F3 Knoxville

Games and Thangs

THE SCENE: Spring time for the Arsenal. 50 degrees out

Musical Run:

PAX split into two lines across court. One of the PAX runs and high fives the first person in the opposite line. Everyone continues to run and do SSH while in line. A timer goes off every 30 seconds. When it goes off the PAX member running has to stop and do monkey hampers for 15 seconds while rest the PAX does Squats
Card Game

Rock paper scissors

Tic tac toe

Patty Cake

Partner up and farmer carry down court buy in. Play each game with partner

PAX roulette
Use the TAGS on right-side to record PAX (BE SURE TO INCLUDE YOURSELF) in attendance. Be sure to select the AO in CATEGORY above TAGS and then delete these notes!

“There are two types of people who will tell you that you cannot make a difference in this world: those who are afraid to try and those who are afraid you will succeed.”

– Ray Goforth
I just wanted to brag about my job as a marital arts instructor. Since I was 15 I’ve been told to get a “real job.” I could’ve listened to those who were afraid to put themselves out there, or those who wanted to do better than me, but instead I used it has motivation to push myself. I love what I do, and I will always continue to do it!
Monday is the Anniversary of the Arsenal. Challenge for everyone is to bring an FNG or a PAX member who’s been absent

Don’t Look Up

THE SCENE: A little chiller than was expected but the sky was clear which at our AO makes for a beautiful gloom

Little Baby arm Circles 8 2ct, shoulder stretches, mosey with some frankenstein’s and knee hugs. Bernie up Blindman’s hill 5 squats at top, bernie up the next hill to stop sign. hold plank for the 6. mosey to top of Heartbreak hill

  • Thang 1
  • Clockwork Merkins- at top of Heartbreak hill
    • Feet stay in same spot, start at 12 o’clock ( head up hill) – 5 merkins
    • Rotate to 3 o’clock – 5 Merkins
    • 6 o’clock- 5 Merkins
    • 9 o’clock- 5 Merkins
  • Thang 2
    • Jacobs ladder up Heartbreak hill
    • start at bottom of hill. run to top
    • Increasing reps of burpees at top of Heartbreak hill- 1-7
    • BBS till 6 finished
  • Thang 3
    • Spaghetti Hill repeats
    • pax paired up  (one group of three)
    • Pax A- Run to top of Spaghetti hill – starting at intersection with Heartbreak hill
    • Pax B- 5 Freddie Mercury and 5 Peter Parkers- both on 2ct till Pax A gets back to start
    • Switch and go for time- got three rounds in for each pax
  • Mosey back to the AO. Some high knees between light post and then Bernie between light post because we did not do enough running.

Stepped foot on the grindstone right at 6:15 perfect timing no time for mary
My message to the HIM’s today was its ok to be vulnerable.

I took time to share some challenges i have had over the past few weeks and how those struggles reminded me of a time in my life where i was in a very dark place due to my own faults and failures and was looking to end my life.

No matter what you are going through, there has probably been a man at F3 that has been through a similar struggle. Don’t hold it in and let it boil over. Share, be vulnerable, and lean on the brothers around you. I’m grateful i found f3 but had i found it 10 years ago i may have a different life story.
Thank you Walt for helping me name todays beatdown. Great words when you’re running up hills all morning, “Don’t look up”

Also it was nice when you’re at the top of Spaghetti Hill and you just take a moment, while catching your breath, to look out over the city. Even in the dark, a clear sky and the lights really reminded me how beautiful our city is.

Arms, Abs, Legs, and Laps

THE SCENE: Comfortable but breezy

Little baby arm circles, tempo squats, side straddle hops

3 exercises starting with 10 reps each.  After exercises are complete, run a lap.  Next round of exercises do 20 reps, then run 2 laps.  So on and so forth until recover.

  • Merkins
  • Flutter kicks 4-count
  • Bobby Hurleys

Cherry pickers
Use the TAGS on right-side to record PAX (BE SURE TO INCLUDE YOURSELF) in attendance. Be sure to select the AO in CATEGORY above TAGS and then delete these notes!
My wife loves the Olympics so we have been watching quite a bit lately. Earlier this week Michaela Shiffrin skied out of two races. Her interviews after the races we’re borderline depressing because she was so distraught.  After the second one she made the comment, “It makes me question the last 15 years.”  This really shocked me because that 75 seconds of the last 15 years was so minuscule and she is one of the best skiers there is. How can you define 15 years based off of 75 seconds. It made me sad for her because so much pressure had been put on her by others and herself.  After reflecting on her situation, I realized I have done this myself, especially in my professional career.  Fortunately Michaels bounced back and had a successful third run, even though she did not make the podium, she did make it to the bottom of the mountain with a smile on her face. It should not be your failures that defined you.  It should be how you respond to those failure that define you.


Little baby giraffe legs

THE SCENE: Upper 30s, clear

Partner workout. Each partner takes a turn with the exercises while the other runs from the park benches to the bridge and does 5 big boy sit ups. Switch when they get back, each partner having a turn before moving to next exercise

  • Iron Mike
  • Jump Squat
  • Step up
  • Split squat
  • Al Gore
  • Captian Morgans

The beatdown as a bit light on legs so we ended with thigh masters x16
Use the TAGS on right-side to record PAX (BE SURE TO INCLUDE YOURSELF) in attendance. Be sure to select the AO in CATEGORY above TAGS and then delete these notes!
Put first things first.
Insert any personal comments, notes, devotion content, etc.
Insert information about upcoming events, 2nd or 3rd F opportunities, and any other announcements.

Valley of Pain

THE SCENE: 26 Degrees and Clear  (Welcome to the Valley of Pain)

Windmill (4ct) x 10 , Cherry Picker (4ct), Plank Toe Touches (4ct) x 10, Side Lunge x 10, Mtn Climber x 60

15 Squat Jump & 15 Merkins (EMOM) – 5 minutes


Run to Tennis Court’s for the Valley of Pain

Hill Climb 1 (Away from School)

  • 10 Burpees @ Top
  • 10 Iron Mikes @ Bottom

Hill Climb 2 (Toward School)

  • 10 WW2’s @ Top
  • 10 Tuck Jumps @ Bottom


Bring Sally Up Bring Sally down 3 minutes (Fragmented Burpee)

Baby Weight, Butterfingers, KY, Nair, Pinocchio, Pitcher, Smuggler, Swerve, Walt
If you are suffering-well, that’s normal.  People are limited and life well it’s tragic.  If your suffering is unbearable, however, here’s something to think about.

Consider your circumstances.  Start small.  Have you taken full advantage of the opportunities offered to you?  Are you letting bitterness and resentment hold you back and drag you down?   Are you treating your family with respect?

Do you have habits that are destroying your health?

Are you truly shouldering your responsibilities?

Are there things can you could do better?

If so, simply stop. Stop when you apprehend, however dimly, that you should stop.  Stop acting in that particular way.  Stop saying things that make you weak or ashamed.  Say only thing that make you strong.  Do only things that you could speak of with honor. 

Paraphrased:  Jordan B. Peterson 12 Rules for Life, Rule 6 Set Your House in Perfect Order before you Criticize the World