F3 Knoxville

Earn your burpees

THE SCENE: Humidity is here!

15 SSH, 15 mountain climbers, 15 Moroccan Night Club, 15 Imperial Walker, and 10 Windmill all IC

Mosey to the Sophomore. Start with 10 reps of the first exercise at each corner and add an exercise each time you complete a circuit.  Bernie Sanders up the hill and run between each other corner.  At round 4, you will be doing 10 squats, merkins, thrusters, and burpees at each corner.

  • squats
  • merkins
  • thrusters
  • burpees

Mosey to coupon pile, take one, and continue to the grassy hill. Complete 15 squat, curl, press, and tricep extensions in one motion.  Leaving coupon at the bottom, run to the top and do 5 8-count body builders. Replace coupons.

Mosey to the middle of campus and perform 5, 10-count Body Bag Builders (add mountain climbers to body builders after the plank jack and before the merkin).

Not really any time but we did 2 PCMBs (Prison cell merkin burpees).

12 HIMs today earned their burpees!
James 4:1-8 – Guard against letting the source of our strife being our on selfish motives.  Resist the Devil and he will flee from you and draw near to God and He will draw near to you.
Convergence at Asylum on Memorial Day at 5:30 and coffeteria to follow.

Quarter Pounder at Litton’s

THE SCENE: Slightly warm @ 64 degrees. Clear skies.

SSH x25 IC

Cherry Pickers x15 IC

Tempo Squat x10 IC

Annie’s – x5 ea front and back IC

Moroccan Night Clubs x20 2CT

Mosey to Lynnwood Drive by Litton’s for some Quarter Pounders

  • sprint 25yd – do 25 merkins – sprint back to start
  • sprint 50yd – do 50 squats – sprint back to start
  • sprint 75yd – do 75 mountain climbers 2ct – sprint back to start
  • sprint 100yd – do 100 SSH – sprint back to start

20 count recover – mosey to Church parking lot for some 4 Corners

  • Corner 1 – 25 LBCs
  • Corner 2 – 25 Imperial Walkers 2CT
  • Corner 3 – 25 BBS
  • Corner 4 – 25 Curb Hops

Repeat 4x or until time.

Flutter Kicks x20 IC
Wilson, Filter
Romans 14:7 – “For none of us lives to himself, and none of us dies to himself. For if we live, we live to the Lord, and if we die, we die to the Lord. So then, whether we live or whether we die, we are the Lord’s. For to this end Christ died and lived again, that he might be Lord both of the dead and the living.”

Live for the Lord this week.
Memorial Day – converge at the Asylum! We will not be at The Quacken that day!

Lucky 7s

THE SCENE: 60’s and clear with a KILLER sunrise!



jog the grinder, squats,baby arms circles, SLOTH PLANK, merkins, Skipping, TOy soldiers, and Rocky balboas

CMU curls, CMU tris and CMU rows for BROS
Insert information about the workout.

  • LUCKY 7 at Crumpit
  • Partner up and head to MT Crumpit VIA Sling shot.
  • Partner 1 stays back and performs 10 squats and 10 merkins, then runs to catch P2 which is Farmer Carrying the CMU. Switch back and forth until we arrive at the Base of Crumpit
  • Lucky 7s Partner 1 at the base doing a MINIMUM of 7 Mr. Spectaculars while P2 runs up Crumpit and does 7 Big boys, P2 runs back down and switch up. Do this for 7 rounds.
  • Sling shot back to AO

Dealers choice. Flutters, Box cutters, ABCs, and Alternating Supermans. Snorkel, Hammy, Drifter and Neighbor each led an exercise
14 Pax including one FNG, Soy bean
WORRY can cast a BIG shadow on small things.
Why worry when its not in your control? Why worry when it is in your control?
Insert information about upcoming events, 2nd or 3rd F opportunities, and any other announcements.

