F3 Knoxville

Stepping Up


SSH x15
Tempo Squat x10
Tempo Merk x10
Mtn Climber x10
Moroccan x10
OH Clap x10
Projectivator x8
Mosey to Parallel bars for 5 dips/5 lunges each leg
Mosey to Pool Wall for 5 wall-ups/5 squats
Mosey to Playground for 5 pull-ups
Mosey to Recruiting Center to pick up 1 CMU/pax
Mosey to Tinseltown Side Stairs


HEAVY STAIRS: 1 CMU/10 reps of each exercise, then top of stairs – WITH OR WITHOUT CMU
1. 10 Single-arm Rows each side
2. 10 Lunges each leg
3. 10 Good Mornings+10 BBS
4. 10 Uneven Merkins each side
5. 10 Kettle swings+10 Calf raises
6. 10 Incline merks+10 pliomerkins (single count)
7. 10 Thrusters+10 Squats
8. 10 Curls+10 Overhead Press
9. 10 V-ups+10 Flutterkicks (4-ct)
10. 10 Tri Ext+10 Basilisk

Return CMU to Recruiting Center
Mosey back to Shovel Flag

PAX Choice: Hello Dolly, something else, and Row-Row-Row Your Boat

LUCKY 7: Biohack, Kickflip, Mathlete, Rocket, Waxjob, Snaggletooth, and FNG Cliche


I shared this morning about how I asked my work for a sabbatical leave. On the 10th anniversary of our senior pastor, I asked our Personnel Committee to grant him a sabbatical leave. On the 10th anniversary of our student minister, I asked our Personnel Committee again to consider granting the same to him. And so on my 10th anniversary last month, I also asked for myself.

What is a sabbatical and why is it important? It is an extended time of leave – mostly in academia – every 7 years for rest, but often for reading/studying/writing. For me, I’m connecting it to visiting family in Hawaii, but I also wanted time for reflection and reading, extended time in prayer and seeking counsel to look at the last 10 years of service, revisit my sense of calling, and to dream about what the next season may hold. This is for spiritual reflection and health.

2020-2021 has been one hell of a year for everyone: global pandemic, national violence, political turmoil, isolation, interrupted routine, and the list goes on for each person’s circumstances. My soul needs time and space.

Sabbatical leave was not granted necessarily but I informed my pastor that I was prepared to take my own PTO in addition to my vacation for extra time away from my post. And someone from my team is willing and able to fill in for me. Talk about “invigorating male community leadership” – a page right out of the F3 Mission.

Ring of Fire

THE SCENE: Nice and cool

SSH, Tempo Squats, Tempo Merkins and a nice warmup lap around the AO

6 stations were setup at the grinder, AMRAP the movement until the PAX at the last station sprints to the over-sized CMU’s and does 5 of the following Merkin pull throughs, American hammer on a 2ct and squat thrusters. Bernie back then rotate stations.

7’s on waxjob hill after that.

Forward leaning rest position for time
drifter, hundo, waxjob, rep sleepy, waterfall, postpone, taco, hammy, knapsack, swerve, moses, t-bone, neighbor, toad, radioshack, clothesline, espy
Consistency is key. Do we feel like doing it every day? No. Do we do it anyways? YES.
Prayed for Taco’s daughter and her health care plan meeting at school.
Welcome to @Knapsack (Chris Redding)

A bunch of tossers

THE SCENE: 55, humid and gloomy

3 – 60# bags

1 – 80# bag

1 – 90# bag

ruck 1 mile , no coupons

bring Sally up – merkins,  slick
The thang

Ruck with coupons to watt rd field

4 rounds

  • Sandbag toss 50 yards
  • 10 sandbag squats
  • 10 sandbag cleans

Audible on tossing the big sandbags to farmer carry

3 merkins, 3 sandbag cleans

6 merkins,  6 sandbag cleans

repeat and add 3 reps each round for a total of 12 minutes


back to AO

Insert information about any additional post-THANG work (if applicable).
Use the TAGS on right-side to record PAX (BE SURE TO INCLUDE YOURSELF) in attendance. Be sure to select the AO in CATEGORY above TAGS and then delete these notes!
Insert the WORD here.
Insert any personal comments, notes, devotion content, etc.
Insert information about upcoming events, 2nd or 3rd F opportunities, and any other announcements.

Did not count

THE SCENE: 65 and prefect

Explained that YHC can’t do 3 things at once.  Exercise & Count & Pray for ya’ll and the day.  So today we just worked out based on time it took others to do stuff.  No counting required.

