F3 Knoxville

Keep ya’head up!

THE SCENE: “It’s hot. Damn hot! Real hot! Hottest things is my shorts. I could cook things in it!”

Imperial Walkers x15
Windmills x15
Cherry Pickers x15
Plank Jacks x15
‘Merkins x15 OYO
Squats x10
Warm-up run around the #outhouse

Round 1: ELEVENS!
Burpees at the AO
Box Jumps at the #outhouse (mosey in-between!)

Mosey to Tennis Courts

Round 2: Baseline Workout
21 Squats –> Run across court to the far baseline –> 42 Speed Skaters (single count)
15 Squats –> 30 Speed Skaters
9 Squats –> 18 Speed Skaters

Mosey back to the AO

Side crunch x10 each side
LBCs – x21 4-count
Squats x10


All I had to share this morning with the PAX was a quick reminder that as men, people look to us to set the tone, and we need to remember that and set a positive one.  A smile helps spread more smiles.
It was that kind of morning.  As the PAX assembled, Abacus hit the lights and it was apparent that Shooter was still in the #fartsack.   I dug up an oldie-but-a-goodie and then had to tell @Tank #whatsup as he tried to jump in my ‘Q takeover.  😉  He’s on-Q tomorrow anyway…  The PAX didn’t know what to expect, and as @Mayberry pointed out I had to blow the dust off….but we got the work done and I think the PAX missed some of the exercises I brought back out.  #bottomline we kept moving and broke a solid sweat.  Thanks men!

Army PT Re-test



Cherry Pickers


This n That
Mosey to upper soccer field for Army PT test

2 minutes of “Merkins

2 minutes of BBS

1 mile run for time

Mosey to playground

11’s – pullups and squats

Mosey to soccer field

10 merkins, run to mid field

20 bbs, run to other corner

30 squats, run a lap around the field


Mosey back to AO

American hammer- Tank

Worm crunches/ penguins – Mayberry

Happy Father’s Day
Insert any personal comments, notes, devotion content, etc.
Truck Stop workout being scheduled for Wednesday afternoon, details coming soon

Nothing Fancy

THE SCENE: Perfect weather 67 degrees

10x side straddle hops

10x cherry pickers

10x oyo merkins

Michael Phelps

A little of this and that


Burpeecides – Start at 1st cone do 5 burpees, go to 1st cone do 5 burpees then run back to 1st cone and proceed to 2nd cone and do 5 burpees back to first cone then to 3 cone and do 5 burpees.  Rinse and repeat until you get to the 6th cone for a total of 30 burpees.

Continue to the little hill by the docks (not sure the name of hill)   7’s-merkins and BBS (2 bear crawls 2 Bernie sanders 2 run up the hill)

Head to the stairs by the docks start at bottom of steps with 10 Carolina dry docks, then proceed to up the 1st set of steps  and do 20 prisoner squats and then all the way up to the restaurant  and do 30 shoulder taps.  Rinse and repeat

Head back to pee rock pile by the AO.

20-20-20 biceps triceps overhead press run to the end and do the following

20-20-20 hello Dolly’s, baby Crunches, American hammer Rinse and repeat.

Headed back by lunging and stretching out to the AO.

Pusher led us in doing 10x flutter kicks then ran out of time


I took some statistics from https://www.dosomething.org/us/facts/11-facts-about-suicide and read this to the group

  1. Nearly 30,000 Americans commit suicide every year.
  2. In the U.S., suicide rates are highest during the spring.
  3. Suicide is the 3rd leading cause of death for 15 to 24-year-olds and 2nd for 24 to 35-year-olds.
  4. On average, 1 person commits suicide every 16.2 minutes.
  5. Each suicide intimately affects at least 6 other people.
  1. About 2/3 of people who complete suicide are depressed at the time of their deaths. Depression that is untreated, undiagnosed, or ineffectively treated is the number 1 cause of suicide.
  2. There is 1 suicide for every 25 attempted suicides.
  3. Males make up 79% of all suicides, while women are more prone to having suicidal thoughts.
  4. 1 in 65,000 children ages 10 to 14 commit suicide each year.
  5. There are 2 times as many deaths due to suicide than HIV/AIDS.
  6. Over 50% of all suicides are completed with a firearm.

