F3 Knoxville



Keep it Simple Stupid

(Keep it Simple Stupid)

Set Up:
You need 400m measured that starts and ends at same spot.
All work will be performed at that spot.

Total time to complete the workout below.

The time begins with the start of the first 400m run and ends at the conclusion of the 800m run.  (See *** below)



Run 400m
100 merkins
Run 400m
90 squats
Run 400m
80 merkins
Run 400m
70 squats
Run 400m
60 merkins
Run 400m
50 squats
Run 400m
40 merkins
Run 400m
30 squats
Run 400m
20 merkins
Run 400m
10 squats
***Run 800m***


Total work is 3 miles of running, 300 merkins, and 250 squats.

Exercise Standards:
*Run – Run as fast as you can. One ice cream New Balance in front of the other.
*Merkin –  Body in straight line at all times.  Chest to ground, arms fully extended at top.
*Squat – Weight on heels.  Squats need to be parallel or below.  Chest facing forward.  Clear hips at the top (stand straight up).  No hands on knees.