Ten Star Territory

THE SCENE: Upper 80’s, sunny but with a breeze

20 Side Straddle Hops, 10 Burpees, Plank Stretches, Cherry Pickers, 30 Second Squat, Little of This and That
Mosey toward stop sign at southeast corner of Admin Bldg.  20 Merkins, 20 Big Boys, 20 Hello Dollies.

Mosey to entrance gate at Northshore.  Go down hill to south of the road where there is a large tree.  20 Merkins, 20 Big Boys, 20 Hello Dollies.

Mosey to cones just southwest of the large tree.

  • Cone 1:  10 Shoulder Taps where both arms = 1.  Bernie Sanders to Cone 2
  • Cone 2:  20 Jump Squats.  Bear crawl to Cone 3.
  • Cone 3:  20 American Hammers.  Sprint to Cone 4
  • Cone 4:  30 Baby Crunches.  Bear crawl to Cone 1

Mosey to Area 51.  We will run uphill stopping to 3 Burpees at cement patch, big tree, water pump, and beginning of final hill that goes up to roadway just south of the admin bldg.  We will stop at large tree.  We will then do 20 Merkins, 20 Big Boys and 20 Hello Dollies.

Mosey on roadway to the admin bldg parking lot.  Then mosey to front steps of admin bldg.  We will do 25 regular shin lifts, 25 bow legged shin lifts and 25 pigeon-toed shin lifts.  We will then do 20 Merkins, 20 Big Boys and 20 Hello Dollies.

Mosey to small wall across from Admin Bldg parking lot.  We will split into teams of two men each.  Partner one will do exercises while partner two goes to wall to do exercise and then comes back.  Partners then switch to do the other exercise.  There will be three runs to the wall by each partner.  Here are the exercises:

At start of the run:  1. baby crunches 2. flutter kicks, 3. buzz saws.

At small wall:  1. bench lifts 2. incline merkins 3. bench lifts again

To get from the start of the run to the wall and then back, we will go by the following methods:  1.  Bear crawl  2.  Duck walk  3.  Backwards Lunge

Mosey to AO.

Insert information about any additional post-THANG work (if applicable).
Use the TAGS on right-side to record PAX (BE SURE TO INCLUDE YOURSELF) in attendance. Be sure to select the AO in CATEGORY above TAGS and then delete these notes!
In the summers before each of my first two years of college I worked for a company out of Nashville, Tennessee called the Southwestern Book Company.  College age kids were recruited from all parts of the United States for the job of selling books door to door.  Pay was pure commission.  We received one week of training at a hotel in Nashville and then were sent in teams to somewhere in the United States.  I spent my first summer near Jackson, Alabama and the second summer near Madisonville, Kentucky.  I made a fairly good profit for a college kid but the work was long and difficult.  I usually knocked on my first door at 8 am and left my last house after 9:30 pm.  There were both positive and negative aspects of the job.  One positive was learning some good life lessons.  One of the positive phrases we learned was that “when the going gets tough the tough get going.”  Hand-in-hand with that phrase, we also learned to appreciate what our sales trainers dubbed “TEN STAR TERRITORY.”

If you were working in an area or neighborhood that was just plain awful, you were working in Ten Star Territory. These were the areas where people slammed doors in your faces, where they called their neighbors to warn them you were coming, where jealous husbands drove by you asking what the hell you had done earlier that day with their wives in their house, where savage dogs were tackling you and biting your clothes off, where police officers were questioning what kind of scheme you were trying to perpetrate in their friendly town.  I remember calling my sales manager, Chuck Blackburn back at corporate headquarters in Nashville, to let him know that people were warning me not to go into a specific area in Jackson County, Alabama because “Cajuns” lived there, were untrustworthy, might rob me, and didn’t have enough money to buy books anyway.  I heard Chuck laughing on the phone and then telling me, “Heck John Neece, my mother is Cajun! (I knew he was jibbing at me but what could I do).  He then said, “Why John, you should consider it an honor to work in Cajun Country – it’s Ten Star Territory!”  We were also taught by our sales managers to disarm the negative comments coming from potential customers.  For example, if a person were to ask at the door, “Are you one of those SALESMEN?” we might answer, Why I most certainly am, you don’t shoot them do you Mr. Jones, tee hee hee.”  That made people laugh and got me into many a door.  One time, however, the beer-gutted man whom I replied to grunted, “I sure do shoot salesmen and I’m gonna get my gun right now.”  I high-tailed it to the nearest pay phone (no cell phones in those days) and called Chuck Blackburn.  His reply to my anxious words of consternation:  “Congratulations John, you are in ten star territory!”  He also told me to call the police if the fellow came after me.

