F3 Knoxville

The Doobie Brothers

THE SCENE: Cold and Crisp. 33 Degrees. Shorts Weather

SSH x 20 IC

cherry pickers x 10ish IC

front Claps x 15 IC

modified B.R.I.C.K. (Burpees, Rocky Balboas, *Merkins, Capt. Thor, *8-Count Body Builders)

2-4-6-8-10 of each exercise with a 100 yard field lap between each set of reps.

Tour de Equalizer w/ flutter kicks and planks mixed in.

3.19 miles covered


Insert information about any additional post-THANG work (if applicable).

Continued the theme from this past weekend’s 3rd F- Suffering. We can’t have adversity without pain. It’s not possible. God meets us at the point of our deepest need. We were made to live in community with others. Take your concerns, cares, adversity, pain, and suffering to God and share with appropriate others.

The Doobie Brothers opened the first Monday morning workout at the Equalizer in style. Hot Tub, Farva, Doubtfire, and Bow Flex put on a historic performance. One for the ages.
Insert information about upcoming events, 2nd or 3rd F opportunities, and any other announcements.


THE SCENE: Sunny and nice, temps in 50’s

20 Side Straddle Hops, 15 second squat, 15 Mountain Climbers, 30 second squat, 10 Windmills, 45 second squat, 10 Cherry Pickers, 60 second squat, Little of This and Little of That.  Split into three groups and Mosey to workout stations.  In each station we will work out for 15 minutes.  After workout out at the three stations we will meet back at AO.

STATION 1 (at parking lot near entrance of northern ball fields)
There will be bricks on ground at Corner 1 and CMU’s on ground at Corner 3.
We will circle the parking lot counter clockwise, stopping at each corner to do the listed exercises.  We will circle the lot three times, doing the series of exercises as we go.
  • Corner 1:  With brick in each hand do:  1. 25 Wings Out  2.  25 Wings Up  3.  25 Wings down.  Bernie Sanders to Cone 2 after each listed exercise.
  • Corner 2:  1.  20 Merkins  2.  20 Dive Bombers 3.  20 Carolina Drydocks.  Bear Crawl to Corner 3 after each exercise.
  • Corner 3:  With CMU do:  1.  25 Overhead Presses  2.  25 Curls  3.  25 Rows.  Sprint to Corner 4 after each exercise.
  • Corner 4:  1.  20 American Hammers (4 count)  2.  20 Box Cutters   3.  20 Flutter Kicks (4 count).  Lunge to Corner 1 after each exercise.

STATION 2 (on north side of parking lot with nice restroom and across street from northern ballfields)

Picket’s charge w 3 Burpees at every cone
Circle Burp: grab a baby and take turns leading cadence with curls until saying “Go” and do two Burpees all around circle, repeat w Triceps
Give and Take: choose a battle buddy, plank across from each other. Take turns taking bricks off CMU and replace until time is up bout 1-2 minutes.
Merkin Suicides: run to cone do 10 merkins suicide style

Station 3 (in parking lot by southern ball fields)

On one end you will do an exercise than run to the other end and continue that exercise until the Six arrives.  Modification is leave early on the run.

Strength and Conditioning Side:

Exercise 1     20 – Merkins

Exercise 2     20 – 4 Count Side Straddle Hop

Exercise 3     20 – Squats

Exercise 4     20 – Carolina Dry Docks

Exercise 5     5 – Burpees

Exercise 6     3 – Yoga – Plank – Downward Dog – Upward Dog You will need to call it out.

Ab Side:

Exercise 1     20 – IC 4 Count LBCs

Exercise 2     20 – IC Holly Dolly

Exercise 3     20 – IC Plank Jacks

Exercise 4     20 – On your own Shoulder taps  shoulder

Exercise 5     20 – On my Up – Big Boy Sit Ups

Exercise 6     20 – IC 4 Count – American Hammers IC

50 Baby Crunches, 25 Sit-ups
43 men with one FNG, Jeremy Cameron whom we dubbed “MIB”
We all must suffer.  That will be the theme of today’s 3rd F.  It helps to remain optimistic in the face of suffering.

Pfeiffer is gonna be a daddy this week!

3rd F at Outlook immediately following this workout!

FC Park Circuit and a Baby Owl

THE SCENE: Mid-40s, Dark, 1 Itty Bitty Baby Owl, 2 Ducks

SSH x20 IC 4CT

Cherry Pickers x10 IC

BAC x10 front and back

Little Bit of This, Little Bit of That

LBC x15 IC

Big Tree, Little Tree 7’s

7 jump squat / 1 burpees, reverse, 7 burpees / 1 jump squat

FC Park Circuit – 6 stations around the loop – 20, 25, 30 reps per lap, respectively

  1. Merkins
  2. Lunges
  3. Diamond Merkins — Bearcrawl to #4
  4. American Hammers
  5. Squats — Bearcrawl to #6
  6. 10 Burpees each lap

Only did 2 laps for time.

