F3 Knoxville

Beastly Kraken

THE SCENE: Somewhere in the 30s



SSH x10; mosey loop by Mt. Crumpet and do a few of each exercise for demonstration purposes

Kraken with 8 stations, do exercise at a station then run the full loop and past the exercise you did to the next one. The stations were:

  • Kraken Burpees x20
  • Gorilla Humpers (4-ct) x20
  • Donkey Merkins x20
  • Bear Crawl halfway up Mt. Crumpet, Crawl Bear back down
  • Crab Cakes (4-ct) x20
  • Seal Claps (4-ct) x20
  • Dancing Bears (4-ct) x20
  • Monkey Squats x20

PAX Roulette

9 fought the beastly kraken. Welcome back Fins!

During my small group at church last Sunday, we got into a discussion about forgiving others. Forgiving someone is more about taking the weight you are carrying off yourself than anything to do with the person you are forgiving. Forgiving someone doesn’t mean you have to become friends with them or even start to like them. Forgiving someone is not saying their actions were ok or acceptable. Forgiving someone is saying that you are turning it over to God. One particular verse that stuck with me is Genesis 50:19: “But Joseph said to them, “Do not fear, for am I in the place of God?” Joseph is speaking to his brothers after their father dies. His brothers are worried about him paying them back for selling him into slavery all those years before now that their dad is dead. Joseph had every right by human standards to hate and punish his brothers, but he instead forgives them. The challenge this morning is to ask yourself who you need to forgive and in what situation in your life do you need to remember that you are not in the place of God?

Pray for Grouch as he travels this week

Toad VQ on Tuesday!!!

Mt. Crumpet and a Tour de light poles

THE SCENE: Warmish, 30

-20 SSH
-20 Merkins
-20 4 ct. Imperial Squat Walkers


-Mosey the long way to Mt. Crumpet, bring a CMU
-11’s with Squat Thrusters at the bottom and curls/triceps extensions at the top
-Mosey back to AO, ab work at each light pole. Lunge between light poles
More ab work for time

Managing your thought life. Col. 3:2 tells us to set your mind on things above, not on earthly things. This made me think about all the places our minds wander throughout the day and what the outcome would be if instead of allowing minds to aimlessly wander we were intentional about focusing on the Lord. Its a small change that could have a big impact on our lives.

Insert any personal comments, notes, devotion content, etc.

New Year – New Men

THE SCENE: 70 degrees? What the…

20 SSH, 10 tempo merkins, 11 tempo squats. Grab your bricks and run to the school.

21’s (Man Makers and Box Jumps) at the bleachers.

11’s (Pull-Ups and V-Ups) at the Pull-up bars.

11’s (Side Kicks and Swing Thrusters) at the swings

Start at the bleachers with 20 Man Makers and 1 Box Jump.  Run to Pull-up bars and do 10 pull-ups and 1 V-up.  Run back to bleachers and do 19 Man Makers and 2 Box Jumps.  Run to the swings and do 10 side kicks and 1 swing thruster.  Run Back to bleachers and do 18 Man Makers and 3 Box Jumps.  Keep moving through the rotation until time is called.

Make it back to the ao with the dang bricks…
With the new year, it is a good opportunity to reorient on what is important and make a plan to invest time in those important things constantly. It took me like 3 or 4 times of listening to my boss deliver the same time/life management class before it really sunk in with me to invest small amounts of time regularly in the important things in my life. I encourage you to think about what is really important and prioritize time invested in those things.
What are the top 3 most important things in your life?

How should we wisely spend out time

  • In light of my past experiences
  • In light of my current responsibilities
  • In light of my future hopes and dreams
  • There is a cumulative value to investing small amounts in certain activities over a long period of time
  • There are rarely any immediate consequences for neglecting single installments of time in any arena of life
  • Neglect has a cumulative effect
  • There is no cumulative value to the urgent things that we allow to interfere with the important things.

Breakfast at Drifter’s on the 8th. And every 2nd Saturday of the month this year.

12 Daze Too

THE SCENE: Clear skies, calm wind, 27 degrees F.

SSH, Windmills, Little baby arm circles

Mosey with a CMU to the trailhead by the pavilion.  At each of the upcoming light poles is a piece of paper.  Run to the first pole with the CME and do the first exercise.  Leave the CMU behind, return to start, and do 12 reps of exercise 1.  Run back to the first pole, pick up your CMU, carry it to pole #2 and do the second exercise and the first exercise.  Leave the CMU behind, return to start, and do 12 reps of exercise 2.  Continue the pattern until all 12 exercises are performed at light pole #12.  Finally return to the Grinder for a time of Mary.

12 Daze

1x Roll Over Merkin (all sides)

2x Blockies

3x OH Squat Press

4x On the Shelf (2/side)

5x CMU Swings

6x Upright Rows

7x Goblet Squats

8x Triceps Extensions

9x Curls

10x Lawn Mowers (per arm)

11x Bent Rows

12x Dips

Home Base Exercises

(12x Each)

  1. Dry Docks
  2. Iron Mike Squats
  3. Body Builders
  4. WWII Situps
  5. Shoulder Taps (4 ct)
  6. Squat Jumps
  7. SSH (4 ct)
  8. Plank Jacks (4 ct)
  9. Box Cutters
  10. Merkins
  11. Flutter Kicks (4 ct)
  12. Mountain Climbers (4 ct)

Unfortunately we ran out of time.  No one completed the 12 Daze.  Better suited for an hour long Saturday beatdown.

No time for Mary today
8 HIMs including FNG Grouch (Danny Lupisella) plus 2.0 Webelo
Julie has always made comments that the best gift is to have her family around her on special occasions like her birthday.  I was able to experience how much she meant that recently as she celebrated her 70th birthday last week.

My daughter, who lives in Northern Virginia with her family, organized a birthday party with her two brothers for Julie last Thursday, two days before her birthday on Saturday, December 18th.  We met at a nice local restaurant with our children, spouses, and 7 grandkids.  There were a total of 15 of us.  It was a total surprise to Julie as she walked into the room and, in an instant, I could tell that it meant the world to her.  As Julie has always said, it was the best present she could have received.

There were many great things about the evening but perhaps one of the more noteworthy is that I never saw anyone looking at or playing with their phones.  Everyone focused on Julie and each other.  Everyone was tuned in and enjoying each others company.

Most of us will have some sort of family gathering over the coming days.  Too often, and I’m a guilty party, phones and other electronic devices distract us and keep us from really connecting.  As HIMs lets not let that happen in our own behavior and as leaders lets see if we can make a difference in others around us.

Merry Christmas!  May the Lord bless you and keep you, may His face look down on you and give you peace.

Prayers for Drifter as he travels over Christmas.  Prayers for 3 year Hunter recently diagnosed with cancer.
Insert information about upcoming events, 2nd or 3rd F opportunities, and any other announcements.

Blurry deck


Rep sleepy wanted to do a few burpees, we did 3
Deck of cards

  • 2-5 suicides based on number draw.
  • Diamond-big boys
  • Hearts -merkins
  • Clubs-curls /4ct
  • Spades -squat jumps . Squat to sit on bench , jump up ….
  • face cards 15 reps , ace 20 reps .

We finished the whole deck, last 3 cards where suicides , always a crowd pleaser !
Chest press 20 ic 4ct, lbcx20 4ct
5 pax
Accountability for us as an AO. We need more of it
Insert any personal comments, notes, devotion content, etc.
Insert information about upcoming events, 2nd or 3rd F opportunities, and any other announcements.