F3 Knoxville

A prayful world

The Project

THE SCENE: Around freezing and slippery in places
. 15 SSH, 15 Mountain climbers, 10 Abe Bogota, 10 tempo squats, 15 Moroccan night club


Mosey to the football field/track.

Perform 1st & 10:

100 yard field marked at 10 yard increments. Perform 10 Merkins, 1 Burpee (11’s) at the 10, sprint the remaining 90 yards. Recover jog back to the 20. Perform 9 Merkins, 2 Burpees, sprint the remaining 80 yards, recover jog to the 30. Repeat until all 100 yards and 11’s have been completed.

Mosey back to the parking lot around the shovel flag.

Perform 7 of Diamonds:

Performed on a large diamond (i.e. the parking lot). For the first round, do 7 reps of an exercise (burpees) at each of the 4 corners with a mosey (or sprint) in between corners. Each round, increase by 7 reps with a different exercise each round, for a total of 4 rounds. Round 2, 14 four count flutter kicks at each of the 4 corners. Round 3, 21 merkins at each of the 4 corners. Round 4, 28 squats at each of the 4 corners.

10 Freddie Mercury, 10 LBCs, 10 6 inch LBCs
6 PAX today
YHC has spoken about prayer before. Honestly, it is one of the hardest things for me to remember to do. The Bible instructs us to “Pray without ceasing.”- 1 Thess. 5:17. This is like a constant prayerful state to be in throughout your day. Always seeking wisdom from God in prayer. I feel like I recognize the power of pray, but perhaps I am not fully aware. Challenge yourself in this coming year to be more prayerful. Find a way to make it a habit, make it a consistent part of your day. Encourage those around you to do the same.
“Burpees make you better.” Quote of the day. Use it as you wish.
Continue to keep our nation and world in prayer in dealing with the pandemic. Prayers for humility and wisdom.