F3 Knoxville

Suits Me

THE SCENE: The JUCO, nice but hot when your in a full suit


Really awkward Karate kicks. SSHx20, Frogger merkins
The commute: Mosey to the coupon pile. Stop for a donut and coffee (CMU) Do 25 merkins, 25 curls, 25 OH presses  then run up the hill and back. Repeat but drop five reps each time. . Lunge up the steps and over to the sophomore hill w/CMU.

Rat Race: at Sophomore hill, drop CMU at top right corner. 4 corners, 4 exercises: CMU squat-curl-press-Tri x10, burpees x10, frogger Merkins x15, bear crawl 1/2 way to cone and sprint the rest, repeat…..

Commute back home to coupon pile, forgot to “get milk” on way home, so go back up steps doing a 20 curls at the top. and drop off CMUs upon return. Then mosey to AO.  Stopping at the F3 sign for a quick pic and some flutter kicks

No time for her


This week a friend of mine from high school hit rock bottom. He was truly broken in all sense of the word. He is suffering from drug addiction and he is being treated at a facility as we speak. It is when we are broken that we can truly see the overwhelming love of God. We ignore or forget his gift when things are going our way and we “have no need” for God. But when your broken and then made new, you can truly appreciate Gods gift to us. Example of a light stick, breaking and then glowing.

it was hot wearing a suit

Dirt Circuit and Go Ruck Sept 29th

Bridge to Nowhere

THE SCENE: Very sauna like

Overhead Claps x 20 IC

Partner Up and Mosey to the Outhouse

A – 20 Derkins, B – 20 Step ups  Complete your set then alternate with your battle buddy.  Do a total of 50 reps of each exercise

Mosey to bottom of Matterhorn with your battle buddy

Bridge to Nowhere

Partner A does the exercises at the bottom of the Matterhorn while Partner B is bear crawling up and down the Matterhorn if he’s as fast as Booger.  Once Partner A has completed the set of exercises, including running to the top of the Matterhorn, he switches with Partner B and continues the bear crawl.  Partner B runs to the bottom of the Matterhorn and does his set of exercises.  Continue until 100 reps of each exercise has been completed.  Should be 5 trips up the Matterhorn per partner.

  • 10 Merkins
  • 10 BBS
  • 10 Squats
  • Run to top of Matterhorn

Mosey to AO stopping twice for 10 merkins, 10 BBS, 10 Squats

20 LBC’s led by Tonka

Marge/ Homer by Toto

World’s Greatest Merkin by Mayberry


We aren’t just trying to raise our children to have successful careers and be good adults.  It is much more important than that.  We are responsible for raising them to have a successful eternity.


Sept 4 Bomb Shelter

THE SCENE: Warm, dry, clear

Quarter mile run. Arm swings. Squat tutorial with 10 slow count followed by 15 on a 4 count. 10 hand-release Merkins.


5 pullups

10 Thrusters

15 Swings

7 minute AMRAP

#2 Dora

Partner A: Farmer carry (CMU x2)

Partner B: Merkins

Total 100


Partner A: Over head walk (CMU x 1)

Partner B: Goblet Squat

Total 200


Partner A: Lunge with CMU-lunge down, walk back

Partner B: 6 inch leg lifts (4 count)

Total 300

#3 Finished with 5 minute AMRAP (same as before)

1 minute of Leg lift ABCs

Use the TAGS on right-side to record PAX (BE SURE TO INCLUDE YOURSELF) in attendance. Be sure to select the AO in CATEGORY above TAGS and then delete these notes!

Two words I like and one I don’t:

Agreements, Posture, and Personality



Dan Allender says that an agreement agreeing with or engaging with the lies that we hear.  Typically these agreements are caused by a wound that we have received.

“This is how I live given then harm I have suffered.”


Some examples include:

“This is as good as it gets” Maybe that’s in your marriage, kids, job, etc


“If you only knew the things I have done, then you wouldn’t love me, like me, etc” “How could I ever really be forgiven” The result is that we withhold ourselves, we protect ourselves, ultimately making ourselves, our pain, our shortcomings our center and living out of those places rather than centering our lives around Christ


“I am in charge of my happiness, my choices, my life; its all up to me” We must fight against this life being all about ourselves. What it looks like: I am annoyed when my wife asks me to change a diaper because I think I need 5 minutes peace. Basically, I am at a deficit if I don’t get what I think I need and I get back to zero when I do. Instead of, the posture of ‘I will be provided for’.


“The more I do and/or the better I do, the more I’m worth.  I do therefore I am.” “If I live a certain way, I will be blessed.” “I perform, therefore I am loved.”

Instead of, something has been done for me that I could not do for myself.  Where I could not get what I need, God made a way and provided for me. This allows me to live free and in a different way. This is a posture. This is the intended posture made possible by Christ.


