F3 Knoxville

Hills anyone?

THE SCENE:  25-ish


  • Merkins x 10 IC
  • Squats x 10 IC
  • High knees to speed bump and back
  • Butt kickers to speed bump and back


Mosey to Matterhorn.  3 rounds of a 5 cone suicide up the hill.  Reps of 2,4,6,8,10 at each progressive cone.

  • Round 1:  Monkey Humpers
  • Round 2:  Thrust Merkins
  • Round 3:  Plankjacks

Mosey to the Pavalon.  5 rounds of exercises.

  • Round 1:  10 pullups, 10 knee ups, 10 incline merkins.  Run to top of hill and back
  • Round 2:  8 pull ups, 8 knee ups, 8 incline merkins.  Run to top of hill and back
  • Round 3:  6 reps of each
  • Round 4:  4 Reps of each
  • Round 5:  2 reps of each

10 Burpees OYO before leaving the pavalon.  Mosey back to top of Matterhorn.

Suicide back down the Matterhorn using the same 5 cones as before.  This time run frontwards down, then Bernie Sanders back up until you’ve worked your way down the entire hill.


  • v-ups (Mayberry)
  • Peter Parker (Tweet-E)
  • Box Cutters (Sparky)
  • Fire Hydrants (Tank)
  • LBCs (Scooter)

Tank, Mayberry, Scooter, Sparky, Tweet-E, Bartman





1st Official OTB Ruck Workout at B.B.

Cold. Clear. 30 degrees.

Explained the format of these workouts moving forward. 100% of these will be used for event prep.

  1. Dress as you would for an event. Test out your clothing that you want to wear (i.e. will these baselayers and a small windbreaker keep me warm during the event?, should I try out these new shoes?). Recommended to never wear shorts. Low crawls will occur on the reg.
  2. Pack like you would for an event. Should contain, at a minimum: reflectors, headlamp, 30# weight, full water bladder, ID (don’t worry about quitter’s cash :)) Pack extra weight than you usually do. The worst thing about training with only 30# weight is discovering that your ruck weighs ~48# at the start of an event.
  3. Sandbags and coupons will be present at EVERY workout. You can crush all the ruck PT and cardio that you want, but if you can’t carry heavy shit for long distances, you’re going to have a bad time at an event.
  4. Workouts will sometime consist of only carrying coupons for the entire duration of the workout. Other times there will be shorter distances covered with more sandbag and ruck PT.
  5. This is not an F3 workout. So instead of circling up like an F3 workout, we will line up in ranks & columns like the administrative phase of an event. The QIC will “inspect” rucks for minimum items listed above. This will get you used to unpacking and packing in a hurry. We may do some “dump it” and “pack it” days with time hacks.
  6. Like the Tough page, to Q one of these workouts, you will first have to have completed a Tough or higher event. Light only doesn’t count.

BAC x10 IC
SSH x15 IC
Squat x10 IC
Merkins x10 OYO

Coupons in tow: 80# sandbag, 60# sandbag

Ruck to the soccer fields and onto the turf. All workouts below with rucks on.

Phase 1:
Line up along the end line with sandbags. Partner up. Pick your poison (80# or 60#).
Partner A: Clean, squat, toss sandbag in front of you. Repeat & continue until end of penalty box (18 yds). Shoulder sandbag and run it back
Partner B: 5 Merkins, 10 Ruck Presses, 15 Front Squats R&R until partner returns
2 sets each

Phase 2:
Daisy chain 80# & 60# bags together.
2 people: bear crawl drag sandbag for 12 yards. Front carry it back
remaining team: 10 flutter kicks, 5 get ups (ruck in front). R&R until group returns
Swap out and repeat until every person completes the bear crawl twice

2 sets of Front, Back, Go for 45 seconds.

Phase 3:
Sandbags still daisy chained
2 people: low crawl drag for 12 yards. Farmer carry back
remaining team: 10 squats, 10 merkins. R&R until group returns
Swap out and repeat until every person completes the low crawl twice

1 set of Front, Back, Go

Phase 4:
Circle up. Sandbags are with random PAX.
Burpee, clean & shoulder the sandbag, toss it clockwise to the next person
Repeat until each person tossed the 80# 6 times

5- 8ct bodybuilders

Phase 5:
Partner Up. 3 people on the 80#. 2 people on the 60#
Burpee, curl, clean, squat, toss to next person
Repeat until each person performs 10 reps

PAX head back to AO

5- 8ct bodybuilders

Partners Make You Better

THE SCENE: 30 degrees and clear skies! Great morning for a workout!

