F3 Knoxville

Ice Melt

THE SCENE: Cloudy, snow flurries, 24 degrees

Arm Circles x 10 ED

5 Burpee OYO

Tempo Squat x 10 IC

SSH x 30 IC

Tempo Merkin x 20 IC
Mosey to big lot

Shoulder Blasters:

  1. Arms from hips to over head in front = 30 reps (10 reps with thumbs pointed down, 10 x thumbs in, 10x thumbs up)
  2. Arms out to side to front = 30 reps (same deal with thumbs)
  3. Arms from hips to overhead on side = 30 reps
  4. Over head press = 10 reps

The Cooper (10:1 exercise): At start Burpees, squats, merkins. Lap around outside of big lot. Then 9 reps, lap, 8 reps, lap, etc.

Partner Up

Tammy Wynette:

  • P1 starts with merkin (set of 10) and P2 starts with Squats (set of 10). After 10 completed swap and continue in reps of 10 until each exercise equals 100 reps.

Mosey back to AO

4x4s Until Q says stop

Rugby Hops across lot (length wise)

Wolverine merkin until Q says stop

Bernie back and forth on lot

High Knees back to start

Flutters x 30 IC
WWII Sit-ups x 20
Hello Dolly x 20

Prayer requests/prayer

Switchgrass is starting small group study next Wednesday (1/17/18) at 6p. DM him for additional information.


THE SCENE: Just 30, but with the breeze it feels colder than some of those single digit mornings the last couple of weeks.  Nice coat of snow on the grass, but the pavement’s all dry.

SSH x20 IC
Warmup lap around the parking lot
TN Rocking Chairs x20 IC
Tempo Squat x15 IC
LBAC x15 IC fwd and back
One more warmup lap
Monkey Humpers x15 IC
Snot Blowers OYO


Five 50/50s on all the beautiful snow-covered turf fields of the luxurious Truck Stop. And one parking lot.

50/50s: Sprint 50 yards, do 50 reps (25 of each exercise), sprint 50 yards, do 50 reps

Mosey over the bridge (carefully… It’s covered with snow but not really slippery) to the lot beside the Watt Road field for
50/50s: Pickle Pounders/Gas Pumps

Mosey back around to the soccer field nearest the AO for
50/50s: Carolina Dry Docks/Ice Skaters

Back to the parking lot for
50/50s: Big Boys/Dips

To the upper field (15 impromptu body weight rows at the new outhouse along the way) for
50/50s: Merkins/Squats

Watt Road field for
50/50s: 4-ct SSH, 4-ct Imperial Walkers

Final mosey around the park to pick up the Weinke pieces, back to the AO for some Roll Your Own with the exercise D12.
2 rolls for everyone, to the best of my memory, it went something like:
-20 Iron Mikes
-15 Crab Walk Toe Touches
-10 Squat Jumps
-15 Burpees
-15 Star Jacks
-1 minute Jump Ropes
-15 Merkins
-15 Calf Raises
-20 Iron Mikes
-15 Burpees

15s Star Gazers after that last set of burpees…
Roll over for 15 Side Crunch IC both sides
A little bit of Protractors
25x LBC IC
AMRAP Merkins for the last minute!
5 HIMs this morning, no FNGs
I recently got the opportunity to get some constructive feedback that brought about a bit of an internal struggle for me between my ego and my rational mind. My ego wanted to go straight to being defensive or make justification/excuses for what needed improvement, but that is totally the wrong reaction. I had to take a step back mentally and make the decision to flush that ego down the toilet and open up to that feedback. Without that, I can’t improve. We’re all here in this relationship as HIMs and in our daily lives to help one another get better… Be careful not to let your ego get in the way of that process.
PAX moved fast in the cold today. Blew right through the 50/50s. Great to have Tank show up at Coffeeteria!
Alcoa CSAUP Feb 24!

The Magnificent Seven

THE SCENE: Cold, some snow on ground and a small amount of icy patches on trails

Run twice around parking lot, Old Man Curly the Lash In Place Run with Burpees, Slow Timed Squats, Cherry Pickers.

Mosey to Parking Lot Next to Serpentine Sidewalk.  Run around parking lot stopping to perform the following exercises at each cone:

  • Cone 1:  20 Jump Squats
  • Cone 2:  20 Big Boys
  • Cone 3:  20 Shoulder Taps, each shoulder
  • Cone 4:  20 Imperial Walkers, each leg
  • Cone 5:  20 Smurf Jacks
  • Cone 6:  20 Merkins
  • Rinse and Repeat

Mosey to Outdoor Chapel.  Find partner.  While Partner 1 runs around chapel (on the sidewalk), Partner 2 will do one of two exercises:  Decline Merkins with feet on stage.  Box Cutters on non-stage end of chapel.  Then partners switch and Partner 1 does one of the two exercises.  The partners switch and Partner 2 does the exercise he didn’t do the first time.  Then partners switch and Partner 1 does that exercise.  Rinse and repeat.

