F3 Knoxville

Two Krakkens but they were half Krakken’s so I guess that equals one Krakken

The Dog Pound

THE SCENE: The gloomy fog was thick this morning on the drive in but the sunshine of the PAX’s attitude made it all go away

warmup stuff

Mosey to the bottom of Matterhorn for the half Krakken. It’s completely different than a Krakken, but kind of the same?
LBCs x50, merkins x30, 4ct SSHx50, dry docks x40

Do one set of exercise and run up to the backbone and do 10 pull-ups and run back to go to the next exercise.

when we get bored with it, mosey to the steps below Dwayne Johnson.
Do toe tap squats x20, Burpees x15, curb dips x20 toe touch Merkins x20
after completing each exercise run up to Dwayne Johnson and back.
On the mosey we will took a burpee break of 5 burpees. We did an Indian run back to the AO. We got back a little sooner than I thought so we ended up doing some side shuffles, high knees, and Bernie Sanders to finish off the time.

We got back in time to do a little better flutter kicks, LBC’s and side crunches.
12 including one FNG (Superfly)
CIRCLE OF TRUST/BOM: Today I talked about the importance of the second F. Fellowship. I went over a brief brief history of why F3 was created. The fellowship part of our group is very important. As we get older we lose friends that we grew up with and find ourselves more and more isolated. It’s very important to connect with other men moving in the same direction… Forward. Learn from each other, laugh with each other, and become better men with each other. I encouraged everyone to step outside of just the work out and connect with lunches, gatherings, other activities with F3 brothers. It’s through those that we really glue those are much needed relationships together.

Tweet-E and I reminisced and shared with the packs are encounter with the motorcycle couple down at the Pavalon. I’ll leave it at that
Hardship Hill, lunches