F3 Knoxville

Training Day

  • THE SCENE: 67 degrees & the smell of campfire.
  • SSH x15

  • Swimmers x10 IC

  • High knees, side shuffle, bear crawl sidelines of basketball court

  • Tempo Dips x10

    THA-THANG: Q wanted to get some running in to recover from Drifter’s Q as well as train for Hardship Hill.

    Perform set of exercises & then run a lap. Perform exercises then run 2 laps, etc. up to 4 laps then back down.

  • 5 Superman’s  4CT (3 sec hold)

  • 10 Merkins

  • 15 Ab Blasters

  • 20 LBC’s

  • 25 Squats

15 tempo dips & hold on 15

Jim Rohn:

“You are the average of the five people you spend the most time with.”

It takes 6 people to lift your casket when you die. Make sure your 6 people are lifting you in life.

Ask yourself: Who are the people you most admire? Who do you spend the most time with? Are those two groups of people the same?

We become like the people that we (choose to) expose ourselves to. It follows that you can accelerate your personal growth in whatever direction you desire by spending time with people who already are who you want to become.

The Boulevard of Broken Burpees

THE SCENE: Mid 70s, muggy, dark, with a hint of lightning.

  • Sideshuttle hops in cadence
  • Windmills in cadence
  • Little baby arm circles in cadence
  • Jog down the road to Burpee Boulevard (not actual street name)

Deconstructed Burpees combined with a hill run.  At each street with did a different part of a burpee with a full burpee at the top.  Started with a set of 5 and added 5 each around.

  • Bottom of hill: go down to merkin position and then hop back up
  • Run to the next side street: merkins
  • Run to the next side street: the jumping park of burpees
  • Run to the next side street: burpees
  • Run back down the hill and start all over, adding 5 to each set

We just jogged back to the grindstone and didn’t have time for anything else.  I ran us up until 6:10 becasue I wanted to finish the set we were on.

My dad was in foster care much of his youth and he and my mom were foster parents for several years after I graduated high school.  Several years ago, I wanted to give back in a similar way so became a “Big Brother” for Big Brothers Big Sisters.  My little was Trevor.  He lived with his mom and brother and was a good kid!  He didn’t know a stranger and LOVED claw machines.  One day I took him to play putt putt but I think we spent most of our time in the arcade.  He picked the jackpot briefcase on the Deal or NO Deal game and I was frantically trying to collect all his tickets and put them in some kind of order.  After the tickets stopped spitting out and after I had them all folded neatly I handed them over to Trevor so he could go pick his prize.  When he turned around he saw a birthday party going on in the corner.  Without missing a beat he walked right passed the prize counter to the party and interrupted the celebration by asking, “Whose birthday is it?”  Everyone pointed to a set of twins and Trevor walked over and handed all his tickets to the twins and wished them happy birthday.  I thought I was the one who was supposed to lead and teach him but that day he taught be a lesson in humility and generosity.  As leaders we are often the ones teaching but it’s important to remember we can also learn from those we lead.

Smuggler took it easy because he participated in a late night beat down that went for 2 hours last night!  He did some jogging, kept us company, and threw in some much needed mumble chatter!  We did 250 burpees between Butterfingers and I.  Smuggler might have got some bonus burpees in there too!

Prayers for Smuggler’s coworkers with family health

Not that song again!

THE SCENE: 87% humidity felt like 71 and clear skies, best and worst of both worlds.

Tabata- 2 min- 4 rounds- 30 Sec on 5 off

change exercise after each round – Squats, Merkins, BBS, Plank hold


Q had set a timer for 12 and 30 min into beatdown, at that time Q stopped the beat down and Chumbburpee was held. The pax anticipated the first time which occurred right at the end of Thing 1 but the second time was a pleasant surprise which happened in the middle of thang 3 .

Thang 1

11’s- Grindstone Sidewalk Hill – Star Jumps and Apollo Ono’s SC

Thang 2-under pavilion

  • Super set- of Lat Step ups with knee drive  on benches 10 on each leg and Dwight Howard for 20
  • After each set pax went to the wall under the pavilion and did ascending testacies, 10 derkins IC, up the wall a few steps 10 more derkins IC, than 20 seconds hold.
  • on round 3 pax did a 30 second hold instead of derkins

Thang 3- 21’s at the hill behind the Grindstone- SL Lunges and American Hammers


Tabata – 4 min- Leg raises and starfish crunches

” Do not pray for an easy life. Pray for the strength to endure a difficult one.” Bruce Lee
Please keep walts friends family in mind as the deal with passing of a loved ones. recovery for Walts coworker. Please keep my cousin in your prays as he handles some challenges in life.
Moses house tomorrow at 5. 2.0 work on on the 24th!

