F3 Knoxville


THE SCENE: Pleasant

SSH, Cherry pickers and weighted squares to the Sally song
THA thang

Cones arranged on the grinder to spell out F3, work your way through them and run a lap

5 Burpees

Inchworm to next stop

-10 4 ct flutter kicks


-15 Merkins


-20 Somethings 

high knees

-25 Big Boys

-30 curls


Heavy squats and Salisong plus some ab work to round out the morning
9 regular pax and Azimuth fro DC area
Strength is a mindset before it’s a muscle. What are you doing to feed a proper mindset today?
Insert any personal comments, notes, devotion content, etc.
Insert information about upcoming events, 2nd or 3rd F opportunities, and any other announcements.

Farmer Carry Dancing Dora

THE SCENE: A cool morning 40s/50s. No wind at all. The Flags were looking a little sad

20 SSH, 5 cherry pickers, 6 piano keys, and a Drifter Soccer Warm-up lap (butt kicks, high knees, etc.)
Partner Up. One partner farmer carries 2 CMUs to the far end of the Grinder and back. The other alternates between 2 exercises, 20 reps at a time. Switch to 2 new exercises each time the song switches.

  • Squats and Dips
  • Iron Mikes (single ct) and Merkins
  • Good Mornings and Big Boy Situps
  • Pax Roulette for 2 new ones each time.
  • Rinse and Repeat

10 Peter Parkers, 20 box cutters, 20 Superman Swims

12 PAX. Way to beat that Fartsack gentalmen

Very simple. Just listen. (set a timer for 1 minute to listen quietly). If you’re anything like me, that silence can feel really awkward and it is tempting to fill it up with unimportant jabber. But as leaders, we need to lean into that uncomfortable silence and be available for the people around us. So lead through listening with your family, your work mates, and your neighbors.


Need a couple more guys to commit to helping establish a 2 day a week AO out in Seymour. Talk to Rep Sleepy if you’re interested.

Also, breakfast at drifters will likely be postponed due to family vacation and Easter. So look for it later in the month.

Rep Sleepy’s One Year Anniversary

THE SCENE: Low 40s but we didn’t stay cold for long



SSH x12; Oh Yeahs (Forward/Backward) x12; Tempo Squats x12

Partner up and each pair draws a card that determines where they run to and if they need to take a CMU with them based on the suit. Once at the location another paper tells them what to do based on the card value.

Diamonds – Leave CMU and run to baseball field

Hearts – Take CMU and run to the Apex

Clubs – Take CMU and run to the Troll Bridge

Spades – Leave CMU and run to the Tennis Courts



2-4 – Homerun Bear Crawl (Bear Crawl the base path)

5-10 – Squat Jumps times number drawn

Face Cards – Squat Jumps times 15

Ace – Jump Squats times 20



2-4 – Murder Bunny to cone and back

5-10 – Blockees times number drawn

Face Cards – Blockees times 15

Ace – Blockees times 20



2-4 – Overhead Carry Suicide (4 cones)

5-10 – Thrusters times number drawn

Face Cards – Thrusters times 15

Ace – Thrusters times 20



2-4 – Crab Walk to cone and back

5-10 – Burpees times number drawn

Face Cards – Burpees times 15

Ace – Burpees times 20

Big Boys while waiting for the six to get back; Boxcutters x12; Flutter Kicks x12; Mountain Climbers x12; Catalina Wine Mixers x12; LBCs for time

13 HIMs including one FNG, “Nailed It”


Thank you

  • Thank you for all the times I was wagon wheeled back to because we leave no man behind
  • Thank you for encouraging me to keep going even when I thought there was no way I could do this because we leave no man where we found him
  • Thank you for making me a better husband and father
  • Thank you for the ways you will push, encourage, and pray for me as we continue to walk life’s journey
  • Thank you for a brotherhood that is unlike anything I have ever know
  • Thank you to Swerve for never shutting up about F3 to the point I had to come see why he was so enthusiastic about it.
  • Thank you to Smuggler, I wouldn’t have made it past one month, let alone to one year, without your encouragement.
  • Thank you to Drifter, your M helped get mine to come to FIA starting in January and she needed it much like I needed F3.
  • Thank you to each and every one of you, I wouldn’t have enough time to go through how each of you encourage, push, and teach me through your words and actions.

Thank you is not enough but it is all I have

Insert any personal comments, notes, devotion content, etc.
Insert information about upcoming events, 2nd or 3rd F opportunities, and any other announcements.

Dazed on Suckmore

THE SCENE: spring is in the air! Mid 40s. No wind. Very nice.

20 SSH. Some cherry pickers and piano keys. 10 imp squat walkers.

Head to mount suckmore. 

  • Rep counts
  • 5 . 10 . 15 . 20 . 20 . 15 . 10 . 5
  • Round 1:
  • Bottom: Monkey Humpers (single count)
  • Run Up
  • Top: Roller Berpees
  • Run Down
  • Round 2:
  • Bottom: Dry Docks
  • Top: Good morning

20 V-Ups IC. 15 flutter kicks IC. LBCs for time.
Was reading a book on generosity and got to a part that was around counting the cost. See moleskin

Sitting cross-legged on the dirt floor, halfway around the world, our friend ate a skimpy bowl of gruel that his hosts had given him. They wore facial coverings, so he could only hear their voices. 

