F3 Knoxville

What’s in a name


THE SCENE: Rainy but warm… and rainy


  • Windmill
  • Tempo Squat
  • Cherry Picker
  • Imperial Walkers
  • Moroccan night clubs

Getting stretched out and warmed out.


Mosie to the library cover, stopping along the way to do some pull-ups on the ladder statue.

Two sets of exercises:

  • A
    • Burpee x 10
    • Squats x 30
    • Right Hand High Merkins x 20
    • Rainbow Drops x 50
    • Toe Merkins x 50 (heal raises)
  • B
    • BBS x 10
    • Lunge x 30
    • Left Hand High Merkins x 20
    • Kick Throughs x 50
    • SSH x 50

Complete set A then run across the covered walkway to the set B location.
The second time around, skip the first exercise. Each time skip another exercise till you do the last exercise.

Next, grab some coupons from the car trunk conveniently nearby and complete the following exercises:

  • Coupon swings x 15
  • Front Squat with Coupon x 10
  • Burpee with Coupon press x 10
  • Reverse Lunge with coupon curl x8/8 (each leg)
  • Heavy Hammers x10 (4 ct)

Almost out of time so mosey to the flag. Arrive just in time to catch Rush standing around. No time for Mary.

No time

I wanted to share a little about one of the big themes of the Bible, Exile. It first shows up at the very beginning in the garden when Adam and Eve are exiled from the Garden. Later, Isreal is exiled from the promised land. Even Jesus in his ministry was homeless and cared a lot about others who were displaced and without a home.

This concept of exile throughout the Bible is a picture of the human condition. Living in a broken world that’s not quite home. Longing for wholeness and a place of belonging. The early Christians called themselves sojourners or wanderers as they looked to heaven as their ultimate home and Jesus as the path to restoration and belonging.

I invite you all to be wanderers with me and be reminded that our ultimate hope and home is in Heaven.

Watch this. It’s really great.



CSAUP Saturday, Donate to the Wesley house ministry if you can.