F3 Knoxville

The Bermuda Triangle

  • Welcome: 45 degrees.
  • Warmup:
    • SSH, Cherry Pickers,  Circle Bear Crawl, reverse bear crawl, crab walk, reverse crab walk, lunge, bernie.
  • Workout:  
    • 50 dips & 10 Hand Stand Pushups at the cone beginning then
    • Bernie to first cone
    • Crab walk to next cone
    • Reverse Crab Walk to next cone
    • Lunge to next cone
    • Inchworm to next cone
    • Bernie to next cone
    • Teams of two – Sprint to next cone
    • Bear Crawl to next cone
    • Reverse Bear Crawl to next cone
    • Broad Jump to next cone
    • Lunge to next cone.
    • Mosey back to beginning.
    • Repeat the above loop around the cone parking lot but then add in some stationary exercises (25 4ct flutter kicks, 25 LBCs, 25 Big boys, 25 Parker Climbers 4ct)
    • Then repeat the above loop around the cones with the CMU.
    • This workout was going to shape into a nice loop around the parking lot, which would have been a sort of triangle – hense the name “Bermuda Triangle” , however they started construction on site and so our triangle morphed into a pretty ugly shape..
  • Wrap-up:
    • Verse of the Day from the Bible App ” Ephesians 4:31 Let all bitterness and wrath and anger and clamor and slander be put away from you, along with all malice. Be kind to one another, tender-hearted, forgiving each other, just as God in Christ also has forgiven you.”

ST Patricks Day Pyramid


Cloudy Temperature Humidity Feels like Wind Speed Wind Direction
52 ℉ 93% 52 ℉ 2.1 mi/h SSW

I am not a professional.


15 – Grady Corns
5 – Cherry Pickers
1 min – Irish Jig
Shuffle – Using parking lines shuffle around rectangles.

Mosey to CMU pile and have everyone grab one. There are 5 stations basically set up in a circle. Stations are arranged clockwise in this order: #1, #5, #3, #2, then #4. Leave CMUs at station #2.

Mosey to station #1. Perform all the workouts at the station. Then Mosey to station #2. Do all exercises. Then to #3, #4, and finally #5. So, you are not running around in the circle but directly from one station to the next. Stations 2 and 4 require CMUs so proximity is nice.
Station exercises are:
#1 50 SSH, 40 Jump Squats, 30 Speed Skaters, 20 Plank Jacks, and 10 Burpees.
#2 50 Merkins, 40 Dips, 30 Upright Rows, 20 Shoulder Press, and 10 Renegade Rows.
#3 50 High Knees, 40 Rocky Balboas, 30 Jump Squats, 20 Mountain Climbers, and 10 Burpees.
#4 50 Squats with CMU, 40 Alternating Leg Lung Kicks, 30 Single Leg Deadlifts (15 each leg), 20 Kettlebell Swings, and 10 Single Leg Squats (5 each leg).
#5 50 LBC, 40 Should Taps, 30 Freddie Mercurys, 20 Flutter Kicks, and 10 V-Ups.
Do as many stations as time allows. Starting over after #5.

After putting up CMUs, 3 rounds of Pure Burn. Look it up. It sucks.

Then Mosey back to AO.

Get the PAX into the circle.
20 – Prime Time Merkins
15 – Lucky Horseshoe Abs (Windshield wipers but reversed so that legs form a horseshoe. On your six. Legs start at 2 o’clock and then to 6 then to 10 o’clock)
20 – Pickle Pointers
10 – Big Boys

13 Irishmen.

“For where two or three are gathered in my name, there am I among them.”


For the kids struggling with issues at school.  For the elderly. For our brothers battling illness.


Bleachers and Wallees

The Scene

50’s and gorgeous, 

F3 Welcome and Disclaimer

Fitness, Fellowship, Faith, Free, Modify, Not Professional, Own Volition, Social Distance, Phone



Mountain Climbers

Tempo Merkins




Mosey to bleachers

5 Rounds OYO

Bottom of bleachers complete 5 4-count IW

Bear crawl up bleachers

Top of bleachers complete 5 4-count In and Outs

Crawl Bear/Crab walk back down bleachers


When finished we headed to the closest endzone of the football field 

3 rounds (IC) with a shuttle run to 50 yd line in between each round

5 Half Burpees

10 Elbow to Hands Planks

15 Crabettes

Mosey to weight room/bathroom building wall

5 Wallees (Burpee but instead of kicking your feet back on the ground, your feet go up onto a wall) 

Bernie to the beginning of the track 

10 air squats 

Mosey back to the wall 

Repeat 4x


Mosey to Track


Mosey 100 meters 

Lunge half the length of the endzone

Bernie second half the length of the endzone



Mosey 100 meters 

Reverse Lunge half the length of the endzone

Bernie second half the length of the endzone


On the way back to the AO 

30 Rocky Balboas 

Bear Crawl up the hill outside the football field

Repeat 3x


Mosey back to AO



10 4-count crabettes 



9 HIM’s



1 Samuel 24:6

6 He said to his men, “The Lord forbid that I should do this thing to my lord, the Lord’s anointed, to put out my hand against him, seeing he is the Lord’s anointed.” 7 So David persuaded his men with these words and did not permit them to attack Saul. And Saul rose up and left the cave and went on his way.

