F3 Knoxville

June EMOM Kraken


THE SCENE: 68 and Wet

SSH’s 15, Tempo Merkins x 10, Windmills 4ct x 10, 3 Burpees, 3 Burpees


Every minute on the minute work move to the next exercise.  After completing all 8 exercises run 1 lap and begin the Kraken again. (We made it through 4 rounds)

  • 1- Rope Throws
  • 2- Power Clean 50 lb sandbag
  • 3- Turkish Getups 20 lb kettlebell (Switch arms each round)
  • 4- Burpees
  • 5- Rope Waves
  • 6- Kettlebell Two Arm Swings 35 lbs
  • 7- Kettlebell Squat Push Pull 20lbs
  • 8- Box Jumps
  • Run a lap and start back at the beginning

Bring Sally Up Bring Sally Down – Fragmented Burpees

Baby Weight, Butterfingers, Belding, Smuggler, Scoutmaster, Swerve, Walt

Over the last couple of weeks I made my tour of Sweden and Germany. It was a work trip and definitely not a vacation.  Over the 8 days we stayed in 6 different hotels and caught just as many flights.  However, we were fortunate to have a friend and business acquaintance take us on a weekend tour of Stockholm.  One thing really stuck out from my conversation with Andreas.  He had once owned a gym and had competed in several triathlon type events in the past.  He brought up this idea of getting a group of men together and having a workout out at local park.  So of course I began to tell him about F3 and what we do.  Not sure if we are going to have a Sweden launch anytime soon, but I think this speaks volumes to the mission of F3.

In 2015 right after the birth of my second child I was running the greenways on my own, doing merkins, lifting rocks, and other stuff.  I thought, wouldn’t it be great to get some other guys out here and do this same kinda thing.  Anyway, my experience and Andreas experience aren’t unique.  The reason F3 has been successful is because it speaks to something in every man.  What ever that thing is might be hard to describe, but rest assured we’ve found it.