I bring this up because as High Impact Men, we will often find ourselves in Ten Star Territory.  At your marketing job, you may face weeks, months, where no one is interested in your product.  As a doctor, you may face hard times where every patient you see is presenting to you multiple sets of who knows what kinds of health issues when you have six patients per hour to see on your caseload and you stayed up until midnight the previous night completing all kinds of charts.  As a manager you may be facing pressure to fill multiple positions for your company when you have multiple employees wanting to leave because upper level management is not paying any of you enough.  As a parent you may be at a loss for why your child is behaving a certain way when everything you have taught her would lead her away from that type of behavior.  We can complain and bemoan our state.  In fact, it may be helpful to do this with a friend or F3 brother because life IS hard and sometimes we need to talk about it.  But we can also work on our attitudes.  We can tell ourselves that we are in TEN STAR TERRITORY.  We can remind ourselves that difficult tasks, like difficult exercises in F3, help us to grow into stronger men.  When the going gets tough, the tough get going.

I also bring this up in a faith-related BOM because we sometimes feel like our belief in God should protect us from difficulties, that God should keep the true believer out of harm’s way.  The Godly life, however, is not one of avoiding danger and pain.  Let’s look at the apostle Paul.  He is the primary Christian responsible for spreading the gospel of the early Christian church.  Look what happened to him in the very towns and provinces where he spread the gospel.  He was often chased out of town and sometimes beaten badly by those who chased him. Yet, he would revisit those towns.  People became believers and Christianity rapidly spread.  Paul persisted.  We as HIMs must also persist.  We may not always be greeted in friendly manners.  We may meet up with overwhelming challenges.  But we must keep the faith and push on.  And, it may help us to know that Christ Himself lived, taught, loved, and died FOR US in TEN STAR TERRITORY.

Insert any personal comments, notes, devotion content, etc.
Insert information about upcoming events, 2nd or 3rd F opportunities, and any other announcements.

11 Babies in 24 Hours

THE SCENE: Humid. Sweaty.
F3 WELCOME & DISCLAIMER Charmin is a lawyer, so I’m sure we’re covered

SSH, Old Man Windmills, Peter Parker Merkins, BACs, OHCs, reverse until arms fall off

First of all, it was Charmin, Hands, and YHC, and between the three of us, we had delivered a combined 11 babies in the preceding 24 hours. So we probably deserve some kind of F3 award for that.

But even heroes need to work out.  Thursday morning and a small crew means it’s time to mosey, so we did. Down to the pier, where we did some abs (although with Charmin, you can’t shred what’s already shredded) and ran some laps. 

Took the fragrant route down to the sewage plant, and up to the lower parking lot where Knoxville’s Finest apparently decided to reposition some CMUs underneath the neglect-o-matic. We thought we might as well use them, so Curls, Presses, Squats, Hands’ Signature Shrug (™), Rows, and more curls while we watched a beautiful sunrise. Plus some more running.

Last mosey up to the AO and just enough time for a fast trip up mini cardiac with 2 burpees to top it off.

Pro tip, if you time things right, you can avoid Mary.
An ace obstetrician and two regular guys
Insert the WORD here.
From Brother Lawrence, a cook who knew a thing or two about work, worship, and a life well lived:

We can do little things for God; I turn the cake that is frying on the pan for love of Him, and that done, if there is nothing else to call me, I prostrate myself in worship before Him, who has given me grace to work; afterwards I rise happier than a king. It is enough for me to pick up but a straw from the ground for the love of God.