High Knees -while: Explained the above
Side Straddle Hop-while: Each HIM did 1 Burpee in sequence
Plank (High, Right, Left, 6 inches)-while: Each HIM ran the outside of the circle 1 at a time
Moroccan night club, Overhead clap, Arm circles -while: Each HIM ran the outside of the circle 1 at a time
Flutter Kicks -while: YHC Bear Crawled the inside of the circle

Mosey to the close guardrail where one HIM did prison-cell-merkin-burpee’s while everyone else did guardrail dips. Then Clap Merkins on the guardrail while each him did one burpee.

Mosey, with a little Bernie, to the coupon pile (which was nicely cleaned up) where we played “Simon Hey Ho He”  Each guy added one CMU exercise to a sequence and if we got it wrong we had to do a burpee (which in the end seemed far easier than the sequence, and made counting seem super simple.)


Mountain Climbers While partner:
Pull Ups AMRAP
Advanced CPR Leg Lifts
BBS Wall Touch
Merkins Tree Touch
Wall Hang on brick wall with holes Sprint for Sign

Let others try out the inner circle bear crawl while they called out a Mary Exercise.  Hello Dolly, Flutter kicks, Freddie Mercury, Low plank


22 quality HIMs: 7 were rushers

Today we didn’t count exercises but I want to talk about making today count.

My good friend from college, Julien, does an awesome job of making every day count.  He is perhaps the smartest guy I know and when he isn’t turning a company around or becoming the CEO of a bio tech company he is rehabbing a 300 year old barn by hand.  The guy works amazingly hard.

A few years back he was down in Mexico at a conference and took some clients out deep sea fishing.  They didn’t catch anything.  When they returned to the harbor they see a local fisherman and his son in a tiny dinghy with 3 huge fish.  Julien, impressed at the catch asked him: “Sir, How did you do that?  How long did it take you?”

“Señor, it’s what I’ve done for years.  My son and I caught these in a little less than an hour.”

Julien responded, “That’s amazing!  Are you going out to catch more?”

“No Señor.  This is more than enough for my family and I’ll sell one at market.  Tomorrow is soon enough.”

Julien, a bit confused but intrigued by this mindset asked, “Can I ask, what do you do with your time?”

The Mexican fisherman replied, “I get up early and spend some time with God, fish a little, play with my children, take siesta with my wife, stroll into the village each evening where I sip a glass of wine and play guitar with my amigos: I have a full and busy life, señor.”

Julien offered to help the fisherman make a business of this man’s fishing talent.  “My name is Julien and went to the best business school in the US.  I’m a CEO and love making business succeed.  I want to invest in you.  Can I help you build a business of this?  You could take clients fishing, get a bigger boat, heck a fleet of boats, then make a business of it.  We’d sell the extra catch direct to the distributer, cutting out the middle man, you could make millions!”

“What would this take señor?  How long would it take?”

“You’d move to Mexico city and run the business, in 15, no maybe only 10 years, you bring the company public, huge IPO!  You’d have enough money to do whatever you want.  What would you do with that kind of freedom?”

The Mexican fisherman looked off to sea and smiled as he thought of the possibilities.  Then locked eyes with Julien. “Julien, I know just what I’d do.  I’d move to a small coastal village, much like this one.  I get up early and spend some time with God, fish a little, play with my children, take siesta with my wife, stroll into the village each evening where I sip a glass of wine and play guitar with my amigos.”

And from that day on, Julien lived his life differently.

Okay, I’ll admit, most of that isn’t a true story.   Julien is a real friend, talented hard working CEO. I don’t know if Julien has ever been to Mexico. The parable, you may have heard before, I heard years ago.  But it speaks to the scripture I want to share for today:

Psalm 90:12 “So, Teach us to number our days that we may get a heart of wisdom.”

The “so” points back to the first 11 verses that give us God’s perspective on time.  He was before the mountains were formed and our lives are but a breath.  But then it goes on to ask for God’s favor, wisdom – for Him to satisfy us and make us glad and see Him for who He is.

God’s perspective on time is very important to ponder. Take some time today to realize God’s eternal nature and his perspective.  What are you striving after? Your past doesn’t matter; you plans don’t matter.  What matters: Where is your heart with Jesus right now and are you willing to do more with Him?
Maybe that means to spend extra time with your wife or kids. Maybe it’s difficult, but life altering conversations.  Maybe it’s just helping a neighbor in need.

