F3 Knoxville

Failing forward

THE SCENE: Humid, dew on the grass but this really the best gloom time of the year. The sun rise right at 6:15 is sublime.

  • jog one end of grindstone to other. Frankenstein half way back jog rest way to start
  • jog to other end, knee hugs half way jog back to start
  • deep lunge half way, jog to end
  • heel kicks half way back
  • carioca rest of way back
    Mosey to small softball feild
  • Partner circuit- three areas.
  • #1-partner Wheelbarrow/Burpee Gantlet. 6 cones lined up about 20 ft between . Partners wheelbarrow to cone 1. One burpee IC Switch partner, wheelbarrow to 2 cone. Two burpees. Keep switch and increase burpees each cone till end.
    mosey back to grindstone  
  • #2- Mike Tyson- each pax takes 10 playing cards, lay them down on ground in line about 4 in apart. Everything is done IC pax will squat down and pick up first card using good form (chest up butt dropped- if done right it’s a deep squat)- after picking up first card walk to card 2 with card one in your hand. Squat down lay down card 1. Stand up. Squat down pick up top card, squat down again pick up card 2. Move to card 3. Repeat process, laying down each card separately and then pick up each card separately, working all the way to card 10
  • #3- Run to top of Mount Wumbo- this is running along trail to bridge, up Blindmans hill, keep running to top of Wumbo. Mosey back down Wumbo and to grindstone. Stay attached to your partner the whole time up and down. Push each other to keep running.
  • you will start circuit over after run but start at Mike Tyson, then move to Wheelbarrow/ Burpee gauntlet starting at 6 working back to 1. If time allows move to Mike Tyson again and then run to top Mt. Wumbo. We got through the 2nd rd of Wheelbarrow/Burpee Gauntlet


1 min plank hold, 10 two arm Superman’s OYO, 1 min plank hold, 10 Alt Arm Superman’s OYO, hamstring stretch, quad stretch
From The Difference Maker by John Maxwell

Guillaume Apolllinaire- “Come to the edge. No, we will fall. Come to the edge. No, we will fall. They came to the edge. He pushed them and they flew”

John Maxwell- “If you want to seize an opportunity, you must take a risk. If you want to grow, you must make mistakes. If you want to reach your potential, you will have to take a chance. If you don’t , you will be resigned to a life of mediocrity. The people who don’t make mistakes end up working for those who do. And in the end, they often end up regretting the safe life they lived.”
Just happy to lead such amazing


grouch Bday Q on Saturday.

Between Two Bridges

THE SCENE: mid 50s, calm

SSH, little baby arm circles, tempo squats, tempo merkins, mosey across bridge toward tennis quarts with CMUs
There 8 CMU workouts positioned at and in between each light post.  15 reps at each station and murder bunny to the next station.  If a jogger passes during the workout, stop what you are doing and run the opposite direction of the runner until you get to the bridge.  Then return to your CMU and continue where you left off.  The exercises were as follows (all involve CMU):

  • Curls
  • American Hammers (2 ct)
  • Thrusters
  • Big Boys
  • CMU press
  • Grave diggers (2 ct)
  • Swings
  • Blockees

Mosey back to grindstone.  Overhead claps, box cutters, and ABCs.
Use the TAGS on right-side to record PAX (BE SURE TO INCLUDE YOURSELF) in attendance. Be sure to select the AO in CATEGORY above TAGS and then delete these notes!
The other day my sister made a super long Facebook post about her views on Covid-19.  It was so long I didn’t even take time to read it all but I knew where she was going and what she was trying to do.  It was written as an attempt to convince someone to agree with her point of view.  I likely agreed with what she said, as we have very similar stances on things, but my thought was, “whose mind are you actually going to change?”  No one goes on to Facebook to have their mind changed which made me realize that sometimes things are just best left unsaid.  Even if something is 100% true, it doesn’t always make it appropriate.  As leaders, we like to speak up and be heard, but sometimes the best thing you can do as a leader is to keep your mouth shut.  So please take the time before you speak, before you post, to ask, is this the appropriate time and/or place for this and will it benefit anyone?  If not then lead through silence.
About 5 runners passed me when I was setting out the papers marking the exercises before the beatdown.  Only one runner passed us during the beatdown.  Baby Weight hulked up and broke his CMU.
Insert information about upcoming events, 2nd or 3rd F opportunities, and any other announcements.

No Cardio

THE SCENE: warm and wet

little baby arm circles, side straddle hops, tempo merkins, Tempo squats, cherry pickers

Workouts were in a circle. Pax had to Frog jump, bear crawl, or crab walk to each workout station. Reps started at 12 and each time you made it around the circle your rep count went down by 1.

  • Reverse merkins
  • LBC
  • Decline merkin
  • Merkin
  • Ww2
  • Pickle thrusters
  • Squat
  • Bulgarian squat split

Asked Pax lead different ab exercises for the last few minutes.

James 2:2-4
Warm ups are important.

Burpees EMOM

THE SCENE: Warm! Beautiful morning


Following exercises with 3 burpee EMOM for first 34 minutes

  • 100 thrusters
  • 50 baseline to baseline on basketball court
  • 100 merkins
  • 100 BBS

Pax roulette. Overhead claps were popular
Use the TAGS on right-side to record PAX (BE SURE TO INCLUDE YOURSELF) in attendance. Be sure to select the AO in CATEGORY above TAGS and then delete these notes!
There isn’t a person anywhere that isn’t capable of doing more than he thinks he can
Insert any personal comments, notes, devotion content, etc.
Insert information about upcoming events, 2nd or 3rd F opportunities, and any other announcements.

Bags full of Problems and a Grinder to Boot

THE SCENE: 60s light breeze. Pretty nice.

20 SSH, 15 IC Merkins, 15 IC Squats, warm up jog.
Drifter’s part. Three teams.

Valley: One team carries all the crap (tires, flag, buckets of water, bags of rocks) from one end of the baseball field to the other. When they get there, they swap with the team on the hill. The crap just keeps going back and forth.

Hill 1: 10 4ct Bicycle kicks, bear crawl down the hill, 10 hand release t merkins, Burnie up the hill, repeat.

Hill 2: 10 box jumps, 10 chest to bar, 10 4ct mountain climbers

ESPY’s part.

Grab a CMU on the grinder

  • 10 CMU good mornings
  • Walking curls to next part
  • 15 blockees
  • Walking Skull crushers
  • 20 CMU squats
  • Melunges (which suck by the way)
  • 25 CMU press / 2ct flutter kicks
  • 30 merkins
  • Run the Apex loop
  • Grab your CMU and head back to start.

Tempo merkins, Box cutters, flutter kicks

17 HIM
Sometimes, we go through valleys in our lives. The crap and bags of problems don’t go away. Leaders grab a hold of that bag, and do what they can to help. And great Leaders come along side others to help them pull. ESPY is one of those leaders, and I (Drifter) am super excited to pass the AOQ flags over to ESPY. He and His family have often come along side me and mine in the midst of our valleys. I know he will continue to lift up those around him, but he needs us to take a handle of the bag too.
CSAUP on Friday. Get a team together.