Mosey to Serpentine Sidewalk.  Bear Crawl to first light, run next four lights.  Bear Crawl to sixth light, run next four lights.  Continue to do this in increments of five lights until you reach the end of the sidewalk where it hits the perimeter trail.  Then run back to starting place, sweeping those who haven’t finished yet with you back to start.  Do the same thing but with hops instead of bear crawls.  Finally, do the same thing but with lunges.  End at the perimeter trail this time and do baby crunches until everyone has finished.

Mosey to Cardiac Hill.  Do 20 Hello Dollies at start of Cardiac Hill.  Do 20 Bicycle Kicks at First Turn.  Do 20 Carolina Dry Docks at Second Turn.  Do 20 Bench Raises at Top.

Mosey to AO.

20 American Hammers.  20 Pickle Pounders.  Boat, Canoe.


Seven men, no FNG’s.
Many people tend to gripe.  For example, many will gripe about the weather today (too cold, hate the snow, not enough snow).  Two bible verses are important here:

Psalm 118:24 ESV / 686 helpful votes

This is the day that the Lord has made; let us rejoice and be glad in it.

Hebrews 12:28 ESV / 373 helpful votes

Therefore let us be grateful for receiving a kingdom that cannot be shaken, and thus let us offer to God acceptable worship, with reverence and awe.

We need to be grateful for what we have, for what the Lord has given us.  We need to look for miracles underneath the stones of the earth, in the whisper of the leaves, in our everyday lives.



A new Wagon Wheel

THE SCENE: One last balmy one before winter comes back. 56F and Soupy

SSH x 25 IC 4 CT
LBACs Front and Back x 10 IC 4 CT
This and That
Squats x 20 IC 4 CT
6X run across the parking lot, intensity pyramid
Each time back
10 Squats
10 Mountain Climbers 4 CT
10 Merkins
This set of 30 is our Wagon Wheel today (30WW). If ever you finish a set, rinse and repeat this wagon wheel until we’re all done or until Recover is called.


Mosey to the farther new parking lot, find a battle buddy.
One man performs our wagon wheel set (30WW) while the other RUNS a lap (not a mosey). Each man completes 2 laps.

Slow Mosey to the playground (for Coolio), find a bench
11s: Dips and BBS
11s: Box Jumps and Derkins

Back to the AO

Battle buddies on end line for Dora:
Total reps per team:
50 Burpees
100 Squat Jumps
150 Merkins
200 LBCs

Called it just in time for 1 more hill

Sprint to the top, then 5 burpees OYO

Boat Canoe (Power T) for 1 last minute!
26 strong with morning with 1 FNG! Welcome Leaky! (Grant McMahan)

Not much mumble chatter this morning, but a lot of work got done! Shout out to BlueBird for working with me today.

And the Word:

Are you weary, or tired, or broken down, or discouraged?

2 temptations you will face:

  1. God must not be watching. Is he even aware of what’s going on?
  2. I pray and I pray, but he hasn’t lifted a finger. He must not care. Is God even good?

My problem: I think I can understand what God is doing. There are things I know to be true, and there are 10,000 other things GOD IS DOING that I’ll never see or understand.

Remember Isaiah 40:
“The Lord is the everlasting God, the Creator of the ends of the earth. He does not faint or grow weary; his understanding is unsearchable.
they shall mount up with wings like eagles;
they shall run and be weary;
they shall walk and not faint.”

TRUST GOD, he will give you rest through his WORD, his SPIRIT, and his PEOPLE.

Ribbed 66

THE SCENE: It was a balmy 49 degrees with a little mist as 18 men gather together for a BOM

Tempo squats 15X
Baby Arm circles (forward and backward) 15X
Some of these and those

Two lines and we Indian ran to the middle of the parking lot around the restaurant. We stopped at the break that runs down to the boat ramp and started with 11s. 10 Carolina Dry Docks and run to the other side of the split and do 1 Big boy sit up and rinse and repeat all the way down.

  • Ribbeds 66
    • lunges to the next light pole
      • 10 Burpees
    • Berny sanders to the next light pole
      • 10 Star Jaxs
    • Reverse Lunges to the next light pole
      • 10 Burpees
    • Sprit to the end of the parking lot
      • 10 tempo squats
  • Mosy to the AO stopping to do incline merkins 15X
    • 20-yard increments we did the following:
      • Bear Crawl to one side then 10 Big boys situps
      • Bunny hope to one side then 10 tempo squats
      • lunges to one side then 10 stare jax

Circle up

  • 10 Burpees
  • 10 Box cutters

18 men: LaZyBoy, Bartman, Butters, Scutter, Pogo, Frosty, junk, waxjob, Mayberry, sparky, detention, compost, abacus, shooter, Frenchie, ibeam, booger, ribbed.

Thank you all for your example and faithfulness. It’s been a year since I started working out with F3, its because of all you men that keep asking me where you been, that I keep coming. As I look to goals for 2018 I look to lead at f3 at least once a month.