or major life changes that you know are good for you can be easily dashed by that internal voice that say “I’m not strong enough, not smart enough, don’t have the drive or energy to make this happen.”


Here is the truth, own it: You are a well loved son of God and he wants good things for you, just like you want good things for your own children. He has given you the power of the Holy Spirit to walk with you each and every moment of your time here. Grab a hold of that power, ignore the negative self talk live your life pursuing the good things your Father has set before you.

Continue to pray for the job opportunities for the PAX and spouses
Insert information about upcoming events, 2nd or 3rd F opportunities, and any other announcements.


THE SCENE: Clear skies, 68 degrees F, 96% humidity

SSH, Imperial Squat Walkers, Baby Arm Circles, Cherry Pickers
Indian run to the trail junction near the Springbrook Park fountain.

Partner Route 66 – Part 1

1 through 11 Merkins at ascending light poles.

HIM #1 runs to first light pole – 1 Merkin

HIM #2 begins 250 WWII Sit Ups

Partners switch after each return

After 11th light pole, HIM #1 returns to start and both complete 250 WWII Sit Ups

Partner Route 66 – Part 2

1 through 11 Squat Jumps at ascending light poles.

HIM #1 runs to first light pole – 1 Squat Jump

HIM #2 begins 250 Flutter Kicks (4 count)

Partners switch after each return

After 11th light pole, HIM #1 returns to start and both complete 250 Flutter Kicks

Indian run back to AO.

Push/Pull 11’s

1 Burpee

Bernie Across AO

10 Pull Ups

Skip Across AO

Increase 1 Burpee/Decrease 1 Pull Up each trip across AO

Box Cutters, LBCs, Alphabet
Total of 14 with two FNGs.  Welcome Stout and Taco
Everyone received a little grace today.  No one had to complete the three WODs outlined in the THA-THANG.  The “punishment” was taken away, the full requirement of the workout was erased.  Just like Jesus taking away the punishment of our sins and God declaring us justified through faith by his grace.  By grace we are forgiven, by grace the burden is lifted.

We have been forgiven and we are to be examples to others by forgiving.  Not always easy to do because of our human faults but, none the less, an expectation.

An incredible example of forgiveness and faith recently was demonstrated by Miranda Talley Reagan.  She was the estranged wife of Jimmy Reagan and mother of 8 year old Clark.  Tragically Jimmy murdered Clark before killing himself on June 15th.

On June 16th Miranda wrote a Facebook post.  In it she demonstrated forgiveness and faith that few emulate.  In the post she writes, “Compassion is the remedy for anger.  This was mental illness.  It’s heartbreaking this will be his legacy and that he was so tormented in his mind.  We will never understand, but please don’t hate him.”  She goes on to talk about the things that we tend to concern ourselves while raising children but she writes, “In the end, the grace of Jesus is all that matters.”  She speaks of God’s sovereignty and how she believes He will make something beautiful come from this tragedy.  She ends with this, “I could drown in thoughts of everything we will miss or all of the tiny parts of life he will take with him.  But he’s not missing anything.  This world has nothing to offer him in comparison to what he has now.”

Grace and forgiveness is something we all need and, more importantly, something we all need to give.

Prayers for KY’s wife Kelly to have a great job interview today, June 25th.
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