Gents do Abs, CMUs, and Sprints

THE SCENE: It felt nice out until we started sprinting and slinging CMUs around.  Then I noticed how muggy it was.

Welcomed Pom-Pom, Tuna, and McKowski visiting from Chicago!


  • Side Shuttle Hops
  • Little Baby Arm Circles
  • Butt kicks from sideline to sideline and back
  • High Knees from sideline to sideline and back

Jogged up to the oval office.  Half of us had CMUs.  Had 2 stations of exercises.  Once one exercise was complete jog on the track to the station on the opposite end of the track.  On the way to the next station there were 2 sets of cones.  HIMs were to muster all they had and sprint from one cone to the next.  Station exercises were as follows:

  • 5 Grip, Rip, Rolls
  • 5 Catalina Wine Mixers
  • 10 Grave Diggers (2-count)
  • 10 Freddy Mercury’s
  • 15 CMU curls
  • 15 American Hammers (2-count)
  • 20 CMU Swings
  • 20 V-ups (everyone’s favorite)

10 Heel taps in cadence and 10 LBCs


A few years ago, I ran in the Panerathon Expo 10k/5k in downtown Knoxville along with my wife and a few of our coworkers. In races held in high-traffic areas like downtown Knoxville, there are usually several police cars along the course to ensure the safety of runners by blocking and conducting traffic. There were also several volunteers along the course directing runners which way the course went and encouraging us as we ran by. I find it wonderful that people volunteer to get up so early to stand at a corner for hours directing people over and over and encouraging hundreds of runners as they pass. Some were more enthusiastic than others, but I was grateful for all of them. 

Even though these volunteers committed half their Saturday to working the race without any compensation, I was more impressed with the person who was required to be there; the person who was paid to be there. A police officer and his car were posted on one of the overpasses to ensure no cars attempted to drive on or through the race course. I am sure it was his assignment to work the race. It was his job, so yes, he was getting paid to stand there for two hours as people ran by. It was his job, and all he had to do was stand there and ensure the safety of the runners, but he chose to make it more than just a duty. As we ran, he genuinely shouted encouragement with a smile on his face. I have run in numerous races and have never witnessed a police officer that involved in a race.

I doubt that police officer anticipated being recognized or rewarded for how he handled his race duties, and I doubt he was, but that did not stop him from making someone’s life better. He took something mundane and turned it into something magnificent with his only motivation being to make a difference in someone’s life. 

“The person doing the work determines the difference between the mundane and the magnificent.” – Mark Sanborn, Author of The Fred Factor

Pray for peace and comfort for Kim and Daniel and family.

This hill from the road to the grindstone is slippery when wet 🙂

The Long Way Around

THE SCENE: Hot and humid



SSH x15; LBAC X10 (forwards and backwards)

Indian run carrying Dwayne (a 19 pound rock) the long way to the Gravel Pit. (Turn right off grinder, left on Best St, and left on Montvale Station)

Partner up where one partner runs down the hill to the street and Bernie back up hill while other partner works through a series of exercises with 100 reps per excersise.

  • WW2 Sit Ups
  • Shoulder Taps (2-ct)
  • Mountain Man Poopers
  • Hello Dolly
  • Merkins
  • Jump Squats
  • Boxcutters
  • Mountain Climbers (2-ct)
  • Iron Mikes (2-ct)

Mosey back to the Grinder

8 HIMs including guest, Cockpit from F3 Greenville, SC

A few quotes from Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson this morning:

  1. “Success isn’t overnight. It’s when every day you get a little better than the day before. It all adds up.”
  2. “Success isn’t always about ‘greatness,’ it’s about consistency. Consistent, hard work gains success.”
  3. “All success begins with self-discipline. It starts with you.”
  4. “Success at anything will always come down to this: focus and effort. And we control both.”
  5. “The single most powerful thing I can be is to be myself.”

Pray for Fins as they will be closing on their house soon and leaving to travel in their RV for a year on the 18th.