1 Samuel 25 Nabul and Abigail, Abigail spoke reason into David.


At church, we have been studying the life of David. In 1 Samuel 24 David, despite enormous peer pressure, did not take Saul’s life in the cave and listened to the voice of God and showed restraint. In the very next chapter, a man named Nabul insults him and he was ready to take the lives of every man in the town. 


The same man shows so much restraint in one challenge because he was in tune with the voice of God. The very next challenge, arguably much less significant of a situation, he was ready to slaughter all the men in a town but listened to the reason of the wife of the man that had wronged him. As high impact men we need to be in tune with God’s voice as much as we can in our lives, but when this is not the case, surrounding ourselves with people who will speak reason to us is a crucial guardrail to have in place. I am thankful for the people in my life that are there to keep me on track when I am not as in tune with God’s voice as a should be. 




Shamrock Jailbreak Tour

  • Welcome: 29 degrees – Good thing it’s free and clear!
  • Warmup: 
    • ssh
    • cherry pickers
    • 5 burpees
    • 1 burpee per shamrock to the Football field (30 ish burpees)
    • 25 yard mosey @ 25 % effort
    • 50 yard run @ 50 % effort
    • 75 yard sprint @ 75 % effort
    • 100 yard sprint @ 100% effort
  • Workout:
    • The Shamrock Jailbreak Tour:
      • Random HIM, pick a random card from the deck. Jailbreak to the location printed on the card and do the exercise printed on the card.  Someone give a 30 rest count.
      • Repeat
      • Of the 18 cards to choose from we chose:
        • @ Football field Entrance Do: 20 Wear Wolves
        • @ Pull Up bars Do: 20 Pullups
        • @ Football Field do: 2 Lengths of Bernies
        • @ Valley of Death Do: 3 hill to hill climbs
        • @ Football Stadium do: 5 Bleachers (top to bottom – touch railing)
        • @ Catholic High School Main Entrance Overhang Do: 25 Burpees
        • @ AO Home Base do: Bear crawl across parking lot twice
  • Warm Down:
    • 25 Freddy Mercuries
    • 25 Flutter Kicks
    • 5 Leg lifts
    • 10 Gas Pumps
    • 10 Captain Thors
  • Wrap-up:

Attack Resolutely

The Scene

34 degrees and beautiful

F3 Welcome and Disclaimer

Fitness, Fellowship, Faith, Free, Modify, Not Professional, Own Volition, Social Distance, Phone


Side Straddle Hops

Seal Claps 4 count

Inch Worms w/ merkin

Tempo Squats

Imperial Walkers


Mosey to the church courtyard


15 Alternating Shoulder Taps (4 count)

10 Tempo Merkins (4 Count)

10 Fast Merkins

Mosey to Cedar Bluff Rd entrance of Shamrock stopping for 10 4ct Monkey Humpers before crossing and heading to the Cedar Bluff Elementary Stairs.

Dora 1 2 3

Partner 1 performs exercises while Partner 2 goes up and down the stairs twice. 

100 Inch Worms

200 Heel Elevated Squats 

300 Little Mermaids (Lay on one side, one arm goes on the back of your head and the other on the ground.  Keep your legs together since we are mermaids and do a sideways sit-up where your elbow gets to your knees.)

Due to time, we called the Little Mermaids around 200 to make it back to the AO on time. We all took one more trip up the stairs for good measure.

Sneaky Gorilla the length of the parking lot headed back to campus

Mosey to Cedar Bluff Rd stopping for 10 more 4ct Monkey Humpers before crossing and heading to the AO.

BLIMPS once we are back to the AO

5 Burpees

10 Lunges (5 each leg)

15 Imperial Walkers (we did single count)

20 Merkins

25 Plank Jacks

30 Squats


No Time


15 HIM’s


Quote from the book Battle Studies: Ancient and Modern Battle by Colonel Ardant Du Picq heard on Jocko Podcast 269

“Four brave men who do not know each other will not dare to attack a lion. Four less brave men, but knowing each other well, sure of their reliability and consequently of mutual aid, will attack resolutely.”-Colonel Ardant Du Picq

Since I joined F3 I have done many things that I never thought I could do because I was surrounded by men who knew I could and showed confidence in me. The “lion” that is referenced in the quote can be many different things; 3100 burpees in a month, a service project, a coat drive, donation to Street Hope, the list goes on. Alone we may not think we can do these things or make an impact in an organization but as a group (F3) we can take down any “lion” that comes across our path. I am so grateful for F3 Knoxville.




Help us support the fight against human trafficking.  Our collection for Street Hope TN house starts THIS WEEK. We have been asked to collect Copy Paper, Napkins, and 55 gal Trash Bags. Bring these items to the workouts and/or get them to your AOQs and we will collect from them. You can learn more about Street Hope TN at https://streethopetn.org

Let’s support our Blount county brethren on Saturday and have a good showing for our new AO launch. If you are in town make plans to join. See Slack for details.