F3 Knoxville


THE SCENE: Chilly with a little drizzle

Just a quick 10 SSH cause Moses had to start the mumblechatter right off the bat
Jog over to the track to do an opposite version of the seabiscuit.

The 3 exercises were Merkins, Flutter Kicks (2ct), and Squats. Instead of increasing the number of laps to run between each round of exercises… you keep the lap the same but increase the number of reps

  • Round 1 – 10 merkins, 20 flutter kicks (2ct), 30 Squats —-> Run a lap
  • Round 2 – 20 merkins, 30 flutter kicks (2ct), 40 Squats —-> Run a lap
  • Round 3 – 30 merkins, 40 flutter kicks (2ct), 50 Squats —-> Run a lap
  • Round 4 – 40 merkins, 50 flutter kicks (2ct), 60 Squats —-> Run a lap
  • Then work your way back down for the rest of the rounds


  • Hello Dolly x15 IC
  • V-ups x15 IC
  • Situps x15 OYO
  • Protractors

“True humility is not thinking less of yourself; it is thinking of yourself less”
Don’t be that guy that hoards gas!

Teamwork = Dreamwork

THE SCENE: 63 degrees, slightly windy, damp ground but no rain

Tabata- 5 Min – 45 sec on 15 sec rest

  • Bear crawl left
  • Bear crawl right
  • Angel grinders
  • bear crawl left
  • bear crawl right

Thang  1- pax paired up. timed- 15 min

Pax A’s lined up along back side of pavilion, a little under arms length apart to create a little more of a reach  one CMU for the pax to pass along. Wall squat while doing one OH press with CMU and and hand off the CMU to the pax on your left until CMU gets to end of the line. pax at the front of the line does jump squats after the hand off to pax on their left while the CMU moves down the line, when it gets to the end move it back handing off to the right. Pax at the end of the line moves to the front once CMU makes it back to the front, line shifts down each time.

Pax B’s completed an Indian Run while carrying Q’s ruck sack around medium loop around park.

Switch groups when pax b returns from run

We got three rounds in during the time.

Thang 2- Murder circuit- timed 20 min

Pair up- Pax A is doing Murder Kings ( CMU frog jump with a Lino King’ess front lift of the CMU over head and back down to the ground, jumping feet towards CMU. )  from cone to cone, around a 30 feet and back to start. We used one of the baby humps, there was a slight incline which added a nice little extra element that we may not feel till later.

Pax B is doing continues circuit of – 5 Split legs jumps 2ct ( modify with split squat ) , 10 American Hammers 2ct, 10 Alt Superman’s 2Ct- repeat till your partner finishes the murder kings

pax switch once pax A gets back to start. start at the top of circuit not where partner stopped at.

Tabata- 4 min was prescribed, we ended up with like 2 1/2 min after explanation. 30 sec on 10 sec off

  • BBS
  • Peter Parkers
  • Leg Raises
  • 100’s
  • Heels to heaven ( time was called before we got here)


You cant out King your Queen- The first F is simple fitness, but its not just working out, in fact most of us cant just work out but we also need to understand what we are putting into our bodies. There was a time in the past 15 years of my life where i weighed 300 pounds. i was lazy and did not care what i put into my body. its important that we understand that setting up guiderails for ourselves to know what we can eat and still improve our fitness is a key part of being a HIM.

YHC read a small piece from Q Source, i encourage everyone to check it out and think about how your treating your Queen.

Swerve’s son is having oral surgery today, keep him in your prayers. YHC’s M has a job interview for a promotion on Tuesday, KEEP HER IN YOUR PARYERS.
Evening PT at the Arsenal 7Pm Tuesday.


THE SCENE: Brisk morning at the Arsenal

2 part workout  started with 11s from the basketball baseline to the sidewalk at the top of the AO with T merkins and BBS. Second part was a mosey on the greenway, stopping at every 4th light post for pt

  • 10 burpees
  • 20 4 count flutter kicks
  • 30 squats
  • 40 shoulder taps
  • 50 calf raises.

repeated on way back to AO

Dealers choice of abs
6 including a 2.0, Webelo
The 4 minute mile was considered impossible until Roger Bannister ran it in 3:59.4. That record only lasted for 6 weeks before someone broke it. Sometimes impossible is an artificial barrier. Once broken, progress can be made
Insert any personal comments, notes, devotion content, etc.
Insert information about upcoming events, 2nd or 3rd F opportunities, and any other announcements.