It is also the 10th leading cause of Death in the United States.

There are a lot of Men and women who struggle daily with Depression and suicidal thoughts.  Nobody should have to struggle with this alone.  If you are going thru this please contact me or any of the F3 Men.  My contact number is 865-567-6652.  Also, as men of F3 reach out to those who may be struggling or you  have not heard from a while.
Pray for Boulder’s Friend Jassone and that God will guide him to those who can help him.  Pray for Pusher’s Friends family who just recently lost a son to suicide.

Staying busy with Martha

THE SCENE: seventy two degrees and clear

Ssh x twenty cherry pickers x five merkins x ten

Mosey to CMU pile stopping for twenty wall burpees on the way

at CMU pile do twenty curls presses and tris

mosey to the  sophomore  hill for three rounds of four laps of exercises

Round one, 20 reps of power cleans, toe touch planks, squat touches, and Merkens. On the second lap the reps are 15, and the third lap the reps are 10

Sprint on the straightaways an alternate bear crawls and Bernie Sanders on the uphill and downhill.

Do 20 more reps of curls presses tris

Return CMU  to the coupon pile. Mosey back to the AO

Circle of pain with his leg lifts
12 pax
We talked about taking the time, spending it with the people that you love and not worrying about other things. The example of Martha in the Bible where she was too concerned about cleaning and cooking and spending time with Jesus. There are many areas of our lives that we spend time on that we will certainly regret later.
Welcome speedo from Tallahassee to knoxville for the next few weeks. Great job by everyone this morning. Not being at juco too often, I see marked improvement in the pax there
Prayers for Hillary and premature labor, Eric and his job search, vacation Bible school starting this week.

Fun & Games

THE SCENE: upper 60’s I think….forgot to check the weather.  Clear & muggy.



  • SSH x 20
  • High knee run to light pole & back
  • Butt kickers to light pole & back
  • Karaoke to light pole & back
  • Warm up lap around the island


  1. Mosey to soccer field
    • Wham-o lunges.  PAX take turns throwing a frisbee, sprint after it while it’s in the air, then lunge to it once it hits the ground.  We changed to bear crawls at some point instead of lunges.
  2. Mosey to the other soccer field
    • Dizzy bat spin.  Each man spins around a bat 10 times then try to hit a ball off of a tee.  Remaining PAX hold plank or Al Gore.  If the batter makes contact, all PAX sprint to the ball & do 5 merkins then return to the tee.  If they miss the ball, everyone does 5 burpees…we did a lot of burpees, and it was awesome.
  3. Mosey to mid-field
    • Sack race.  Relay race style.  Split into 2 teams & bunny hop to midfield then sprint back & tag the next man.  PAX does squats while waiting for their turn to hop.  Prize was 5 burpees for all contestants.
  4. Mosey to other end of soccer field
    • 3 legged race.  Keep same teams as before.  2 pax at a time tie their ankle together & run to midfield and back.  Remaining PAX alternates between merkins & squats while waiting.  5 burpee prize for all contestants when finished.
  5. Mosey to baseball field
    • Kickball.  Offense must do 5 burpees each time they incur an out.  Defense must do 5 burpees each time a run scores.   Stay moving between pitches…squats, jump rope, etc.


  • LBC x 20
  • Box Cutter x 20
  • ATM

Tank, La-Z-Boy, Butters, Sparky, Frosty, Cosmo, Cornhole, Driftwood, I-Beam, Gibbler, Bartman

Have some fun every once and a while.

I like to work hard, but sometimes it’s good to relax a little and have some fun.  We did that today.  There were no records set for max heart rate or calories burned or mileage.   We got in plenty of sprints and quite a few burpees…it was workout worthy, but most of all it was a good time laughing at ourselves and enjoying the F3 brotherhood.


Special recognition to Cornhole & Sparky for their dizzy bat efforts.  Cornhole pretty much did a helicopter spin when he whiffed, and Sparky missed the ball by at least 10 feet.  Well done men…well done!