F3 Knoxville

Burpin’ Bernie turns 3 y/o


THE SCENE: Cold, dark

  • 10-Cherry Pickers
  • 10 – Hairy Rockettes
  • 15 – lbac forward/backward
  • 15 – Tempo Merkins
  • 20 – Tempo Squats

Mosey to the large parking lot on East side of campus.

Burpin’ Bernies

The large parking lot has 10 parking rows. Starting on the West side of the parking lot, run to the first row (Level 1) and perform 1 burpee, Bernie back to the start and perform the level 1 exercise, run to the second row (Level 2) and perform 2 burpees, Bernie back to the start and perform the level 2 exercise. Complete until finished with level 10.

  1. 10 – Carolina Dry Docks
  2. 20 – Monkey Humpers
  3. 30 – Plank Dips
  4. 40 – Merkins
  5. 50 – Smurf Jacks
  6. 60 – Flutter Kicks
  7. 70 – Shoulder Taps
  8. 80 – Air Squats
  9. 90 – Freddie Mercuries
  10. 100 – Side Straddle Hops

In total there were 550 reps of the level exercises and 55 burpees. We ran 3/4 mile forwards and 3/4 mile backwards.

No time. Arrived at AO with 15 seconds to spare.

14 HIMs came out on the third anniversary of my first VQ! Love the JUCO PAX and their enthusiasm.

Don’t allow yourself to become complacent. It’s obvious that no one here is complacent with their physical self as we are all here to grow and push ourselves to the next level. It’s important that we apply that same desire to grow in all areas of our lives. Remember that the goal of F3 is not to workout, but to invigorate male leadership within the community. I hope that JUCO has done that for more men than just myself. Today marked three years to the date from my VQ. I was hesitant to step up and take the lead in a workout, but the constant encouragement (and badgering) from Judge Judy got me over the hump. Taking the lead of a group of men like those at JUCO has given me greater confidence in my ability to lead. I’ve been able to take that confidence and use it to take leadership in other areas of my life. These last three years have really pushed me to step up into more leadership positions and I’m grateful to the PAX at JUCO for that.


Love the PAX at JUCO. These men have pushed me to hold myself to a higher standard.

