F3 Knoxville

Doubtfire almost went swimming


THE SCENE: Perfect gloomy morning. 53 degrees

The obligatory SSH, cherry pickers, some burpees and a little of this and that
Mosey around the park a little. And stopped at the upper lot for some DORAs. Partner up for totals of 50 burpees, 200 Merkins, 300 squats. Partner runs down lot and around island (100yrds +-) while partner 2 does exercises.

After that we hit the parking lot lines for some suicides. Each time you got back to start you did 1 burpee. Total of 15 lines (I think)

then mosey around some doing some Mary Lou Rettons on the concrete snake ramp up and down.

Mosey to splash pad or 7s with dips and decline Merkins. Mosey back to AO stopping for 10 pull-ups.

box Cutters x25, some yoga leg and arm raise stuff and 10 more Merkins

2 are better than 1. Work with your brother to help further God’s kingdom. Psalm 133
Doubtfire dodged a bullet this morning. His back was hurting him and he put out a last-minute post at 4:33 AM asking for coverage. None of us saw the message until after we got started. We were all discussing what we would do to him at the equalizer for missing a Q. We landed on jumping in the water. Fortunately for him he got in the text before. Get better soon Doubtfire!

On another note there was a gentleman there at the flagpole with all kinds of stuff laid out, lights incense rugs etc. He was very friendly, and we invited him to join us next Wednesday.

Cross bar is in need of a job. He’s an industrial engineer but it impressive background. Maybe looking for something in construction as well. Prayers for him to find something quickly.