Seven men assembled for the inaugural JUCO Wednesday morning beat down. The rain held off and the Q tried to bring some Florida sunshine, but unfortunately could not find his Florida oranges. The PAX had to summon energy from within to tackle the Deck of Death.

The LORD’s Prayer
- Leg and upper body stretches
- 25 SSH (F3 count)
- 15 Merkins (F3 count)
- Mosey thru PSCC
Deck of Death:
Broke into two teams to sweat it out in front of an angry group of ducks.
Groups alternate Merkins/Flutter kicks while group member runs to get a card
Exercise (reps according to card, face card-10, Ace-11)
Hearts: Mtn. Climbers (F3 count)
Diamonds: Man Makers (8 count) [The PAX favorite!]
Spades: Air Squats
Clubs: Shoulder presses w/ rocks
The two teams were neck-and-neck on card count to avoid the 20 burpees for the losing team. Due to time limits, an IOU had to be taken for the burpees. The Q was puzzled on what happen to the Joker cards.
Booster, Fast-and-Easy, Chaco, Trolley, Snaggle-tooth, Waxjob and Speedo
We were reminded of the Fellowship part of F3 and the importance of friends while balancing family, jobs, and life in general. The Q read an excerpt of a bio of Major Stephen Reich from a recent Operation Red Wings GRT in Tallahassee:
Major Stephen Reich was born on May 22, 1971, in Cleveland, Ohio. He entered the U.S. Military Academy at West Point on June 28, 1989, and was commissioned a 2nd Lt in the U.S. Army on May 29, 1993. He was killed in action during Operation Red Wings when the MH-47 helicopter he was piloting was shot down by an enemy rocket-propelled grenade on June 28, 2005.
A plaque rests on the back of a stone bench near the Shepaug River in Hidden Valley, part of Steep Rock nature preserve. The bench and a nearby bridge were dedicated in Stephen’s honor. The top of the plaque reads: “If you would seek his monument, look about you.” The quote is derived from the monument of Christopher Wren in St. Paul’s Cathedral in London.
The PAX is doing well. Prayers were sent out for those gearing up for school. Also requests made to keep those battling addiction and continued healing and recovery in our hearts. Congrats to Trolley on his 13 year anniversary!
- August 4 – 2nd F event
- August 11 – 3rd F event