F3 Knoxville


THE SCENE: 70and humidity was still high!

Mosey to the valley of death. Some Hamstring scoops, quad stretchers, frankenstines and LBAC on the way.
Thang 1- this was kind of a Cooper but not really .

Pax started at the base of No Mercy Hill and Spaghetti Hill. Pax did 10 reps of the following exercises: Burpees, Squats and Merkins.

We then ran from the base to the top of No Mercy Hill and then down and back up Spaghetti hill to the next check point and then back to the valley. Repeat for time

Total distance of the run was about .30 miles. Goal was to complete 10 rounds. Most pax got about 4 -5 rounds done. Q called an autoball and told the pax to cut reps down to the corresponding reps for rounds if this had been a ladder i.e if you were on round 4 you started round 4 with 6 reps of all exercises and then moved to 5,4,3,2,1.

Pinniocio and Q decided that a weighed vest was a good idea. While we got that butt kick we also realized we need to give Walt one or a restrictor plate!

We went about 30 min then headed back to the AO. One the way back we had a stretch of road with lots of light post. Pax Bernie from one light post to the next than switched back to run and back and forth for the stretch of road. A wagon wheel was needed because Walt again was blowing us all away.

When we got to the AO we started to do two walking lunge’s ( one on each leg) and a squat till the Q told the pax to finish with a run into the grindstone

No time for Mary

The world is shifting, we can see it and based on historical or biblically context we are seeing a changing world. In times of change strong virtuous leaders are born. Regardless of what you think of the direction of the world its clear that virtuous men will be needed to stand up and lead. Ask yourself what is that line for you? What will you be willing to make sacrifices for? Leaders don’t put their head down, they don’t take a knee and they don’t shy away from challenges.
Q saw his daughters BF driving by us and heading away from Q’s house ( were were around the corner from my house). Never during a beatdown did i think i was going to have to think why my daughters BF was leaving my house! i think its time to bring him out to the PAX!
Build Party on Tuesday for HHH> Location will be at Butterfingers place.  Please be ready to donate time and money to help.

Three for Wednesday!

THE SCENE: 69 Degrees and  Clear

Little Baby Arm Circles, Toe Touch Sweeps, Wind Mill, SSH’s

Tabata Warm Up:

  • 1 Round / 6 Cycles / 45 Seconds on 15 Seconds Off
  • Mtn Climber, Lunge Left Leg, Lunge Right Leg,  Jackknife Crunches, Burpee, Peter Parker
  • Run Loop


(A,B,A,B) Then Run Loop

  • Set 1: 20 Peter Parker, 10 Turkish Getups
  • Set 2: 20 Lunge Single Leg, 10 Burpee
  • Set 3: 20 Mtn Climbers, 20 Jackknife Crunches

Rinse and Repeat  ( We made Through 5 Sets)

15 4ct Flutter Kicks, 10 4ct Glute Bridge March, 10 4ct Pick Pounder, 10 4ct Flutter Kicks, LBC’s 30 seconds
Butterfingers, Pinocchio, Smuggler

12 Rules for Life – Jordan Peterson (Summary)

  1. Fix your posture
  2. Care for yourself the way you care for others
  3. Stick with people who want the best for you
  4. Improve your own game instead of playing others’
  5. Teach your children to abide by society’s rules
  6. Get your house in order before criticizing others
  7. Focus on a higher purpose, not instant gratification
  8. Find & live your personal truth
  9. Learn to be a good listener
  10. Define your problem precisely to make it manageable
  11. Accept that inequality exists
  12. Take time to appreciate the good things in life


Inspiration 4 Launch tonight @ 8pm est


Card Roulette

THE SCENE: 65 and a bit humid

-Side Straddle Hop

-Good Mornings


-Cherry Pickers

-Mosey a lap to the pavilion

Card PT: 1-10 complete that number of reps, suit determines movement. Aces are 11 reps

  • Hearts= Blockees
  • Diamonds= Thrusters
  • Clubs= 2 counts CMU American Hammers
  • Spades= 4 Count bent rows
  • Kings= Bear Crawl around court
  • Queen= Lap around pavilion
  • Jacks= Overhead CMU Suicide
  • Jokers= Burpee Broad Jump across grindstone

No time for Mary, flipped cards until time expired
12 PAX and a 2.0
Had a rough morning forgetting my CMU and the Shovel Flag. Confessing my lack of preparation, I shared the lessons learned from this morning. Success is where Preparation and Opportunity meet. Also, said my “see you later” to these brothers
Insert any personal comments, notes, devotion content, etc.
Work continues to gather material and build the obstacles for HH. Need all hands-on-deck to get these obstacles finished and then assembled for the race.

Bears & Bunnies in the Church Back Yard

THE SCENE: Upper 50s believe it or not. Perfect temperature for a bear-bunny beat down!  The grass was really wet.

Side shuttle hops, cherry pickers, windmills, 2 laps around the basketball courts.
Lugged our CMUs all the way across the road to the bottom of the hill in the church back yard.

  • 15 CMU Curls
  • Murder Bunny up the hill to the cone
  • 15 incline merkins using CMU
  • Resurrection Bunny back down the hill to the cone
  • 15 decline merkins using CMU
  • Bear crawl up the hill pulling CMU with
  • 15 CMU crunches
  • Crawl Bear down hill pulling CMU with
  • Repeat until recover

Little baby arm circles, Freddie Mercuries, World War I until time

My family recently recovered from Covid and were fortunate to have mild symptoms.  I did lose my taste completely for over a week.  Before I got Covid, I heard about this symptom and didn’t think too much of it because I’ve lost my taste and smell when I’ve been sick with sinus issues before.  This was a different experience.  I felt completely normal but could taste or smell even a hint.  I even tested by drinking straight lemon juice and the ultimate test, white vinegar.  I also made my wife try them (she still had her taste/smell) for kicks.  After a week I really started missing the taste of food and was ready for it to return, although I was super grateful this was my worst symptom.  Reflecting on the experience during the time made me think about how many other things we take for granted in our every day lives that we would miss dearly if taken away from us.  Covid has take so much from so many people!  Don’t wait until you lose things to reflect on how much you cherish them.  Take time to be grateful for what you have and thank God for blessing you with those things and especially for giving us the sense of taste!

Pray for Avocado as he travels to Egypt next Wed.


Keep it Simple Stupid

(Keep it Simple Stupid)

Set Up:
You need 400m measured that starts and ends at same spot.
All work will be performed at that spot.

Total time to complete the workout below.

The time begins with the start of the first 400m run and ends at the conclusion of the 800m run.  (See *** below)



Run 400m
100 merkins
Run 400m
90 squats
Run 400m
80 merkins
Run 400m
70 squats
Run 400m
60 merkins
Run 400m
50 squats
Run 400m
40 merkins
Run 400m
30 squats
Run 400m
20 merkins
Run 400m
10 squats
***Run 800m***


Total work is 3 miles of running, 300 merkins, and 250 squats.

Exercise Standards:
*Run – Run as fast as you can. One ice cream New Balance in front of the other.
*Merkin –  Body in straight line at all times.  Chest to ground, arms fully extended at top.
*Squat – Weight on heels.  Squats need to be parallel or below.  Chest facing forward.  Clear hips at the top (stand straight up).  No hands on knees.