F3 Knoxville

Earn The Bird

THE SCENE: 30 degrees and yeah it was cold

  • SSH IC x 25
  • Windmill IC x 15
  • Cockroach Merlin OYO x 10

Battle Buddy up and Mosey to the Track. While one PAX runs the loop the other PAX member performs the circuit. AMRAP

  • Caterpillar Tapout Merkins x 5
  • Lungey Squat x 10
  • Jane Fonda’s x 15
  • Heel Tap Merkins (2 CT) x 20
  • American Hammers (4 CT) x 25


  • Flutter Kicks IC x 50
  • LBC’s IC x 10


Thanksgiving is great time to bring to the forefront what we’re thankful for. I believe this PAX does a great job of that week in and week out. Today I’m thankful for this PAX. You men have really helped bear my burdens and I’m thankful to be a part of this group.
WaxJob, again, decided to show up shirtless. And never complained. Split Jack’s were renamed Jane Fonda’s by Ribbed. The PAX were treated to Jocko’s psychological warfare and other classic workout tunes. Plus we had a couple of travelers T-Pimp, Choir Boy and Spam made the journey out this morning. Also Mayberry said he would be back for seconds. #EarnTheBird

A Patient Ascent Up Jucomanjaro

THE SCENE:  42 Degrees and Clear Sky, Perfect weather for a VQ


SSH (IC) x 15, Imperial Walkers (IC) x 10, Moroccan Night Club (IC) x 10, Cherry Pickers (IC) x 10, Hand Release Merkins (OYO) x 10


Mosey to Jucomanjaro.  Ascend Jucomanjaro with “Stops” along with the way.

Stop# 1 (Bottom)

  • 5 Burpees, 15 Tempo Squats (IC), Lunges (10 each leg), 10 Bobby Hurley’s

Stop# 2 (3rd Sewer Grate)

  • 15 Merkins, 15 Big Boys, 10 Flutter Kicks (IC), 50 Mtn Climbers

Stop# 3 (Turn Out)

  • 5 Burpees, 15 Tempo Squats (IC), Side Lunges (10 each leg), 10 SSH (IC)

Stop# 4 (Concrete Block)

  • 20 Shoulder Taps, Plank (45 seconds), 20 LBCs, 10 Freddie Mercury’s (IC), 15 Merkins

Stop# 5 (Top)

  • 10 Burpees, 15 Tempo Squats (IC), 15 Big Boys, Plank (45 Seconds), 20 Plank Jacks

Mosey back to AO


10 Burpees, 15 Tempo Squats (IC), 15 Big Boys, 15 Merkins, 10 Flutter Kicks (IC), 10 Body Builders, Peter Parkers


15 HIMs got better today with 1 FNG (Salad Bar)


PATIENCE – One of the major issues I have is my lack of patience.  This is true for many different things whether we are talking about dealing with people I know, the general public, neighbors, sports, etc.  Lately, I feel like my patience is being tested constantly and God is letting me know that I have a lot more work that I need to do.

Colossians 3:12 – Therefore, as God’s chosen people, holy and dearly loved, clothe yourselves with compassion, kindness, humility, gentleness and patience.

Romans 12:12 – Be joyful in hope, patient in affliction, faithful in prayer.

Food drive

T-Ruck Stop

THE SCENE: About 30, but no wind so it’s pretty nice.
F3 WELCOME & DISCLAIMER Oops… Kinda skipped it a little bit. (slap self on wrist)

Deconstructed Body Builders:
10x 4-ct Plank Jacks
10x 4-ct Ruck Merkins
10x Tempo Squats
Reconstructed Body Builders
10x 8-ct Body Builders
Definitely warm now.
Ruck a lap w/ 60lb sandbag, swapping halfway.
Stop at the Cesspool
20x Ruck Merkins
50yd Bear Crawl with Ruck Drag
25x Upright Ruck Rows (bring ruck up to chin)
50yd Crab Walk, ruck in front. Fwd, backward, and sideways
30x Squats
Ruck another lap
Stop at the bleacher/stairs
Half the PAX holds a plank with feet on bleachers.
Other half the PAX carries both rucks and sandbag to top of hill
Planking PAX drop to low plank while carrier descends.
Swap roles and repeat
10x Ruck Derkins
25x Upright Ruck Rows (sounds like Scooby Doo)
20x Squats
Ruck one more lap back to the parking lot
Insert information about any additional post-THANG work (if applicable).
Crap… Forgot to count off. Therefore, not sure how many showed up this morning…
Be well, do good work, and keep in touch.
Alcoa Service Action tomorrow with Habitat. Also, F3 Chattanooga launch!

Choices, choices…

THE SCENE: low 40s and rain



  • SSH x 20
  • Merkins x 10 IC
  • Squats x 10 IC
  • OYO stretches


Today’s workout was all about making choices.

  • Choice #1:   Work in the rain  -or-  Go to the pavalon.
    • Pavalon wins…begin to mosey
  • Stop at street for choice #2:  Burpee broad jump to speed bump  -or-  Inchworm merkin to speed bump.
    • Burpees won….BBJ to the speed hump
  • Choice #3 at bottom of Matterhorn.  How to get up Matterhorn:  Frontwards  -or-  Backwards.
    • Backwards won….Bernie Sanders up the hill
  • At the pavalon, began a descending ladder workout.  Trying my best to keep everyone dry on a nasty morning.
    • 10 Burpees
    • 9 Iron Mikes
    • 8 Thrust Merkins
    • 7 Side Crunch (each side)
    • 6 Decline Merkins
    • 5 Pull ups
    • 4 Single Leg Squats (each side)
    • 3 Dry Docks
    • 2 Knee ups
    • 1 Dive Bomber
      • We got through 1 round of the ladder before the putrid smell of some dead creature arrived.  First it was manageable, then it got worse, then Tank started dry heaving….time to go….audible…


  • Choice #4:  stay or go….GO!


  • Mosey to the bottom of Matterhorn and turn left into the parking lot
  • Choice #5:  11’s  -or-  Route 66
    • Route 66 won.  Dry Docks & Jump Squats around the parking lot Route 66 style
  • Choice #6:  Grass hill  -or-  Cement hill
    • Cement hill won:  mosey back to bottom section of parking lot.  Run the stairs & hill up to the rock by the restaurant.  At top and bottom of each run do 5 burpees, 5 merkins, 5 jump squats.   4 sets total.
  • Mosey back toward AO
  • Stop at the road for Choice #7:   Forward to the speed bump  -or-  Backward to the speed bump
    • Forward won….bear crawl to the speed bump
  • Continue back to AO and cash out with Ring of Fire Merkins



Tank, Waxjob, Blue Cross, Flute Loop, Bowflex, Doubtfire, I-Beam, Bartman


Joshua 24:14-15.  Now fear the Lord and serve him with all faithfulness.  Throw away the gods your ancestors worshiped beyond the Euphrates River and in Egypt, and serve the Lord.  But if serving the Lord seems undesirable to you, then choose for yourselves this day whom you will serve, whether the gods your ancestors served beyond the Euphrates, or the gods of the Amorites, in whose land you are living.  But as for me and my household, we will serve the Lord.

Choices matter.  Make wise choices for you and your family today.

Props to Waxjob for showing up early with his leaf blower to clean off the pavalon.  T-claps bro!