SSH (IC) x 15, Moroccan Night Clubs (IC) x 10, Windmill (IC) x 10, Cherry Pickers (IC) x 10, Flutter Kicks (IC) x 10, Hand Release Merkins (OYO) x 10


Mosey to center of campus and partner up.  Starting with Dora 1-2-3 with 100 – Derkins, 200 – LBCs and 300 – Squats.  PAX not performing exercise will make 1 lap around the circle and trade with partner on return.  When your group is finished go into a plank or People’s Chair on the wall until all groups finished.

People’s Chair as a group for 1 minute after everyone is finished

More Partner Fun (All sets will be done by each PAX 3 times)

20 Incline Merkins with other partner doing Big Boys until Merkins are finished

20 Dips with other partner doing Flutter Kicks until Dips are finished

20 Shoulder Taps with other partner doing LBCs until Shoulder Taps are finished

5 Burpees with other partner holding a plank until Burpees are finished

When your group is finished go into a plank, Al Gore or People’s Chair on the wall until all groups finished.

Mosey back towards AO


Imperial Walkers (IC) x 10, Tempo Squats (IC) x 10, Freddie Mercury’s (IC) x 10

16 HIMs got after this morning! Bonus points to the 6 PreRuckers Vagabond, Doubtfire, Spotter, Erector and Judge Judy!
There are obstacles/issues in life that you may not be able to face alone.  In my circumstance, I had a major weight issue.  I am not nor have I ever been a small guy.  However, about 9 years ago I got up to 335 lbs.  Being 6’ tall, I was severely overweight and at 25 headed down a bad path.  With the support of my wife, I was able to lose 100 lbs over about 2 years.  She kept me motivated to work out, meal planned and meal prepped for me.  Without her, I would never been able to get where I am today.  We all faces issues/demons in our lives.  Don’t be afraid to ask for help whether it is from your spouse, family, friends or your F3 brothers.


Hardship Hill registration is live now

The Farmers Track meet

THE SCENE: Cold , clear and dry

Run to get warm to the outhouse and back. SSH, merkins

Farmer walks with two CMUs
American Kettle bell swings
Merkins on CMU
Get ups with small KB
Sandbag 40lb THROW OVERS
Sandbag squats 60lbs
LBCs holding 35lb plate
Jump rope
Medicine ball press and catch
35lb tricep squats
Switch exercises once the farmer carry gets back. Then take one lap around circle to next exercise. Repeat

Flutter kicks x30, LBCs


10 PAX.


“Obsessed is what the lazy call the dedicated.”
Have someone think you are obsessed with getting better. Not just at workouts, but at everything. Work, being a better father, son, brother, person. Be obsessed with helping others and serving God.

Good work and mumble-chatter this morning. The gas from the pax (Scooter) was much more tolerable than yesterday. The pax was jealous of my activity slacks (khakis).
Mend house workout tonight

Jackmuda Benchgunner 8 Count

THE SCENE: 24 degrees and clear

7 enjoyed good livin before workout (2.5 mile ruck)

SSH x 30 IC

4×4 x 10 IC

Over Head Clap x 30 IC

8 Ct Body Builders x 5

Black Jack: 1:20 exercise BBS:Merkin. Complete 1 BBS, run to cone (30 yds), do 20 merkin. Count up BBS to 20 and count down the merkin to 1.

Bench Work: 4 stations of 2 exercises all 15 reps.

  1. Step up and bench dips
  2. Bulgarian Split Squat and wide merkin
  3. Side step up and decline CDD
  4. Box Jump and “reglar” merkin

Bearmuda Triangle: Three cones equally spaced (approx 20 yards)

Cone 1 = one burpee, bear crawl to Cone 2 = two burpee, bear crawl to Cone 3 = three burpee. Complete three rounds.

Gunners: 10 American Hammers, 10 Jump Squat then sprint 50 yards.

8 count body builders x 10 IC

As we approach Christmas remember that it is not a “story”. It is literal. God came to earth. His Glory was revealed to the shepherds. Angels, stars, Kings, Joseph, Mary. All literal. Not just a sweet story.