THE SCENE: High 60s and beautiful
Cherry Pickers, Windmills, Tempo Merkins, Mountain Climbers, Tempo Squats, Calve Raises, SSH (ALL IC)
Short Mosey to Base of Fort Hill: Run to top of the hill, touch the Fort, come back and perform 50 Jump Squats and 50 SSH. (2 Rounds)
Mosey to Amphitheatre Stadium: EMOM – 5 Box Jumps, 10 Merkins, 15 Squats. (6 Rounds)
Slowsy up the Hill to the Fort: 4 cones around the interior of the Fort. Bear Crawl to Cone 1: 100 OHCs, Bear Crawl to Cone 2: 75 OHCs, Bear Crawl to Cone 3: 50 OHCs, Bear Crawl to Cone 4: 25 OHCs
Mosey down the Hill to open flat field adjacent to Shovel Flag location: 5 Cones equally distanced across the filed. Lunge to Cone 1: 10 Squats, Lunge to Cone 2: 15 Squats, Lunge to Cone 3: 20 Squats, Lunge to Cone 4: 25 Squats, Lunge to Cone 5: 30 Squats.
Mosey to Track: Run 400m, Bernie 400m
Slowsy to Track concrete stadium: Calveway to Heaven. Box Jump each step and perform 40 calve raises before launching to the next. Repeat all the way to the top.
Mosey to Baseball Field: Burpee Baseball. PAX line up along third base line. One at a time, PAX run the bases and perform exercises (1st base – 10 Merkins, 2nd base – 20 Squats, 3rd base – 30 High Knees). PAX waiting their turn do Burpees continuously. PAX returning in line do Burpees continuously. All exercises end when everyone has gone.
Mosey back to Shovel Flag.
Mountain Climbers, Plank for 1 minute

28 Strong.
Moment of silence was taken for those we honor on this Memorial Day Holiday.
I don’t mean to dishonor those we celebrate today, but what I am about to say I believe would honor their memory and sacrifice. I know this is not a typical Memorial Day Word but what has been on my mind and heart lately is the shooting in Uvalde, TX that took place last week. I was watching the news right after it happened and Ari Fleischer was discussing his thoughts. Right before they cut away from him, he made one last point in that what most people won’t be talking as a result of this incident is the epidemic of fatherlessness in this Country. Details followed in the days after about the shooter. He came from a fatherless home, was bullied, shuffled from house to house, molested at the age of 8 by a boyfriend of his mother, and on and on. It’s a horrific situation.
So I took a few days and did some research on this topic and I’m convinced the only thing that’s going to break the awful cycle we are in in this country is Godly Fathers. Here is the current reality: 25 million children in our country live without a biological father. That’s 1 out of 3. Grades 1-12? 40% of kids live without a biological father in the home. Over 50% of children are born outside of marriage. 85% of prisoners grew up in a fatherless home. 85% of children with a behavioral disorder come from fatherless homes. 90% of youth who run away and become homeless come from fatherless homes. Children from fatherless homes are 300% more likely to deal drugs and carry weapons. This is a holocaust. This is a national holocaust and it’s not limited to any group of ethnic people.
Children get their view of what a man is from their father. Sexual immorality, relentless assault of feminism, over exposure to perversion, complete collapse of homes, has all produced generations of bad fathers. And the reality is, NOTHING is more devastating to a society that that. NOTHING. Our only hope for stability, for sanity, for peace in our society is masculine, virtuous men.
Evil abounds absolutely everywhere. How we as men respond to that evil determines the survival and well being of a society. Men, we are at war. We have a responsibility to reduce evil and produce good. No culture will ever rise above the character of its men. The feminist lie is that masculinity is archaic, toxic, and needs to be destroyed. To destroy strong, male leadership leads to the current disaster.
Irresponsible, weak men are running loose in our streets, terrorizing society. Weak men produce the death of society. Constantly told we need to get in touch with our “feminine side,” we have become defensive of our masculinity. So where do we begin? We start by breaking the cycle.
What you see going on today, the absolute foolishness in our streets, is a direct result of the havoc that corrupt fathers have had on our society. The core virtue that we must cultivate at this AO and throughout F3 is fortitude. What is it? Fortitude means strength of soul that faces danger with courage and bears loss and pain without complaint. Men with fortitude don’t compromise. They are steadfast in the face of danger and pain. They have conviction, strength and endurance.
As men, we are protectors. Protectors of our wives. Protectors of our children. Protectors of our homes. We accomplish all that needs to be done to reduce evil and produce good. That’s the goal. Men, are you with me?
Truth, conviction and courage should mark all of your lives. If it doesn’t, let today be the day that changes. I will leave you with what the Apostle Paul has to say on this topic:
1 Cor 16: 13-14 “Be on the alert, stand firm in the faith, act like men, be strong, let all that you do be done in love.”
Let this be the motto at this new AO. Amen?
Coffeeteria and Donuts on site after the workout.