Many times we blame ‘personality’ for our relational blunders.  We excuse ourselves or others because of their ‘personality’ when in fact it is our posture towards the world, ourselves or God that causes us to respond in the ways that we do.


Consider your agreements this week, what is the truth and what are the lies you are believing.  Consider your posture toward yourself, others, and God.

Welcome FNG: Hooch

Goose Poop Shuffle

THE SCENE: 68, clear, and humid

  • Mosey to middle parking log
  • SSH x 25 (IC)
  • Burpees x 5 (OYO)
  • Imperial Walkers x 15 (IC)
  • Burpees x 5 (OYO)
  • Windmills x 15 (IC)
  • Burpees x 5 (OYO)


Mosey to the Sophomore for 11’s

  • BBS’s & Merkins, Bernie Sanders up the hill, Mosey back down

Mosey to the coupon pile

  • Curls, Tri-Ceps, Squats x 15, run the steps, R&R
  • BBS’s, CCD’s x 15, R&R, Calf-Raises x 30

Mosey to the short walls

  • Dips x 10
  • Decline Merkins x 10
  • Step-ups x 10 Each Leg

Mosey back to start

Flutter Kicks x 25 (IC)
Listen.   Really Listen.  Don’t miss an opportunity.  It’s too easy to only hear the “loud” stuff.  Just as Elijah did in the mountain, listen for God’s whisper.


It was great to be a part of this group this morning. We pushed hard and burned some Goo.  Thankful for Booster’s attendance and continued support even when he’s on the injured list!

Earn the Stargazers!

THE SCENE: Started out clear and bright, but clouds and fog moved in to keep us cool.

SSH x25 IC
Cherry Pickers x8 IC
SSH x5 more just for Crawdad, who rolled up late…
Crabettes (Like Rockettes, but from crab position) x20 IC
Cossack Squats x20 IC
Mountain Climbers x10 IC
Walk toes forward as far as possible toward planche position for 10 more IC
Walk toes backward until abs are fully engaged, 10 more IC

Mosey toward the base of Everest, stopping about halfway for 15 Inchworm Merkins OYO

At the base of Everest, 10x Travoltas each side

Promised everyone 30s of Stargazers after an AYG charge up Everest. If you can breathe when you get there, you didn’t push hard enough…
30s count is OYO, then flutters until everyone has had their 30s.

Everyone grab a CMU-equivalent coupon (1 per person) and partner up.
Coupons go in a line about 10 yards away. Entire group goal is to move all coupons to a line about 70 yards away.
One partner runs to the nearest coupon, does 3 Burpee Broad Jumps with coupon to advance, then mosey back to switch with partner.
Stationary partner alternates between squats and crabettes after each trip.

Once all coupons are across the line, everyone grab one and mosey partway down Everest, line up across the hill for Tombstone Toss.
Everyone toss coupon as far up the hill as possible. Bunny hop to your coupon, pick it up, and continue hopping until you reach the furthest one. Once everyone has arrived at the furthest one, toss again.

When everyone has reached the top of the hill, put away coupons and 10 Hand Release Merkins OYO.

Mosey back toward the AO, stopping at the corner for a 30/30/30 of merkins, big boys, and squats.

Q noticed the big ol’ stone block monument thing just sitting there, so 10 Derkins on the block

Mary started out with 10ct Stargazers, just because I’m nice…
30x flutter kicks IC (with a small rest as Crawdad attempted to avoid being run over…)
15x slutter kicks IC
15x side crunch IC (each side)
4x Row Your Boat (caused a bit of a scene since traffic is kinda picking up in the park by this point)
Everyone had to hop up and allow a vehicle to exit the parking lot. This presented a great opportunity for some Monkey Humpers (x15 4ct IC)
10x Shoulder Tap Merkins
About 30s of OYO SSH to finish out the hour.

13 strong this morning, including one FNG – Snoopy (Terry Hill)
Ephesians tells us to love our wives as Christ loved the Church and gave himself for her. The thing that first comes to mind when you hear this is how He died for us. As men, we like to think, “Yeah, I’d die for my wife.” However, Christ gave himself fully, not just on the cross, but daily as he lived on earth. He walked dusty, excrement filled roads, lived day and night with 12 of the most annoying, bad listening, etc. guys you can imagine. Did everything that sucks with no thought for himself, poured his life into them. Through each day, look for opportunities to give yourself in those kinds of ways.
I forgot about the Saturday relocation to the upper parking lot… Much appreciation for Hawk running down and getting me before time to start the beatdown! I had a great time working out with the Asylum PAX this morning. F3 Knoxville is full of HIMs – I would encourage everyone to be promis-Q-ous and make your way around to as many AOs as you can. Don’t worry, you don’t have to do them all in a single week!
Sendoff this morning for Soot (Daniel Anders) at the Overlook. Heading off to be stationed in Colorado Springs.