F3 Knoxville

Revenge of the EMOM

THE SCENE: A bit unseasonably warm

Warm up lap to pavilion and back

Partner workout, Dora style. One partner does the work, the other runs to opposite side of grindstone and back, then switch out. 1 minute EMOM timer going the whole time. 3 burpees for whole PAX when timer goes off

  • 100 Thrusters
  • 200 Iron Mikes
  • 300 Gorilla Humpers
  • 400 mountain climbers

Rinse and repeat when done

No time
Use the TAGS on right-side to record PAX (BE SURE TO INCLUDE YOURSELF) in attendance. Be sure to select the AO in CATEGORY above TAGS and then delete these notes!
“If it is to be, it’s up to me”

Insert any personal comments, notes, devotion content, etc.
Breakfast at Drifters 12/11. Brew ruck about 12/18

It was fun.

THE SCENE: 35 degrees, feel like 33 degrees, 93% humidity Wind out of the South South East at 3 mi/h- So late fall in E.Tenn in the gloom.

Mosey around lap for workout- left out of GS heading up hill to street, right at street, mosey to second walkway right and down and around pavilion to trial, trail back to GS. We run this loop a lot, its right around .25 mile. maybe a name is needed?

Than we got our legs and arms WU up will listing to “Get Low”
Partner beatdown:

  • Each round starts with 3 wind sprints. baseline to FT line, 3pt line, half court
  • Pax A will be working on the GS Pax B will be running the loop.
  • Pax A
  • Heading from under the basket going down court. Pax Rifle carries CMU from baseline to other baseline, stopping at 5 cones along the way. Complete 20 reps of the exercises for that cones number. .
  • 1- Swings
  • 2-Curls
  • 3-Swings
  • 4-Military press
  • 5- Plank block jump over
  • If pax A finishes before B gets back Rifle carry to other end and repeat.
  • Pax B
  • Run the lap from warm up. 4 cones placed at four spots- road by play ground, by pavilion, concrete slab, bench by GS entrance. At each cone Pax did 5 Iron Burpees- Bonny Blair + Burpee.
  • Before Pax switch they complete the 3 wind sprints.

We went and picked up the 6 and mosey around stopping once for 20 Hatchers Butterfly’s and 20 Little Mermaids

I came across this quote by Charles Swindoll regarding attitude will reading The Difference Maker.

“The longer I live, the more I realize the impact of attitude on life. Attitude, to me, is more important than facts. It is more important than the past, than education, than money, than circumstances, than failures, than successes, than what other people think or say or do. It is more important than appearance, giftedness or skill. It will make or break a company…a church….a home. The remarkable thing is we have a choice every day regarding the attitude we will embrace for that day. We cannot change our past…we cannot change the fact that people will act in a certain way. We cannot change the inevitable. The only thing we can do is play on the one string we have, and that is our attitude…I am convinced that life is 10% what happens to me and 90% how I react to it. And so it is with you…we are in charge of our attitudes.”
― Charles Swindoll

I was faced yesterday with a situation where i was forced to test my ability to control my attitude,  I found out that my step son was playing Xbox while he has been grounded late at night, i got very upset when i first found out early in the morning> i have been trying to have more patience with him because i know our relationship needs positive support, however the sheer lack of respect really bothered me. Before i took him to school i had to remind myself to not let that negative situation control my attitude and how i approach the situation with him and then my day ahead.

Good to see Veep back out.
Dec 18th Brew Ruck!!

Merry Merkinmas

THE SCENE: A lovely 30 degree morning



Arm circles x10; Little Bit of This, Little Bit of That; Tempo Merkins x10; Circle of Merkins going up to 4

We went on an Elf (Indian) Run all over the AO making twelve stops on the way

  • Stop 1 – Hand Release Merkins x10
  • Stop 2 – Stagger Merkins x10 each hand
  • Stop 3 – Donkey Merkins x10
  • Stop 4 – Merkin Escalator
  • Stop 5 – Knerkin x10
  • Stop 6 – Crucible Merkin x10
  • Stop 7 – Squerkin x10
  • Stop 8 – Pattycake Merkin x10
  • Stop 9 – Incline Merkin x10
  • Stop 10 – Breakdancer Merkin x10
  • Stop 11 – Decline Merkin x10
  • Stop 12 – Merkin Jack x10

Q should have made the route a little longer so it was a long Mary.

