F3 Knoxville

DORA’s Card Game

  1. THE SCENE: A beautiful morning in the gloom



SSH x20; Imperial Squat Walker x10; Mosey loop for the workout

Partner up, PAX 1 runs loop from warmup. PAX 2 draws a card to determine how many reps to do of the exercises. Exercises were Derkins, WW2s, and Step Ups.

  • 2-10 = reps equal to number on card
  • Face Cards = 15 reps
  • Ace = 20 reps
  • Joker = 25 reps

Flutter Kicks x20; Boxcutters x 10; LBCs x20; Big Boys for time

12 total this morning with two FNGs


Inaction breeds doubt and fear. Action breeds confidence and courage.

  • Dale Carnegie

Specializing in self-improvement and interpersonal skills, American writer and lecturer Dale Carnegie talked often about the power of action. It’s easy to let our small doubts and anxieties balloon into overwhelming fears — because we allow them too much time and space to grow rather than taking action to face them. “If you want to conquer fear,” Carnegie urged, “do not sit home and think about it. Go out and get busy.”

The Bible also talks about fear.

“do not be anxious about anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God.”

‭‭Philippians‬ ‭4:6‬ ‭ESV‬‬

Don’t let fear hinder you from being the man God has called you to be. Pray and take action.

Pray for Pennies daughter as she will be traveling out of the country. Pray for Trousers and his family. Pray for Smuggler and Halfday as they travel this week.


Rampart launch on 5/30 at 7am

Speedway launch on 6/4 at 6am

Walls of Jericho

THE SCENE: High 50s and perfect


SSH – 25, BAC – 10 , church lap

Walls of Jericho

  • Peoples Chair
  • Blockees
  • Diamond Merkins
  • Dips
  • Military style Merkins
  • Imperial Walkers
  • Lawn Mowers


Halfday, Cow Patty, Shoelaces, Grouch, Rep Sleepy, Streaker, Doppelgänger, Shenanigans, Doctor, and Trousers
Read Joshua 6:1-5

God may ask us to do something that makes absolutely no sense to us, but it doesn’t matter. We trust His commands and the outcome is up to Him. He has called us simply to be obedient.


Speedway Square Dance and Box Dodge

THE SCENE: Very nice!  Mid 50s and clear skies
SSH x25, Windmills x10, Cherry Pickers x5
Square Dance (put CMU at second cone) – this was done as a group and if you finished early, you held a plank until all were done

  • First cone – Iron Mikes x10 per leg, Burpees x10, American Hammers x10 per side
  • Bear Crawl to second cone (~ 30 feet)
  • Second cone – CMU Big Boy Situps x20, Bent over Rows x20, CMU Squat Thursters x20
  • Murder Bunny w/CMU to third cone (~ 30 feet)
  • Third cone – CMU Curls x30, CMU Skull Crushers (tricep extensions) x30, CMU LBCs x30
  • Lunges w/ CMU to fourth cone (~ 30 feet)
  • Fourth cone – Goblet squats w/ CMU x20, Toe Merkins x20, Flutter Kicks (x20 per leg)
  • Inchworm (no CMU) back to first cone


  • Box Jumps
  • Dips

Box Dodge

Every HIM has a puzzle box approximately 1 ft x 1 ft size.  You have to hold the box above your head like a waiter at a restaurant when they carry their trays.  You can switch hands when shoulder starts to get tired.  You try to knock each others box out of each others hand.  Grid with 9 guys was about 366 ft x 36ft (playing space).  If you lose your box, you have to step out of the grid and do 5 burpees.  You cannot grab the box if someone knocks it but if you can stabilize it with your finger tips then you are good.  If it falls or you grab it, get on those burpees.

I have seen this done with pizza boxes and it is far more interesting because they are bigger but can be more easily stabilized.

Modified Circle of Pain – every PAX on his 6, legs straight in the air, 1 PAX runs around and pulls legs towards ground, lies down back in spot and next person in circle repeats.
Halfday, Streaker, Trousers, Shoelaces, Rep Sleepy, Doppelganger, Pennies, Cow Patty, Grouch
No specific Biblical text but was watching The Chosen Season 1 Episode 8 when Yeshua was talking to the Samaritan woman at the well.  At one point she says, “You picked the wrong person.”  and “I’m rejected by others.” to which Yeshua says, “I know but not by the Messiah.”  While this is not in the Bible, it resonates tremendously in my spirit.  I am ashamedly guilty of judging a book by its cover but not YHWH.  He looks beyond what our eyes see and sees every person he created for who they really are.  We are never to be the judge in this world.  Yeshua called us to love and it is through our love that we show those around us how we are different.  Only when people ask should we offer our views and thoughts from a place of love rather than cramming them down peoples’ throats even though I am guilty of wanting to shake those who do not know, or willingly ignore, they are living apart from YHWH.  YHWH is the only true and righteous judge.  His ways are higher than ours and his thoughts are higher than ours.
Men’s Group with Doppelganger and Cow Patty and others at Food City at 6 AM.  Join them!

Convergence in July.

Death by Dora episode 3: Revenge of the EMOM

THE SCENE: Cool morning at the speedway

Arm circlesx10 each way
THA Thang

Dora style workout with EMOM timer going as well. Increasing merkins on the EMOM timer, adding one rep each minute. Dora as follows

  • 50 blockees
  • 150 iron mikes
  • 300 CMU squats


pax roulette.
Use the TAGS on right-side to record PAX (BE SURE TO INCLUDE YOURSELF) in attendance. Be sure to select the AO in CATEGORY above TAGS and then delete these notes!
Marriage is hard.
Divorce is hard.
Choose your hard.
Obesity is hard.
Being fit is hard.
Choose your hard.
Being in debt is hard.
Being financially
disciplined is hard.
Choose your hard.
Communication is hard.
Not communicating is hard.
Choose your hard.
Insert any personal comments, notes, devotion content, etc.
Insert information about upcoming events, 2nd or 3rd F opportunities, and any other announcements.

Speedway Hills

THE SCENE: Low 60s and the rain held off till we were finished



Little Baby Arm Circles (F/B) x10; Little Bit of This, Little Bit of That

Started with Chumba-Burpees while still in the circle. Play Tubthummping, do Side Straddle Hops for whole song, do a Burpee when they say “I get knocked down”

Mosey to the hill by the canopy where there are lots of cameras for 11s with Monkey Humpers and Pickle Pounders. We did Bernie up the hill and ran down.

Mosey to hill by the backstop, picking blocks up on the way, for 7s doing with Skull Crushers and Grave Diggers. We did Polar Bear Crawl up the hill and ran down.

Mosey to hill at the far side from the backstop for 5s (Q should have done 7s at each location) doing Pull Thru Merkins and Thrusters. We did Murder Bunny up the hill and ran down.

Hello Dolly x10; LBCs for time

Welcome to Pennies and Trousers


“Let the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart be acceptable in your sight, O Lord, my rock and my redeemer.”

‭‭Psalm‬ ‭19:14‬

What we take in with our ears and eyes is what the words of our mouths become and will be what we mediate on in our heart. Reading the Bible, praying, and spending time with others that have similar beliefs all help us take in good things so when we are pressured and squeezed by life, what comes out is honoring to God.

Insert any personal comments, notes, devotion content, etc.
Insert information about upcoming events, 2nd or 3rd F opportunities, and any other announcements.