F3 Knoxville

Death to Granbak

The Project

THE SCENE: Cool, clear, and gloomy

  1. Projectivator – from 13
  2. Tempo merkins
  3. Tempo squats
  4. Overhead clap
  5. Cherry pickers
  6. Run a lap and explain the set up


The evil dwarf Granbak stole the children’s Halloween candy.  We must band together as a noble fellowship to save the candy and defeat the monsters.

  1. Chased by wolves to the pool wall.  10 wall ups and climb over the wall to escape.
  2. Mosey to playground. Monkey bar through the jungle.
  3. Stuck in quicksand.  5 pull ups to get out.
  4. Mosey to amphitheater.  Attacked by bears.  Pretend to be a bear by bear crawling up the hill.
  5. Mosey to the dwarf forge (recruiting center) and steal weapons (CMUs).
  6. Caught by a dwarf.  20 thrusters to intimidate him.
  7. Carry to the stairs.
  8. We fell into a trap set by Granbak.  Heavy squat ring of fire.  One adventurer climbs the stairs with his block.
  9. Tricep extension ring of fire; rifle carry hold when not counting. One adventurer climbs the stairs with his block.
  10. After escaping the ring of fire, we tip toe (heavy lunge) to the bank drive through (so we don’t fall into another trap).
  11. Granbak can only be defeated by each of us doing 100 heavy ab exercises.
    1. 20 big boys
    2. 20 flutter kicks
    3. 20 freddy mercuries
    4. 20 LBCs
    5. 20 American Hammers
  12. Return weapons to the forge.
  13. Mosey to amphitheater.  Crawl bear down the hill.
  14. Mosey to the playground.  Monkey bar through the jungle.
  15. Mosey to pool wall.  10 wall ups.
  16. Return to flag.

Tuba graced us with a round of 13 prone rows.


  1. October 31 is…….. Reformation Day!
  2. Martin Luther posted his Ninety Five Theses on this day in 1517
  3. This action led to serious consequences for Luther.
  4. He was tried for heresy and ultimately excommunicated.
  5. Standing up to the most powerful institution on Earth was a huge act of bravery.
  6. Would you be able to face a giant like this?
  7. Joshua 1:9 – Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous.  Do not be frightened, and do not be dismayed, for the LORD your God is with you wherever you go.

Oak Ridge Halloween event tonight!  Brolympics on Nov. 5.  Clothing and food drives ongoing.