Read Psalm 90 and consider these things.

Get those Save Haven donations in before the month is up and check out Spotter’s May challenge- I encourage you to join.

A Waxjob Classic

THE SCENE:  50 and a little drizzly.  Perfect!
F3 WELCOME & DISCLAIMER:  Administered

Cherry pickers
Michael Phelps
Knee Tap Merkins x 10 IC
Mountain climbers

Quick mosey – stop for flutter kicks

Quick mosey – stop for Hello Dolly


(Hat tip to Waxjob – he led this Q two years ago)

Mosey to the Tomo courtyard with a couple of stops along the way.

Split into 2 teams. Each team has an list of exercises.

One die with numbers 1,2,3.

One team rolls the die. That’s the number of laps up the stairs and back around.

While that team runs the laps, other team works through the exercises until laps are completed.

When entire team returns from laps, other team rolls.

When list is complete, set up a cone as a counter and start again.

See how many times each team can work through the list.


  • 15 Merkins
  • 15 4-ct Monkey Humpers
  • 15 Carolina Dry Docks
  • 10 Iron Mikes (each leg)
  • 20 Flutter Kicks
  • 10 Squat Jumps
  • 20 BBS
  • 10 Burpees
  • 20 4-ct Mtn Climbers

Mosey to the guardrail for 15 chest-tap merkins + 25 dips

Then to the big lot.  Sprint to 10 islands, stopping at each for a burpee


Single file shuttle run back to the flag.  Every 10 seconds, front man falls off and does freddy mercury until the back of the line passes.  As you pass the man on the ground, shout out his F3 name.

Sleeping hillbillies L&R IC

Boat and canoe – Waxjob Classic


17 for the bootcamp + 2 rushers


Almost 2 years ago, I came to my first JUCO F3 bootcamp and Waxjob led that awesome workout.  I was hooked – and JUCO has been a special part of my life ever since.  The Word this morning was about how unique and special this group is…

Early in the biblical story of Daniel, the nation of Babylon besieges Jerusalem – plundering the Temple of God and kidnapping some members of noble families.  Among the captives brought back to Babylon, where they would be taught to rule like Babylonians, were Daniel and his three friends; Hananiah, Mishael, and Azariah.  Once in captivity, they were given Babylonian names in order to conform to the culture; Belteshazzar, Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego – and they were placed into service of Babylon’s King Nebuchadnezzar.

Two years later, Nebuchadnezzar had a nightmare and issued a threat to his sorcerers and counselors (whom Daniel/Belteshazzar was then among), “Tell me what my dream was and what it means – or you’ll be torn limb from limb and your houses destroyed…”  Picking up in Daniel 2:17-18, “Then Daniel went home and told his friends Hananiah, Mishael, and Azariah what had happened.  He urged them to ask the God of heaven to show them his mercy by telling them the secret, so they would not be executed along with the other wise men of Babylon.” .  Daniel urged his friends to pray with him in his time of need.  Did you catch what Daniel called his friends?  When he needed true friends, Daniel found the men whom he knew in a special way.  He had a history with these men, and he called them by the names that few others in Babylon knew them as; Hananiah, Mishael, and Azariah.

At JUCO, we call you by another name and we know you as few others do.  The only people who call you by your F3 name are the men who come out in the gloom with you…and they know you as a man who pushes himself to be better each day.  Those men do burpees in the rain with you…they sweat with you… they challenge you…they pray with you….  It is such a unique and special thing, and I don’t know of a better group of men out there.  Nowhere else do you see men doing what we do out here.

My challenge this morning was simple: To get all the benefits of F3, be engaged with this unique tribe.  It’s not about showing up for workouts, but about really having a community of men to live your life with.  If you’re not now, then how?  Start by sticking around after the photo to talk with another HIM about something besides the workout – family, life, struggles, victories, vacation plans – whatever…  Text some of these men throughout the week.  Post something on Slack for all of us to see.  Share a meal with another HIM – preferably including your families.  Live life together.

F3 JUCO is a special community of special men.  I’m grateful to know you all and want to you feel like part of a unique team.

Proverbs 27:17

Iron sharpens iron, and one man sharpens another.


Prayers for Booster’s father and mother-in-law.  Prayers for Sty’s employee.

Cosmo is the Trivia King.


Keep the donations for Safe Haven coming through the end of the month!