F3 Knoxville

Say Hello To My Little Friends

THE SCENE: Low 70’s & clear
F3 WELCOME & DISCLAIMER Normal disclaimer + Covid 19

Motivator from 5
High Knees
Cherry Pickers (SLOW)
Baby Arm Circles forward/backward x 10
Mosey to the abnormally large pile of CMU’s, and everyone was instructed to grab 2 each.  We farmer carried the blocks around campus while stopping to do exercises, all exercises included the use of at least one CMU.  The exercises included the following: Shrugs, curls, tri extensions, deep merkins pushing the chest below your hands while on the blocks, blockees, wall squats, squats, lunges, calf raises, dips, squat thrusters, big boy sit ups, hello dollies, flutter kicks, bent rows, and maybe a few more, but you get the gist.  After carrying those CMU’s everyone was exhausted and most forearms were shot.

No specific mary, as we made it back to the AO at 0615, but the flutter kicks in cadence to 40, with a cinder block over your head made up for the lack of mary at the end.
21 HIM’s would be the record in attendance for Shamrock.  We had 21 for an OTB before we became official.  Add tags for GI Jane & Curry.
Popovich, 71, said it’s up to white people to step up — “no matter what the consequences” — and help lead the charge for change.

I read the full article over the weekend, click the text above for a link to the full article.  The quote I shared this morning gave me lots to think about over the weekend.  Too many times in my life, I witnessed things and decided, that is not my fight, I am staying out of it.  Simple things like an off color joke at work, where it is easier to laugh, than the say that is wrong.  The inequality in the way women are treated, the way acquaintances talk down about others, whatever the example, and there are many, its easier to go with the flow.  With a little maturity, and a stronger backbone, I am tired of letting things go.  I still have to decide which battles I want to fight, but as a father, I want to set an example for my kids, I want to teach them to stand up to bullies, and to not be afraid to take a stand.

I shared two stories from last week.  One, where my Muslim neighbor called my black neighbor the N word.  Both kids are in 4th grade, and surely the aggressor didn’t understand the gravity of the use of that word in general, but especially in the current climate surrounding the protests that have risen up from the George Floyd murder.  In my mind, this wasn’t my fight, but I have to say, I love my neighbor.  He wasn’t home and I would want him to stand up for my daughter, so I went in search of the boy.  The boy and I have had a total of three of these conversations over the course of a couple of years, and I tried to explain, firmly, why his behavior was unacceptable.  Who knows what the future holds, but I anticipate having many more of these conversations in the future, by the way talking to the parents doesn’t help sadly, I have tried that too.  The point is, my kids saw me set the example of what is right and wrong, my neighbor saw that I had his back and was willing to defend his daughter, and this boy was reprimanded and held accountable to his actions.  I am not saying I was right, but I determined that being silent was the wrong action.

Later in the week, I had one co worker tell another coworker that she owed him a lap dance.  They have known each other a long time, and it was an obvious joke, but again, it isn’t right.  That was also something that for a myriad of reasons can not be ignored.  So, on a Friday afternoon, I had to call out a 60 year old man for being out of line.  As a leader, we have to set the example and call out those whose actions are reprehensible.  I am not the fun police, but sometimes that is the consequence.  Somethings just aren’t funny.

Being silent is being complicit.  If you witness these situations and do nothing, then like George Floyd’s death, the bystander police officers allowed a man to die by taking no action.  It is time that we as HIM’s stand up to injustice.  That doesn’t mean you have to go to rallies and protests, but simply taking a stand opposed to taking no action speaks volumes.

Galatians 3:28, NIV: “There is neither Jew nor Gentile, neither slave nor free, nor is there male and female, for you are all one in Christ Jesus.” …   We are all the same in the eyes of Jesus, and he lived that.  He was radical, in his appeal to Jews, Greeks, women, outcasts, the unclean, etc.  There was no demographic that was untouchable to Jesus.  If he is our example, then we need to follow him and be the voice of Jesus.  It is simply about loving others, let’s don’t over complicate things.  As Popovich says let’s lead the charge for change.

