F3 Knoxville

This Ain’t A Picnic

The Project

THE SCENE: Clear and 45 degrees

Slow jog with cadence change up and high knees

Circle up:  SSH, Front Arm Circles, MorrocanNightClub

Dynamic stretches: 

  1. Twist flexors
  2. Scoop da rice

Indian Run to CMUs:

  1. Side shuffle til line passes
  2. Burpees til line passes
  3. Calf jumps til line passes

No recovery,  Grab 1 CMU – curl CMU up to chest and lower gradually to full extension, as PAXes jog back to the picnic tables

THA-THANG:  Circuit training using 4 Picnic tables, no recovery pauses.

Run timer – (target =approximately 1 minute run)  Modify = carry block

  1. Burnees out, recover jog back 
  2. Butt kicks out, recover jog back 
  3. High Skips out, recover jog back

“Merder-kin” table – Modify = Use different levels of table

  1. Merkins or Derkins
  2. Dips (Mods = lift one leg, use one arm)
  3. Plank with Oblique crunches

 Legs Table – Modify = Use different levels of table, carry block

  1. Box jumps
  2. Bulgarian split squats
  3. Squat/thrust with jump

Table of Abs-olution

  1. Jack Knives
  2. Windshield wiper
  3. V-up

Noodlegs Table – Modify = carry block

  1. Side step /knee up /thrust
  2. Forward step /knee up/ thrust
  3. Repeat Side step


Jog CMUs back to stack, Jog to CoT.


PAXes crushed the Table of Abs-olution, so no Mary today.  Sweet!

Word – Jesus is Lord.  John 6:29  “This is the work of God – that you believe in the One He has sent.”

Thanks for your amazing encouragement and participation on this my VQ.