F3 Knoxville

The 2000’s


THE SCENE: 60 and amazing. Stars in the sky. perfect gloom weather.

F3 Gotcha- Pax lined up, first two have basketballs. goal is to make your shoot before the guy behind you makes his. SSH while you wait for your turn. If you get knocked out you have 5 burpees than rejoin the group. play till one guy has not been knocked out. Needless to say Q’s basketball experience made this a little unfair!
Millennium- Pax does all exercises together, 100 reps for each. work till the FIRST guy is done. Than the pax runs a 100m lap around the track back to start spot.  Last set is Burpees ( we did not make it here) they are done all together IC, rotate Q for burpees.

  • SSH
  • Lunges
  • Merkins
  • Flutter Kicks
  • Mountian Climbers
  • LBC’s
  • This is as far as we got today. Total was 600 reps and 600meters running. We will work to reach the 2k mark as a pax.
  • 20- Gas Pumps
  • 20- BB’s
  • Starfish sit ups for time


continuing to reflect on Gratitude and how to express that. One of the best was is to be specific in your gratitude. For me F3 has continued to be more than a fitness thing. in July i had major knee surgery, which put me out of any kind o f fitness program. Around the same time i was pushed go see my GP DR to get a physical. My blood work showed elevated cholesterol. My DR was concerned since my father died of a heart attack in his mid 50’s and with me being 35 at that time wanted to get ahead of any issues. However his suggestion was to put me on stations. I have never taken any long term medication and i knew that i could change my situation through exercise. I was convinced that my lack of working out due to my surgery was the driving factor to my elevated levels. I finally took the plung into F3 a couple months later and have not turned back. I recently went to redo my blood work and not only have all my levels dropped but they are all in the good ranges now. I credit F3 and the pax with pushing me to grow and put my fitness first but also to hold me accountable for showing up in the gloom every week. F3 will change your life if you lean in and I’m more than grateful for that.
Regional Nan’tan from Central Illinois will be here leading two Q’s next week. One on Tuesday at Bombshelter and Wednesday at Arsenal. Make sure we show up and show out.