Pray for Nicole, Anchorman’s friend, Pray for Cheat sheet’s daughter Willow, and pray for the world.
Sign up for Q’s

Dora’s for D-Day

THE SCENE:  70 and a little humid



20 – 4 cnt OH Claps

10 – cherry pickers

20 – 4 cnt Imperial Walkers

Indian Run to Watt Rd via the long way around the softball fields

Partner Dora’s all morning.  Since the USA landed at 2 beaches on D-Day, we’ll be doing this in 2 locations.

At Outhouse – Utah Beach

Partner A does the exercise prescribed while partner B bernies up the hill to the Parking sign and runs back to switch with Partner A, repeat until all reps of the exercises are completed

  • 100 – easy ups
  • 200 – BBS
  • 100 – lunges (each leg)
  • 200 – CDD
  • 100 – Merkins

At Watt Rd Field – Omaha Beach

Partner A does the exercise while partner B bernies to mid field and runs back and switches with Partner A, repeat until all reps of the exercises are completed.

  • bear crawl 200 yards (down the field & back)
  • 100 – 4 count Mtn Climbers
  • 100 – man makers
  • 100 – Decline merkins
  • 200 – squats

Waxjob lead some Mary


“Our sons, pride of our nation, this day have set upon a mighty endeavor, a struggle to preserve our Republic, our religion, and our civilization, and to set free a suffering humanity”

“With Thy blessing, we shall prevail over the unholy forces of our enemy. Help us to conquer the apostles of greed and racial arrogances. Lead us to the saving of our country, and with our sister nations into a world unity that will spell a sure peace — a peace invulnerable to the schemings of unworthy men. And a peace that will let all of men live in freedom, reaping the just rewards of their honest toil.”

“The road will be long and hard. For the enemy is strong. He may hurl back our forces. Success may not come with rushing speed, but we shall return again and again; and we know that by Thy grace, and by the righteousness of our cause, our sons will triumph. They will be sore tried, by night and by day, without rest — until the victory is won. The darkness will be rent by noise and flame. Men’s souls will be shaken with the violences of war. For these men are lately drawn from the ways of peace. They fight not for the lust of conquest. They fight to end conquest. They fight to liberate. They fight to let justice arise, and tolerance and goodwill among all Thy people. They yearn but for the end of battle, for their return to the haven of home. Some will never return. Embrace these, Father, and receive them, Thy heroic servants, into Thy kingdom.”
― Franklin D. Roosevelt

Did a lot of Bernie today since our whole country seems to be backwards right now
Dog pound CSAUP July 18

Hope to CMU Later


72-ish; Wet but comfortable drizzle

De-motivators IC x 7 (started at 1 and went up… keeping the suspense); 5 burpees OYO; Mosey up to covered porch to limit the drizzle impact – stopped for Shoulder Taps x 13; Tie Fighters IC x 11 (left/right); 5 burpees OYO; 4ct Mountain Climbers OYO x 10; Mosey to the CMU pile – stopped for Plank Jacks x 11 along the way


Cozied up to our CMU for the day with some simple block merkins x 6; Mosey toward the covered area near the church bldg. – stopped for 25 CMU curls OYO (Cusak waiting for 6); went a bit further and stopped for 25 CMU kettle swings OYO (Cusak waiting for 6); Arrived at covered area already wet – unsure if by rain or by sweat

Setup for Greta 1-2-3 (similar to her cousin Dora); Picked battle buddies but kept COVID safe and didn’t share coupons; HIM1 started on 100 CMU alternating merkins while HIM2 ran to a location 40yds or so away and back (minus his CMU); Flapjack until combined total met target count; HIM1 moved to 200 CMU American hammers while HIM2 ran; Flapjack until combined total met; HIM1 moved to 300 CMU squat thrusters while HIM2 ran; Flapjack working toward total; groaning abounded but time ran out to finish (though many were close)

