F3 Knoxville

JUCO with 3 FNGs


THE SCENE: Crisp morning with some nice dew in an unfamiliar place.


10 x Cherry Pickers

10 x Tempo Squats

3 burpees

10 up/down merkins

Lil bit of this and that

10 x Little baby Arm Circles forward and backward



Split Open and Melt

10 burpees, merkins, squats followed by nine, then eight of each etc.

Mosey to some benches

Alternated dips and box jumps for ~30 seconds each two sets of each exercise

Mosey back with some lunges thrown in on the way back to the AO

Back at the AO

Partner ab work

Raised leg pushdowns

Followed by some suicide sprints to be capped off with some cadence flutter kicks


8 PAX with 3 FNGs

Often we end up in places we may not like. It is best to accept personal responsibility and try to alter the future with introspection and change within. I encourage you all to find one or two things to be better at each week. If you were to do that diligently, I imagine you would be far happier at the end of the year than not. Personally, I am a bit distant with friends and family. I have been trying to be more open and communicative with them.