F3 Knoxville

Thurs 7-14-22 at Dog Pound – We have pull-up bars??

THE SCENE: Full moon, still air, damp

Done, including the 5 pillars

Feet together – touch toes and hold for 20s.  SSH IC x 15.  Moving Imperial Walkers up to the road.  10 Lateral Plank walks to the left, then 10 to the right.  Mosey to the Back Bone for today’s BD.
PAX use various forms of movement between 3 stations, each with it’s own prescribed movement:

1 – Pull-Up / Merkin 11’s – perform one Pull-Up / Merkin super-set (starting reps = 10/1)

  • Crawl Bear downhill to the cones

2 – 10 Reverse Crunches

  • Sprint up the hill to the next set of cones

3 – 10 lunges (5 each leg); 10 downhill facing Squats

  • Mosey back to Back Bone for next Pull-Up / Merkin set

Once a PAX completes his last Pull-Up / Merkin set (1/10), he proceeds to the 2nd station to join in with whoever he finds there, and completes the workout with them at their pace.

Indian Run back to the AO
14, including 2 down-rangers – Boomer (Tuscaloosa) and Walter (London)

We must be diligent in the spiritual warfare that wages on every day, especially as it relates to our children and online media.  This is not something to be trifled with.  Our children’s innocence is not something to be laid on the line in exchange for our own personal convenience.
The Common Sense Census: Media Use by Kids Age Zero to Eight – https://www.commonsensemedia.org/sites/default/files/research/report/2020_zero_to_eight_census_final_web.pdf

– Some Stats:

  • According to the census report, kids watch an average of 39 minutes a day of online videos, more than double the amount of time devoted to online videos in 2017, when the survey was last conducted.  34% of children 8 and under watch online videos every day.  46% of 2-to-4 year olds and 67% of 5-to-8 year olds have their own mobile device (tablet or smart phone)
  • When looking at the sample of online videos viewed on YouTube, 95% of early childhood videos included some for of advertising, and one in five videos viewed by children 8 and under contained ads that were not age-appropriate.  Inappropriate ads ranged from violent video games, lingerie, alcohol, and politics.  Even in age-appropriate videos, inappropriate ads appeared 9% – 22% of the time.
  • The study also found that young children are primarily watching entertainment, not education content.  Almost a quarter of videos were classified as educational, thought most only touched on basic educational concepts, or filled the videos with toys or vicarious experiences.  Only about 4% of videos had a high educational value, meaning they taught topics at a developmentally appropriate level and went beyond simple or surface concepts.  Roughly three-quarters of videos children watched have weak or no educational value.
  • The amount of content is almost unfathomable, and YouTube isn’t monitoring it because there’s no way that they could be.  500 hours of content is uploaded every minute of every day.
  • The risk/reward of giving a young child access to YouTube is way out of whack

1 Peter 5:8 – Be sober-minded; be watchful.  Your adversary the devil prowls around like a roaring lion, seeking someone to devour.

Phillipians 4:8 – Finally, brothers, whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is just, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is commendable, if there is any excellence, if there is anything worthy of praise, think about these things.

August 6 service opportunity – work day at the Cerebral Palsy Center near downtown

No Glove Love, Equalizer Style

THE SCENE: low 70’s & humid

Jog around the parking lot, bernie around the parking lot, cherry pickers, windmills, & quad stretching
Mosey to the bathrooms!!!

20 lunges & a 30 second wall squat
19 lunges & a 30 second wall squat
repeat to 1/30

Bernie to the parking lot between the pavilion and the splash pad
Rinse and repeat the following 3-5X:
20 elevated heel squats on the curb stops at the splash pad
20 monkey humpers at the island with rocks
20 (10 each leg) Bulgarian Split Squats

Mosey back to the Flag for the Mary in whatever time remains.
Hello Dolly’s
Big Boys
Glute and Quad Stretching

See above


I talked about my struggle to pray when times are good, and my desire to pray when times are tough.  I recently dropped my daughter off at a camp in Palo Alto CA.  She is 15, and we were both struggling at the prospect of her being on her own.  I finally left her, and I was a wreck emotionally.  I took a long walk around the Stanford Campus to clear my head and spent a lot of time in prayer.

My daughter met some people and did great, and I hailed an UBER back to San Francisco.  I encountered the best driver I have ever had.  He had over 28,000 trips and maintained a 4.99 star rating out of 5.  Nasim was a Jordanian immigrant.  He retired from the grocery business, and drives UBER for fun.  He loves people, and was raised as a Christian in Jordan, before immigrating to the US.  We had a delightful conversation, and he was an answer to prayers, and maybe even an angel.  Nasim and I swapped numbers and he texted me the next day (Father’s Day) to see how I was doing.

We need God all of the time, not just when things are rough, the challenge this week is to remember that and spend some time in prayer.  God is real, He is there just waiting for you to have a relationship with Him.



Convergence 7/2

Pickle pounderball

THE SCENE: Wet and humid but like Blind Melin said…no rain.

SSH, Merkins, grady corns 1 lap around track
Divide into 2 teams of 6 on the tennis court.
Play some big ball tennis or renamed Pickle Pounderball.
When team earns a point, other team does 5 burpees. (Later changed to 3) Every time your team hits it over the net you do one Burpee. Every so often we take an exercise break to do 45 seconds of the following

  • merkins
  • bobby hurleys
  • shoulder taps
  • Rockettes
  • Grady corns
  • dry docks

Run three laps around tennis courts and resume play

MARY: no time for her
12 pax

serving others. Especially to those that do not have the same abilities that we have. Talked about our upcoming partnership with the cerebral palsy center.

I think we all realized that we need choirboy as our lawyer. He definitely knows how to argue and fight for what he wants!! Ha! Although in the end Judge Tank denied several of his objections and International rules were in effect.  We also realized that several of us including me have no skills in volleyball.
Convergence at JUCO  next weekend

Tour de Equalizer part 2

THE SCENE: 72 and slightly humid.

1 burpee

5 cherry pickers

30 SSH


Get your headlamp and let’s go.

Mosey over to the trails and three different spots that we do the following

  • 20 each
    • Merkins
    • squats
    • LBC

After coming out of the other sides we get to the bottom of the hill.

  • 11’s
    • man makers
    • run up to the pavalon
    • Dips
  • time crunch and run back through the trail. and in three different spots
  • 20 each
    • Merkins
    • squats
    • LBC

no time

Use the TAGS on right-side to record PAX (BE SURE TO INCLUDE YOURSELF) in attendance. Be sure to select the AO in CATEGORY above TAGS and then delete these notes!
Insert any personal comments, notes, devotion content, etc.
1 week till convergence sign up!

Take 2 on this workout worked

THE SCENE: Hot, but better than earlier in the week

Warm up? I think we were warm enough but still did a few things to get the muscles ready
Start at 1st cone. Do 1 of the first exercise. Run to cone 2 do qty of 2, run back to cone 1 and then to cone 3 where you do qty of 3, run back to cone 1 and then to cone 4 etc etc etc. 8 cones total. Exercises are

  • Shoulder tap Merkins 2ct
  • Russian rockettes 2 ct
  • Toe touch merkins 2ct
  • Side lunges 2ct
  • Inch worms w/Merkin
  • toe touch crunches 2ct
  • diamond Merkins
  • marge Simpsons


crunches in bunches


13 pax

Your actions can make a big impact. Be a Christ follower and live like one.

we didn’t have an FNG today, so we “met” Tweet-E again. Love that guy! His story is an amazing one of Gods love for him.

Convergence at Juco