F3 Knoxville

Short Circuit at JUCO


THE SCENE: 40*, drizzly
10 Cherry Pickers, 10 Rockettes, 10 Overhead Claps, 10 Tempo Merkins
Mosey to the courtyard for a round of 11’s with incline merkins and box squats. Jump over the brick wall in between sets.

Mosey to the brick pile.

Circuit training: 5 stations of exercises to be performed as a circuit with a lap around the retention wall after each station. The stations were:

  • 15 – Over-the-Shoulder Sandbag Toss (50lbs and 40lbs options)
  • 10 – Burpees
  • 25 – CMU Rows
  • 15 – CMU Swings
  • 25 – CMU Curls

We completed approximately 3-4 circuits before heading back to the AO. Kudos to Bagger for taking the initiative to carry the sandbags the 1/2 mile back to the AO.

20 – Flutter Kicks (Erector)
13 HIMs came out on hump day

“If you pray for rain, take an umbrella.”

This phrase has always stuck with me when I consider the things I pray for. If you’re going to ask for God to intervene in your life, you need to have faith that He will do so. Our faith is manifested in the belief that God will answer our prayers. Ezra is a great example of this principle. When Ezra made plans to travel from Babylon back to Jerusalem he refused an escort from the King. He knew he would be traveling a long distance through hostile land, but he insisted that he did not need an escort because he had prayed to God for protection. Ezra had faith that God would answer his prayer and he acted on this faith. The next time you pray, don’t forget to take your umbrella.

Shoutout to Bagger and Judge Judy for joining me on the pre-ruck and to Erector for knocking out a pre-run. We’d love to grow the pre-ruck/pre-run group. Come on out at 4:45 for some extra credit.
Bring snacks this week and next for the kids at the Wesley House.

The new Oak Ridge AO is set to start up on February 5th and will be on Tuesdays. Contact Erector if you are interested.