Headed back toward CMU pile; stopped for some CMU tricep extensions waiting on the 6; mosey a bit further and stopped for some CMU planks waiting for 6; mosey on to CMU pile with some @Waxjob led Cherry Pickers (shoulder exercise) waiting for 6; Mosey back to AO

Shoulder Taps led by @Pom-Pom; Hello Dollies OYO AMRAP; Boat/Canoes IC (or something close)

@GI Jane in attendance but not on F3 website yet

Read James 1:22-25 – Emphasis on being doers of the Word not hearers only; In light of chaos and angst going on in our world – and close to home… used words from Michael Jackson’s “Man In The Mirror” to encourage stepping up and looking deep into what we are about; The only hope we have is Jesus and his gracious movement in our lives.  Finished with Micah 6:8 and encouraged the PAX to “Do justly, love mercy, and walk humbly with your God”

Praises: Successful surgeries and care for @Baby Boomer’s daughters; @Curveball and @Baby Boomer celebrating 26y and 22y anniversaries respectively

Prayer Requests: @Cheatsheet’s daughter Willow; Dubois Family – death in family (good friend of @Cheatsheet); Kenny (connected to @Curry) had blood clot, docs still working through managing

Welcome to FNG @Compass (Hank H) – need to add to Slack and F3 website

Daggum Dung Beetles

THE SCENE: Pleasant morning cool, but with the feeling of humidity that protends a puddle of sweat dripping off your nose later.

Classic Zero Burpee Warmup:
0 Burpees OYO
2 Burpees OYO
20x LBAC each way followed by OHC
4 Burpees OYO
15 4-ct Monkey Humpers IC
6 Burpees OYO
10 Tempo Merkins IC
8 Burpees OYO
15 Hammie Crampers (each side) IC
10 Burpees OYO

Insert information about the workout.
Transition to the Pee Rock Pile and pick one.
Teams of 3, one man at each end of the parking lot and one in transition.
Perform reps of exercise until relieved by transition man.
Low end of lot:
Fwd Raises

Upper end:
Tricep Ext.
KB Swings

Downhill – Snowplow (like bear crawl, but hands on pee rock and push fwd)
Uphill – Dung Beetles (like reverse bear crawl, with feet on pee rock and push backward)

Continue until all PAX have completed each exercise.

Just a few minutes left for some Kraken on the tennis courts. 6 stations, 30 reps per station. After completing a station, run one lap then proceed to next station.
Monkey Humpers (single count)
Freddy Mercury(4-ct)
Iron Mike (count each leg)

Nope, not today.
7 strong today
John 13:35 – By this shall all men know that ye are my disciples, if ye have love one to another.
Lots of hate today being shown on both sides. Jesus didn’t say we’d be known by our convincing arguments or our persistence in presenting them. It’s by our love. Let’s show who we belong to.
Dung Beetles 100% suck. Entomologically, it would probably be more correct to use large exercise balls and roll them instead of sliding pee rocks. At any rate, I think Tweet-E was the only HIM to complete a full transition in Dung Beetle before modifying to Snowplow…
Off the Chain coming up next month!

Run with Wisdom

THE SCENE: 56 degrees, no humidity, quite nice

Tempo Squat


Mosey to Large Parking Lot Adjacent to the Pond
50 1-count Flutter Kicks
Run 75% to the other end, about 250 meters
50 Merkins
Run back to the beginning, that’s 1 set
Perform 4 sets
Mosey to Duck Pond
Burpee Mile
15 at the beginning of the loop
15 half-way through the loop
Tried to get 4 laps in; decreasing 5 burpees per round with each lap
Mosey back to AO

A bit of time left for Hello Dolly


Seeking and exercising Wisdom in light of today’s uncertainty
1 Kings 3
Desire Wisdom
Discover Wisdom
Demonstrate Wisdom