“Aren’t you going to eat?” he asked them.

“No. We are fasting. Our ordeal begins next month.”

His hosts were Christians who had snuck out of their oppressive, anti-Christian nation to seek spiritual and theological training. He was visiting them for only one day and had just joined them at their secretive, rural retreat.

“What do you mean by ‘ordeal’?”

“We want to go back home to teach and train our brothers and sisters in Christ. When we return, our extended absence from the country without a visa will get us in trouble, and we’ll be punished. We will be imprisoned and will be beaten, tortured, and interrogated. This will last for months or years. Afterward they will let us go, and we can go minister. Eventually, if we are ever discovered, we will be executed. Only then will we have eternal rest in Jesus.”

Even their veils, his host later explained, were worn in preparation for what was to come. Each person wore them to protect one another’s anonymity so that later, under torture, they would not crack and identify fellow participants in the training. Despite the somber circumstances, however, these pastors-in-training were peaceful, resolute, and calm. Not only were they financially poor, they were also facing the threat of imminent torture and death.

Our friend later recounted this visit with these brave individuals. “They talk about baptism differently than we do. We talk about being baptized into new life. That’s true and beautiful. But we forget about the dying part. Baptism symbolizes the death of the old self. Death to our own plans. Death to comfort and security, if these things stand in the way of discipleship. These friends spoke of being ‘baptized into the death of Jesus,’ and they knew that it might literally mean their own death at the hands of oppressors.”

His eyes welled with tears as he continued. “They’ll never be beatified as saints by the Catholic church. Won’t ever get invited to speak at Protestant megachurches. They’re anonymous, and no earthly fame will ever come their way. But I’m not even worthy to sit at their feet. We need their perspective, their wisdom, their devotion. We have so much to learn from them.”

Excerpt From: “True Riches: What Jesus Really Said About Money and Your Heart” by John Cortines. Scribd.

This material may be protected by copyright.

Read this book on Scribd: https://www.scribd.com/book/406958539

Breakfast at Drifter’s on the 12th!

The Joker is on You

THE SCENE: A crisp 35 degrees and dry.

SSH X 20.

LBAC forward and backwards x 10.

3:39 of Imperial Squat Walkers to Jimmy Eat World’s “The Sweetness.”
This was a deck of cards workout. For any number cards, the rep count was doubled. See below for exercises based on suit and face card value.

  • Spades – Grave diggers.
  • Clubs – Step-ups.
  • Diamonds – Overhead CMU press.
  • Hearts – Overhead claps in cadence (4 ct).
  • Jack – 15 curls.
  • Queen – 15 Big Boys with an American Hammer to strike fear in the hearts of the commies.
  • King – 15 Blockees.
  • Ace – The entire pax did an inchworm of death bear crawl to the edge of the bathroom on the grinder.
  • Joker – While the rest of the pax did SSH, one pax picked up the Heavy CMU and did overhead press x 10. Once finished, he handed off to the next pax until it made it around the circle. There was much rejoicing over this card.

Step ups for time.
11 And the mind of the king of Syria was greatly troubled because of this thing, and he called his servants and said to them, “Will you not show me who of us is for the king of Israel?” 12 And one of his servants said, “None, my lord, O king; but Elisha, the prophet who is in Israel, tells the king of Israel the words that you speak in your bedroom.” 13 And he said, “Go and see where he is, that I may send and seize him.” It was told him, “Behold, he is in Dothan.” 14 So he sent there horses and chariots and a great army, and they came by night and surrounded the city.

15 When the servant of the man of God rose early in the morning and went out, behold, an army with horses and chariots was all around the city. And the servant said, “Alas, my master! What shall we do?” 16 He said, “Do not be afraid, for those who are with us are more than those who are with them.” 17 Then Elisha prayed and said, “O Lord, please open his eyes that he may see.” So the Lord opened the eyes of the young man, and he saw, and behold, the mountain was full of horses and chariots of fire all around Elisha.” 2nd Kings 6:11-17

To be honest, I really struggled with what to talk about today, so I decided to go the personal route. Lately, through different situations, I have had to make some tough decisions that made me feel drastically alone. Sometimes, leadership is like that. At the same time, the spiritual warfare in my life has stepped up in the last 6 months or so, and the devil and all the world loves to isolate people that are enduring difficulty. Now, when those moments come, when difficult times occur and I feel a little “cut off,” I am trying to remember to pray like Elisha, “Lord, open my eyes.” The truth of the matter is if we are in Christ, we are never alone. There are more for us than those who are against us. So, let me just put it this way: I know we all face trying times, but we never face them alone. I’m thankful for my brothers here at F3, and we need each other to remind ourselves that our struggles are not to be shouldered alone. We have an amazing God first and foremost, but we also have the gift from Him of the Spirit, and the gift that F3 is to each of us. God bless you men, and I hope you have a great rest of the week.
Insert information about upcoming events, 2nd or 3rd F opportunities, and any other announcements.