Flutters x20 IC 4CT

Edward Scissorlegs x20 4CT

Wilson, Frasier, Filter
1 Cor 10:31 – “So whether you eat or drink or whatever you do, do it for the glory of God.”

3rd F tomorrow! Go to the Asylum, then the Outlook

Hardship Hill is May 18!

48th Birthday Bash

THE SCENE: 48 and awesome…the weather was 48 degrees too!

  • Cherry Pickers (IC) 4 CT X 10
  • Morrocan Nigh Club (IC) X 10
  • Baby Arm Circles (forwards) & Michael Phelps (OYO)
  • Baby Arm Circles (backwards) & Michael Phelps (OYO)
  • Windmills (IC) X 10
  • 4 burpees (OYO)
  • 8 Tempo Squats (IC)
  • 48 Side Straddle Hops
  • 48 Calf Raises


Get-N-Swoll – Dora Style

  • 48 overhead press w/ CMU while partner does sprints
  • 48 curls w/ CMU while partner does sprints
  • 48 tricep extensions w/ CMU while partner does sprints
  • 48 bentover rows w/ CMU while partner does springs
  • Rinse and repeat
  • Mosey

4 Corners – 12 Laps X 4 Corners = 48 (we finished…most of it)

  • Cardio – 4 burpees & 8 (4 CT) mountain climbers at each corner
  • Legs – 4 Bobby Hurleys & 8 monkey humpers at each corner
  • Upper Body – 4 merkin claps & 8 diamond merkins at each corner
  • Core – 4 supermans (w/ 2 second pause) & 8 big boy sit-ups at each corner
  • Rinse & repeat 3 times each
  • Jailbreak to AO


  • 48 Flutterkicks
  • 48 Side Crunches (24 each side)


Welcome FNG – Commission!

5K, Chaco, Erector, Fast-N-Easy, Guano, Kenjo, Rocket, Snaggletooth, Spotter, Stye, Sweeper, & Booster


Stress and anxiety are tough to deal with and I feel like I’ve been dealing with more than usual worrying about my 16-year old daughter, the charity I lead (never enough money), and wondering if I’m fully serving my purpose on this Earth.

I know I shouldn’t worry or be stressed but I am.  The scripture below is comforting and I trust things will be OK.

  • “The Lord is on my side; I will not fear.” Psalm 118:6.
  • “Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil; for You are with me; Your rod and Your staff, they comfort me.” Psalm 23:4.
  • “For all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God” Romans 3:23
  • “Which of you by worrying can add one cubit to his stature?” Matthew 6:27.
  • “Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and lean not on your own understanding.” Proverbs 3:5.
  • But Jesus looked at them and said to them, ‘With men this is impossible, but with God all things are possible.’” Matthew 19:26.
  • “Come to Me, all you who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. Take My yoke upon you and learn from Me, for I am gentle and lowly in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For My yoke is easy and My burden is light.” Matthew 11:28-30.
  • “For I know the thoughts that I think toward you, says the Lord, thoughts of peace and not of evil, to give you a future and a hope.” Jeremiah 29:11.
  • “And my God shall supply all your need according to His riches in glory by Christ Jesus.” Philippians 4:19.


Thanks for humoring me with all of the 4, 8, & 48 numbers…my 80th birthday Q is going to rock!!!


  • Convergence tomorrow at the Asylum
  • Sign up to Q
  • Hardship Hill – May 18 – Sign up for the JUCO 5 team!!!

On the Fly

THE SCENE: Pretty much perfect weather

SSH x20 IC
LB Arm Circles x12 each side IC
Cherry Pickers x8 IC
Quick run down troll bridge and back around


Do Suicides on the grinder. Run to the first cone and back, do exercise number one, then first cone and back and second cone and back, exercise number one and two, and so on for 6 cones total.

  1. Goblet squats x10
  2. American Hammers with CMU x20
  3. CMU press into Tri x10
  4. Overhead CMU Flutter Kicks x20 (2 count)
  5. CMU Swings x10
  6. Burpee Curl Press x10

Once done with that, do 11s. Dips at the pavalon and pull-ups at the scrapyard.

Sprints from the scrapyard to the bathrooms with 15 BBS at one side and 10 merkins at the other.

Woodshack led us in Captain Thors up to 8-32
Side Tri rise x10 on each side
Box Cutters x25
Little baby crunches until time, about one minute.

14 Pax showed up this morning with one FNG, Six Pack!
Many people make goals and think that they are on the right track to reach those goals when, in reality, they are doing all of the wrong things. At one point when I was trying to get fit, I thought I was eating really well. There was a day or two when I was really busy or had some other excuse and I stopped for food, but I wrote those off as unimportant because overall I was doing good. When I looked at my bank account, I realized that I had a lot more fast food than I thought. Because my focus was on the few good things I was doing and I made excuses for the many bad things, my mind believed that I was on track. I encourage you to not only make goals, but to examine your progress on those goals in a realistic way. Spend 5 or 10 minutes focusing only on your progress towards those goals and do it often.

3rd F on Saturday after Asylum beatdown.