Track Star

THE SCENE: 66 but the rain held off so always a good day.

Mosey to the Oval Office, took a little detor to the right of the Oval Office along side Montvale Station, Bernie up the sidewalk to the track.

Hamstring scoops and walking quad stretch to get the legs ready.

  • Totem poll – kind of
  • Ppax starts at the first cone, 6 cones around the track, each has a different exercises and increasing reps
  • 10- Smurpee- half burpee ( Thruster to stand, no merkin or jump)
  • 20 V Ups
  • 30- Apollo Ono’s- 2ct
  • 40- T Merkins- 1ct
  • 50- Hello Dolly’s
  • 60- Split Squat Jumps

After you finish with the first cone ( 10) run around track back to first cone. Then complete exercises at first cone, lunge to the second cone, complete exercises and run around track back to first cone. Continue around the track lunging in-between each cone, always running back to the first cone after you finish reps at the last cone for that round. .

Q decided to pull an switch with 5 min left and changed the lunges to Bernie’s in-between cones.

If you make it all the way around and finish the 6th cone, reverse the totem poll. Start at 60 complete reps, than Bernie around the track back to 60. complete reps and rev lung to 5th cone, complete same as above but using Bernie and rev lunge

Plank hold for time, dropped down into yoga hold for a 20 seconds.
“It’s not whether you got knocked down; it’s whether you get back up.”

F3 is about growling male leadership. Successful leaders live by the quote above. The road to success is often paved in failure. How will you respond to failure in life? will you quit or rise up and keep pushing?

Super proud to see the pax growing. We have a great chance to be one of the best AO’s around.
Kickball, if your interested please let Tank know.

Getting to 100 the Hard Way

THE SCENE: Mid 60’s, breezy, occasional sprinkles from the Almighty, in other words, perfect.

  • SSH x 20.
  • Tempo Squats x 20.
  • SSH x 20.
  • Overhead claps x 20.
  • SSH x 10ish.


The line is our starting point with 5 stations at each cone.  Between each cone, lunge with CMU. After station 5, run to the bridge and back, and begin at the 5th station and go backwards.  Rinse and repeat.

  • Cone 1 – Blockees x 20.
  • Cone 2 – CMU curls x 20.
  • Cone 3 – CMU thrusters x 20.
  • Cone 4 – CMU Big Boys x 20.
  • Cone 5 – CMU swing x 20.


  • CMU tempo Big boys x 10.
  • Gas pumps x 10.
  • Hello Dollys x 10
  • Pinnochio’s kneeling/peeing dog movement (I have no idea what exercise that was) X 10 (each leg).
    10 Hims and one 2.0.
  • For my 100th post, I wanted to tell you about what F3 has meant to me.  Before I started working on myself, I was 334lbs. of a sad clown.  I believe that is why the F3 phrase, “Leave no man behind and no man where you found him.”  I realized I needed to change, and I needed good men around me to do it.  This reminded me of a story about Moses in Exodus 17:8-13.  Israel was fighting against the Amalekites, and verse 12 says, “But when Moses’ hands grew weary, they took a stone and put it under him, and he sat on it, while Aaron and Hur held up his hands…so his hands were steady until the going down of the sun.”  As long as Moses’ hands were held up, Israel had victory. That is what F3 is to me.  You men have held me up, held me accountable, motivated, and kicked my tail all across the 2 AO’s where I post.  Why is this important?  It’s important because F3 is a brotherhood, and today many men are trapped in a cycle of helplessness and loneliness.  I know.  I was there.  Our culture seems to breed situations where men become isolated, sad, and disengaged from their God, their families, and each other.  I don’t want that for anyone.  So, just a reminder, F3 is a brotherhood of men that holds each other up.  Don’t live your lives thinking you have to fight alone.  My final thought on brotherhood and holding each other up comes from a man that fought in WWII.  His name was Carwood Lipton.  When he was being interviewed for the HBO special Band of Brothers, at one point he quoted from Shakespeare’s Henry the V to talk about what it mean to be in Easy company.  He said, “From this day to the ending of the world, but we in it shall be remembered, we few, we happy few, we band of brothers, For he today that sheds his blood with me, shall be my brother.”  We all come to F3 for different reasons.  We stay because we are brothers, and no one leave a brother behind.

    Pinnochio has shirts!