Big Boy Sit Ups x20; Protractors; Never Cross Dolly x15; Hello Dolly x15; LBCs x20; Peter Parker x10; Overhead Claps x25; Catalina Wine Mixers x10; Tempo Squats x25

6 HIMs wished each other a Merry Merkinmas


Isaiah 9:6

“For to us a child is born, to us a son is given; and the government shall be upon his shoulder, and his name shall be called Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace.”

‭‭Keep our minds focused on Christ during this busy time of year.

Insert any personal comments, notes, devotion content, etc.
Insert information about upcoming events, 2nd or 3rd F opportunities, and any other announcements.

A Little Tryptophan Around the Track

THE SCENE: About 27, cloudy, wet from last night’s rain

Little mosey up to the track
On one end of the track there was a stack of index cards with a food or activity on each card.  If you partook of the food or activity on Thanksgiving, complete the exercise also listed on the card.  Then run a lap.  If you did not partake in the food or activity, just run a lap.  A cone was place a quarter of the way around the track.  Some exercises were to be completed to the cone.  Here are the cards we drew:

  • Seconds on dessert: up/down stairs 5x
  • Gravy: 25 V-ups
  • Rolls: 25 merkins
  • Mashed Potatoes: 25 squats
  • Turkey: lunge to cone, then run the rest of the lap
  • Took a nap: 25 WW2
  • Alcohol: 25 burpees
  • Watched Parade: bear crawl to cone, then run the rest of the lap
  • Watched football: run to the goalpost and back, then run the lap
  • Sweet Tea: 25 Catalina wine mixers

Just had time to mosey back to grindstone
Cockpit visited us again from SC!
Keeping with the theme of the workout, we are always reaping the consequences of our actions, both good an bad.  We can reap positive consequences in the future by working on our finances, having that difficult conversation with our spouse, investing time with our kids.  We know too well that we also reap negative consequences of our bad choices in the past.  If we are not careful, this can consume us.  Do not dwell on the bad choices you made in the past.  Every moment you do, you are missing an opportunity to be investing in your future.  Learn from your mistakes and move on.  Set up a system to help you keep from making the same mistake again.  Surround yourself with a great support system (like F3…wink wink) to help keep you on track and encourage you.

Butterfingers’ wife is traveling next week so he will be flying solo on the kid duty.  You can always pray for the health of my family because my kids seem to always be sick.

365 Days

THE SCENE: It was cold, like 25 cold but it’s the gloom and we love it

Indian run to base of Spaghetti Hill. Q started the run, once he got back to front pax do 3 squats, 6 merkins, 5 mountain climbers. Keep the run going to we got to the base. Think we did 3- 4 times.

modified Columbian Necktie- instead burpees we did Iron Rockets ( 2ct Bonny Blair + squat Jump)

20 cones heading up the hill. Run to last cone and head back to start. Complete 20 Iron Rockets. Head back up hill to cone 19. Repeat till your done.
Cones 15,10,5 are burpees instead of Iron Rockets

The hill is no joke and the Iron Rockets made it that much more fun.


no time

Paw Patrol from F3 Alliance in Fort Worth was DR today
Today marks one year with F3. I was lost before I joined. I am truly a changed man today because of F3 and then men I have met in the gloom. I’m so thankful for the men that started this group so guys like me that did not know we needed F3 could find it. I’m also thankful for the men that keep grinding to keep it going so the next man out there that finds F3 can experience the same change to their lives. I’m a better man, husband, father, son, and leader today because of F3.
Just happy to be part of an amazing group of men.
Thanksgiving Beatdown at the Bombshelter at 5:30 coffeteria somewhere after.