F3 Knoxville

Testing the limits

Bomb Shelter

THE SCENE: 50’s and Full of Mumblechatter and what not

SSH x20 ic, Flying Squats x10, Imperial Walker x10, Imp Squat Walker x10, Merkins x10, Ratchet effect x ALOT, Iron Mikes x20, Calf raises x20x3

Mosey TO the Baseball field

  • P1 drags P2 to 1st cone, both do Merkins x10, repeat 2nd, and 3rd cone, Switch Partners
  • P1 wheel barrows P2 1st cone, both do V ups x10, repeat 2nd and 3rd cone, switch Partners
  • P1 and P2 stay together and Lung to each cone. At each cone do 10 squats
  • Between each exercise, we talked about how Iron sharpens iron. What man are you, ALL LOVE, ALL TRUTH or a Little bit of both. In order to Sharpen each other ,we need to be a little bit of both.
  • TIME TO SHARPEN IRON with a PT test of Merkins, big boy sit ups, squats, and Burpees. AMRAP for 1 minute each. While P1 is doing the test, P2 is holding P1 accountable by making sure he does proper form. No form, NO count of the REP. While doing so, encouraging each other!
  • Mosey to the HILL(no name yet) 11s with star jacks and merkins. Running out of time, mosey backto AO for Mary

Iron Cross

Hello DOlly

Never cross dolly

ended with a CROWD pleaser, Pickle Pounders
20 pax including 3 FNGs
Summarized Iron Sharpen Iron, Talked about the Impact of F3 and how it can change you and your surroundings
With a new AO, its always a great time to test ourselves and see where are fitness wise. With that, we can also sharpen each other by encouraging and holding each other accountable while we compete. As men, we need competition, healthy competition of course! With that, we can become better men in all facets of life. Iron sharpens Iron. AYE!
Insert information about upcoming events, 2nd or 3rd F opportunities, and any other announcements.