F3 Knoxville

Cinco de Seveno

Bomb Shelter

THE SCENE: A crisp, beautiful morning between 45 and 65 degrees

20 side straddle hops, 15 arm circles forward, 15 backward, 8 body-builders, indian run with CMU

1st exercise: Unbroken sets of 30 (not for speed, good form)

2nd exercise: work until partner is finished with 1st (Plyometric exercise – explosive)


After each round switch who goes first.


  1. Deadlift- 2 CMUs
  2. Pistol Pete
  1. Floor Press with CMU
  2. Star Jacks
  1. Bent rows
  2. Iron Mike
  1. Thrusters
  2. Box Jumps
  1. Curls
  2. Plyo push-ups

1.Tricep extension

2. Body-builders

One partner farmer carry two CMUs while the other Big boys. Switch. 20 box-cutters, 20 heels to heavens, LBCs cash-out


I am hard on myself. I expect a lot out of me and the way that I know is because of my frustration, anger, or dismissal for myself when things don’t go my way.  I put my faith in a lot of things, including myself.  I have a lot of faith in my body because I think if I eat right and work out that my body will be transformed.  I expect the same to happen in my spiritual life.  When it doesn’t then I get frustrated and either blow up or hide or double down on my efforts.  2 Corinthians 3 says that I am being transformed into the image of Christ and the only prerequisite for that is my faith in Jesus.  Not in my efforts, not in how well I’m doing, not in how others see me, not in my position at work, home, with friends.  I want to put my hope and faith in the Truth that I am being transformed into Christ’s image, in His time, in His way, not my own.
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